Stability-aware Cognitive Packet Network Routing Protocol for MANET

A. Alharbi, A. Aldhalaan, M. Alrodhaan



The research introduces a new Stability-Aware Cognitive Packet Routing Algorithm to provide Quality Of Service (QoS) to packets in Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) through long-lived, short delay routes. It extends the work on Ad-hoc Cognitive Packet Network (AHCPN) to adapt it to the MANET environment. It uses Smart Packets (SP) to find and maintain paths that provide specific QoS goals to each packet. Smart Packets move through the network collecting information to be able to make decisions by “learning” from the experience of previous SP’s of the same QoS goals. The routing algorithm constructs Random Neural Networks (RNN) at each node with a neuron for each output link in order to make a routing decision. The algorithm uses Computational Intelligence to make routing decisions with high probability to stable nodes in th e network. A feedback system is subsequently used based on Reinforcement Learning through Acknowledgments to update network information in RNN’s. The proposed algorithm defines a combined routing goal function that considers both the associativity of the node for stability and path delay to result in short, long-lived paths. The degree of associativity of a node is determined via low frequency periodic beacons to identify itself to its neighbors.


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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Alharbi A., Aldhalaan A. and Alrodhaan M. (2013). Stability-aware Cognitive Packet Network Routing Protocol for MANET . In Doctoral Consortium - Doctoral Consortium, (IJCCI 2013) ISBN Not Available, pages 3-7

in Bibtex Style

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title={Stability-aware Cognitive Packet Network Routing Protocol for MANET},
booktitle={Doctoral Consortium - Doctoral Consortium, (IJCCI 2013)},
isbn={Not Available},

in EndNote Style

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