Development and Implementation of a Methodological Approach to
Support MDO by Means of Knowledge based Technologies
M. F. M. Hoogreef and G. La Rocca
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Kluyverweg 1, 2629HS, Delft, The Netherlands
The research started in mid-October 2013 with an
introduction into the European Community project
“iProd” (iProd Integrated Management of product
heterogeneous data - FP7 project of the European
Community, Grant agreement no. 257657). Over the
course of the first year, the research has focused on
project work and becoming accustomed to the tools
and methods of the current state of the art within
multi-disciplinary design optimization (MDO) and
knowledge engineering. Currently, an initial MDO-
advisory system is under development, coupled to an
MDO architecture design system, with the end-goal
in mind to formalize MDO knowledge to achieve au-
tomation and a lower accessibility level. This first
concept is under development together with two other
PhD candidates at the department of Flight Perfor-
mance and Propulsion, R.E.C. van Dijk and D. Steen-
Although the concept of MDO is not new at all, the
discipline is not yet fully exploited. For industrial
applications, this seems a missed chance to improve
product quality and cut design cycle time and cost.
The reasons are the currently not addressed intrinsic
complexity of MDO problems and the mathematical
background, as well as the lack in awareness and
understanding of MDO architectures. The main
purpose of this PhD research is the development
of an methodological approach, with knowledge
based technologies to support MDO, and specifically
address the two issues mentioned above. This will
include the following objectives and sub-objectives:
Objective: Development of an MDO
Knowledge Base
A knowledge base will be developed to capture,
formalize and organize dispersed knowledge
on MDO approaches and architectures, as well
as guidelines concerning the applicability of
certain MDO strategies to problems of different
nature. Excellent surveys on MDO architectures
and their performance evaluation are available
in specialized literature such as Tedford and
Martins (Tedford and Martins, 2010) and Perez
et al. (Perez et al., 2004). Other MDO system
knowledge will be obtained from the activities
carried out in the iProd project.
Sub-objective: Development of an MDO
Dedicated Ontology
Storing and structuring this type of knowledge
will require the investigation of existing suitable
ontologies and/or the development of an ontology
dedicated to MDO. This will build on the work
currently being finalized by R.E.C. van Dijk (PhD
candidate) and the work within the iProd project.
A categorization approach of different MDO
architectures, as well as solving algorithms, exists
in literature and will provide a suitable starting
Objective: Development of an MDO Advisory
An MDO advisory system will be developed
to enable the user i.e. an engineer who is not
necessarily an MDO expert to describe the
problem at hand, specify a number of selection
criteria (accuracy, speed, etc.) and obtain in
return (based on the knowledge stored in the
knowledge base) a ranked list of suitable MDO
architectures, with (links to) relative documenta-
tion, and a template to support its implementation.
Sub-objective: Implementation of Interactive
MDO Architecture Design
The MDO advisory system will also provide
some interactive design capabilities of MDO
architectures, allowing the user to define in an
intuitive and interactive way his own MDO
F. M. Hoogreef M. and La Rocca G. (2013).
Development and Implementation of a Methodological Approach to Support MDO by Means of Knowledge based Technologies.
In Doctoral Consortium, pages 3-9
strategy, either from scratch or based on available
templates (MDO architecture meta-model).
Objective: Develop MDO Work-flow
Instantiations for Assembled MDO
Finally, capabilities will be developed to trans-
late (hence automate all the software intensive op-
erations) the selected or assembled MDO archi-
tecture, into an MDO work-flow instantiation by
means of a commercial work-flow management
system such as, for example, Optimus by Noesis
or the open source framework RCE, developed by
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization can provide
designers with the methods to further improve the
performance of already mature solutions, and to sup-
port the exploration of innovative complex engineer-
ing products. The best design of a complex system
can only be found when the interactions between the
systems disciplines are fully considered (Tedford and
Martins, 2010). MDO provides the structured ap-
proach and the mathematical formulations to capture
such interactions.
Although the very first MDO implementations
have been presented about 50 years ago, at date, the
discipline is not yet fully exploited at industrial level,
apart from limited application (Agte et al., 2010).
This seems a missed chance to improve product qual-
ity and cut design cycle time and cost. Some of the
reasons for the limited exploitation of MDO in indus-
try (in contrast with the growing interest and body
of knowledge being developed in academia) can be
found in the following:
1. Lack of adequately flexible, accurate and robust
parametric models to support MDO using high-
fidelity simulations.
2. Limited availability of computation resources to
solve complex problems of industrial interest.
3. Intrinsic complexity of the MDO discipline and
its mathematical foundations.
4. Lack in awareness and understanding of the many
available MDO architectures and their specific
suitability to problems of different nature.
Advances in knowledge-based parametric CAD
(Computer Aided Design) modeling, e.g. KBE
(Knowledge Based Engineering) applications
(La Rocca, 2012), and robust pre-processing tools to
support high-fidelity analysis seem to successfully
address the first issue. This PhD research will demon-
strate the benefit of deploying KBE applications to
support some knowledge intensive engineering
process, as defined in the EC project iProd.
3.1 Flexible Problem Formulation
In multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO), the
problem definition is considered fixed. I.e. the prob-
lem formulation in terms of the number of design
variables is not flexible. However, in true engineer-
ing design optimization problems, the engineer con-
tinuously varies the product model, thereby also al-
tering the mathematical problem description. Agte, et
al. (Agte et al., 2010) presented an assessment and
the direction for advancement of MDO in their pa-
per summarizing the 2006 European U.S. Multidisci-
plinary Optimization Colloquium in G
ottingen, Ger-
many. While discussing vertical growth of MDO, de-
scribed by the authors as treading new grounds, the is-
sue of implementing creativity, cognition and flexibil-
ity to MDO is raised. Not only allowing for require-
ments to change over time, but also the possibility of
adding design variables, and thereby adding new di-
mensions to the design space, is considered an im-
portant, though difficult direction for future research.
As Agte, et al. (Agte et al., 2010) note: Generaliza-
tion of the very concept of the design space to enable
qualitative transformation of that space by adding, re-
fining, and removing design variables simultaneously
with the numerical search would simulate what to a
competent designer comes naturally and apparently is
one of the intrinsic capabilities of the human mind.
In other words, allowing the optimization to adapt the
problem formulation and design variables itself will
mimic the way the human mind works when solving
design problems. For optimization, e.g. using a ge-
netic algorithm, this would mean that every iteration,
or design mutation, has to consider a redefinition of
the design space and at the same time let the math-
ematical model of the optimization manifest this re-
definition (Agte et al., 2010). These topology varia-
tions have an influence on the optimization problem,
and have to be taken into account. Implying specific
knowledge of the mathematical problem formulation
and its attributes of the problem at hand. A feat that is
not necessarily applicable to engineering optimization
problems, which are often complex, highly non-linear
and may involve changes in the problem definition.
Flexible problem formulation in MDO is also ad-
dressed by Welle, et al. (Welle et al., 2012) who
claim that no current MDO literature addresses flex-
ible problem formulation. Though focusing on Ar-
chitecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC), the
intrinsic problem is similar for any discipline. Welle,
et al. (Welle et al., 2012) achieve to link the prod-
uct model to the CAD model, allowing changes to be
made to the attributes of the product model. Their
example relates to the design of a building with 4
walls and 10 windows per wall, changing attributes
of either one window or the windows on one side of
the building or all windows individually. As Welle,
et al. (Welle et al., 2012) indicate; design deci-
sions are made upstream of any analysis modules,
requiring flexible problem formulation in terms of
the product model, in contrast to conventional MDO
where flexible problem formulation relates to flexi-
bility in problem formulation construction in terms of
the ability to employ various optimization algorithms
or the sequencing of optimization algorithms. How-
ever, Welle, et al. (Welle et al., 2012) provide only
limited flexibility to the product model (and mathe-
matical problem definition), as only the attributes of
the windows can change, yet the construction of the
building remains unchanged. A fully flexible problem
formulation would also allow the building to change,
as the engineer, in his creative design phase, may con-
sider a building with either more, or fewer walls and
varying the amount of windows per wall. This re-
quires a higher level of flexibility in problem formula-
tion and dynamic definition of slaves in a master-slave
MDO set-up. I.e. slaves can exist in one branch of the
optimization, but may not exist for another branch of
the optimization.
Also Amadori et al. (Amadori et al., 2012) present
a certain form of problem flexibility their MDO prob-
lems. Their use of High Level CAD templates is sim-
ilar to the High-level Primitives as described by La
Rocca and Van Tooren (La Rocca and van Tooren,
2007). However, the implementation of flexible prob-
lem formulation for these CAD templates is lim-
ited to a first optimization where only morphological
changes are allowed and a second run where only the
topology of an optimized morphology (geometry) is
allowed to change.
3.2 Knowledge based Technologies
Implementing creativity, cognition and flexibility in
MDO, requires a flexible optimization work-flow en-
vironment that can reconsider and reformulate the de-
sign problem at hand and adapt the optimization ar-
chitecture accordingly. Referring to the aforemen-
tioned issues 3 and 4, the intrinsic complexity of
MDO and its mathematical foundation as well as the
lack in awareness and understanding of the many
available MDO architecture makes the implementa-
tion difficult. This is where a methodological ap-
proach through knowledge based technologies can
Through the formalization of MDO knowledge,
for example through a dedicated ontology, this knowl-
edge can be made available for re-use and automatic
implementation, also to engineers who are not MDO-
experts. The stored and structured knowledge can
be used to automatically implement an MDO work-
flow, according to user inputs for the problem at hand.
By also providing relevant documentation, or sources
of documentation, the accessibility level of MDO is
significantly lowered. The intrinsic complexity and
mathematical background of MDO are thus not di-
rectly exposed to anyone implementing MDO and
knowledge and understanding of all available archi-
tectures and their implementation and appropriateness
is not required.
Also the implementation of KBE applications that
automate repetitive, non-creative work and allow for
rapid design iteration can boost the use and ease
of implementation of MDO. These application also
use captured design knowledge and rationale to auto-
matically create geometric engineering designs, from
high-level geometric primitives.
The combination of knowledge based technolo-
gies and these KBE applications can lower the acces-
sibility level of MDO and increase its level of imple-
mentation in engineering product development.
4.1 Engineering Knowledge
Management and Concurrent
The engineering of complex products, such as air-
planes, automobiles or any kind of appliances is
highly knowledge intensive and requires vast amounts
of knowledge and data to be handled and managed in
a very precise way. The whole product life cycle is
built on an information model of the product with all
its aspects and related processes. Information about
the design and expertise, the know-how which resides
in the knowledge workers is combined along the engi-
neering process. The shortening timescales, widening
geographic distribution and increasing complexity of
the design task in all these aspects make the effective
management of this know-how even more important,
as observed by Wallace et al. (Wallace et al., 2005)
and Scholl et al. (Scholl et al., 2004). The Con-
current Engineering (CE) approach was proposed as
collaborative approach to support the development of
products (e.g. as described by Clarkson and Eckert
(Clarkson and Eckert, 2005)) to achieve faster, bet-
ter, cheaper products. CE emphasizes the importance
of frequent iterative interaction between traditionally
separate functional teams.
This PhD research builds on the above by access-
ing and collecting the information and design exper-
tise residing in engineering and making it available
for (automated) reuse, through a knowledge base. The
knowledge and information is formalized and stored.
4.2 Multi-Objective and
Multi-Disciplinary Design
In the design process in highly networked and interde-
pendent industrial contexts, such as the aeronautical
industry, the effective design of components and sys-
tems and processes is essential for improving prod-
ucts cost-efficiency but requires the achievement of
multiple and, often conflicting, objectives in pres-
ence of multiple and multi-criteria constraints. To ac-
complish such tasks, appropriate design optimization
strategies using effective constraint-handling tech-
niques must be carried out. In these procedures, up-
dated design rules have to be developed to optimize
product design in order to meet the more and more
increasing requirements for performance, weight, sur-
vivability and cost reduction. Presently there are sev-
eral methods to deal with such design problems. They
can be roughly summarized into two categories:
1. Trial and error methodology (often referred to
as heuristics), supported by engineering knowl-
edge based on numerical simulations and/or ex-
2. Computer-assisted optimization.
Trial and error methodology has been the standard de-
sign procedure in industry for a long time and still
is regarded as very important. This is an experi-
ence based method that is used to reduce the need
for calculations pertaining to general equipment size,
performance, or operating conditions. Heuristics are
therefore fallible and they do not guarantee an opti-
mal solution although they may be of value because
they offer time saving approximations in the prelimi-
nary design process. Examples of heuristics in aero-
nautics are almost uncountable: in particular, most
of the experimental work for product development
makes to some extent substantial use of it. On the
other hand, the multidisciplinary nature of aeronau-
tical engineering problems has led researchers to in-
vestigate formal optimization methods (i.e. featuring
a solid mathematical basis alternative to heuristics)
for the component design process. Sobieszczanski-
Sobieski and Haftka (Sobieszczanski-Sobieski and
Haftka, 1997) give a review of developments in
multidisciplinary design optimization for aerospace
problems and Giesing and Barthelemy (Giesing and
Barthelemy, 1998) provide an industrial perspective
of multidisciplinary optimization research. The com-
mon basis joining the works above is that consid-
erable effort is spent building efficient optimization
method coupled with numerical solvers (which led to
the so-called computer-assisted optimization), partic-
ularly aerodynamic and aero-elastic ones. Computer-
assisted optimization methods applied to aircraft
are mainly of two types: gradient-based and non-
gradient-based. Moreover, the theoretical approach
to multi-objective optimization is somewhat weak in
that multiple objectives are always resembled into one
objective function using arbitrary weights. To some
extend, computer-assisted optimization makes use of
KBE applications to rapidly create and vary geome-
tries according to a set of design rules. However, the
implementation of KBE applications is still limited.
This research aims at going one step further and to
develop a methodology for choosing the most appli-
cable solver, optimization architecture and algorithm
for the problem at hand. This will be done through an
MDO advisory system, that suggests an MDO strat-
egy and implementation to the engineer. Formalizing
this knowledge can make MDO more accessible.
To address the objectives stated in Section 2 and de-
velop, and implement a methodological approach to
support MDO by means of knowledge based tech-
nologies, the following top level tasks have been iden-
1. Review of the current state of art in the field
of MDO (and supporting technologies, such as
KBE, integration frameworks, etc.) and Knowl-
edge Technologies (Knowledge bases, reasoning
mechanisms, ontology engineering, etc.).
2. Definition of knowledge base(s) and ontologies to
capture MDO architectures/strategies.
3. Development of an MDO advisory system to sug-
gest suitable MDO strategies and support the def-
inition and implementation of the actual MDO
4. Verification and validation of the developed tools
and methods.
The methodology of the research requires becoming
accustomed with current tools and technologies used
in the field of MDO and knowledge technologies,
for example during the work performed in the iProd
project. The actual basis for the framework, acting as
an MDO advisory system, that is to be developed and
implemented is a knowledge base, which is structured
on an ontology and can capture MDO architectures
and MDO problem descriptions. As such, this ontol-
ogy will also be linked to an optimization ontology
which is currently being developed in iProd. Using
this semantic description for the knowledge base, a
graph-database stored in Allegro Graph, it is possible
to reason on this structured knowledge and the knowl-
edge can be easily reused and extended. The develop-
ment of such a framework consists partly of the devel-
opment of an advisory system for multidisciplinary
design optimization (MDO) that can enable the user
to specify an MDO problem, suggest optimization
strategy and algorithm and guide the user during the
implementation of the suggested approach. The MDO
advisory system that is to be developed, will enable
any user, i.e. engineers who are not necessarily MDO
experts, to describe the optimization problem and
specify certain selection criteria. These selection cri-
teria could e.g. be accuracy, speed, etcetera. In return,
the system will provide a ranked list of suitable MDO
architectures, based on the knowledge that is stored
in the knowledge base. This also requires a specifica-
tion of the mathematical problem formulation of the
optimization problem at hand. Based on mathemati-
cal specifications, e.g. the type of design variables or
the decomposition into coupled or non-coupled sub-
problems, the system will be able to return a list of
MDO architectures that are most suitable to the spe-
cific problem. In addition to the ranked list of archi-
tecture (or strategies), (links to) related documenta-
tion will be provided. After selection of an architec-
ture by the user, the advisory system will provide a
template (from the knowledge base) that supports the
implementation in simulation workflow management
software. This interaction allows the user to still in-
fluence the optimization strategy to his desire, for ex-
ample for user with more expert knowledge on MDO
that are looking for a specific implementation. The
interactive design capabilities of an MDO architec-
ture allow the user to define, in an intuitive and in-
teractive way, his own MDO strategy. This could be
from scratch of based on the availabel templates (or
MDO architecture metamodels). This “new” knowl-
edge will then be added to the knowledge base for fu-
ture use. The possibility to select a desired algorithm,
which is part of an MDO strategy, from the ones
stored in the knowledge base. The knowledge base
will be structured through a dedicated MDO ontology.
This ontology will contain the different MDO strate-
gies and algorithms, structured and linked through
the different classes, properties and restrictions. The
development of an MDO Advisory System, imple-
menting an an interactive MDO Architecture Design,
building on the knowledge bases and reasoning mech-
anisms developed within the iProd project, is focusing
on the following questions:
1. Can a methodological approach, to support MDO
by means of knowledge based technologies, help
non-MDO-experts in industry and academia in the
implementation of MDO in engineering?
2. Can this methodology reduce the number of itera-
tions and the time consumed for optimization and
improve the designs of coupled KBE applications
and analysis tools? (through workflow manage-
ment software)
3. Can the design framework lower the accessibility
level of MDO, allowing also non-experts and stu-
dents to use proper and applicable MDO architec-
tures and optimization algorithms in engineering
optimization problems?
The developed methodologies and implementa-
tions will be tested on use cases from the different
research projects, such as the Pininfarina and Fokker
Aerostructures use cases from the iProd project, in-
volving KBE applications and optimization. Valida-
tion will focus on achieving better solutions (in terms
of design objectives) for the projects in equal or less
time, or having similar solutions in the less time.
To summarize, an MDO advisory system will be
developed that is able to suggest a suitable MDO strat-
egy, based on the knowledge and rules that are col-
lected from literature and projects, such as the iProd
project. In addition, the choices made by users of
this framework will be collected and stored for future
research when implementing other MDO problems.
The advisory systems will also be able to assist in
the definition and implementation of the actual MDO
framework and, where possible refer to relevant liter-
ature and information sources during the implemen-
tation of an MDO problem. The automatic work-flow
instantiation of an assembled MDO architecture re-
lates to the latest work within the group of Flight Per-
formance and Propulsion, such as the new methodol-
ogy for the development of simulation work-flows in
the thesis of Chan (Chan, 2013).
This PhD research will deliver a knowledge base, an
MDO advisory system and an interactive MDO archi-
tecture designer system. These will enable - also non
MDO experts - to find knowledge related to MDO
system architecture, get advice on the most suitable
method for the problem at hand, get assistance in the
actual definition of a MDO architecture and finally
obtain an MDO framework implementation that is
ready for use, without the need to go through (all)
the software specific operations required to operate
the given MDO framework system (e.g. NOESIS Op-
timus). Figures 1 and 2 show the example interface
for a first prototype of an MDO architecture design
Figure 1 shows that problem definition tab, where
it is possible to specify the objective function, select
design variables from the product tree, specify con-
straints and select the desired responses. These are all
directly related to the KBE application that holds the
parametric geometrical model to be optimized. This
allows for the suggestion of e.g. design variables from
the code of the KBE application, but also gives room
to adapt the mathematical model interactively, which
may also be constructed to be reflected in the code.
The idea for this interactive approach and the vari-
ability is the flexible problem formulation. E.g. an
actuator mechanism, where not only the size of ac-
tuator arms and location of actuation points and ac-
tuators is variable, but also the number of arms and
actuation points. This means that the number of de-
sign variables is variable throughout the optimization
and also that the product tree that is shown on the left,
is variable.
Figure 1: Example interface for the first prototype architec-
ture design system, showing the problem definition tab.
Van Dijk, Steenhuizen and Hoogreef, 2013).
Figure 2 shows the architecture design tab, where
the flow through the problem architecture can be spec-
ified. Building on the problem description made in the
previous tab, where the objective function and sub-
problems of the optimization can be specified, the de-
sign variables, desired outputs and constraints can be
selected and the product structure (or topology) of the
model to analysed, an optimization strategy is sug-
gested. The user can then, interactively, relate in-
puts and outputs of the different modules (or sub-
problems) to each other, constructing a flow. This
flow can later be translated to an actual simulation
workflow in simalution workflow management soft-
Figure 2: Example interface for the first prototype architec-
ture design system, showing the architecture design tab.
Van Dijk, Steenhuizen and Hoogreef, 2013).
The knowledge base will provide the functionali-
ties to store also knowledge relative to business pro-
cess, hence it will enable engineers to leverage their
experience both in human-oriented tasks as well as in
simulation and optimization work-flows. In this case
the human-oriented tasks can provide the rationale be-
hind a certain simulation or technical work-flow im-
While the proposed approach is innovative in na-
ture and goes behind the state of the art (no MDO
advisory systems are discussed in literature), it will
leverage on the experience and demonstration tools
developed by Delft University of Technology in iProd
and other currently running research initiatives.
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