Performance Indicators and their Relationship with Organizational
A Study in Brazilian Companies
Rosimeire Pimentel Gonzaga
, Antonio Thadeu Mattos da Luz
, Flávia de Araújo e Silva
and Marcos Paulo Valadares de Oliveira
Departamento de Ciências Contábies da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Fundação Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa em Contabilidade, Economia e Finanças – (FUCAPE), Vitória, ES, Brazil
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Departamento de Administração, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Campus Goiabeiras, Vitória, ES, Brazil
Keywords: Institutional Mission, Performance Indicators, Objectives, Goals, Organizational Strategies, Business
Process Management.
Abstract: The institutional mission declared by an organization can be taken as baseline for management as well as a
mechanism for communicating its objectives and organizational strategies. In a complementary fashion,
performance indicators support the evaluation of the processes aimed to execute companies specific
strategies. Thus, the present study sought, through an empirical quantitative approach, test the hypothesis of
the performance indicators used by a company is associated with the content of the mission it declares. A
sample of 85 Brazilian companies listed in BM&FBovespa’s IbrX Index was used. Data has been extracted
from the mandatory reference reports issued annually by companies and from its institutional sites. For
examination of the data, the technique of content analysis was used in order to identify the characteristics
present in the missions reported by the companies studied. Further, the logistic regression was used to test
the association between the variables studied. In the context analyzed, no evidence of association between
the characteristics of the missions reported by the companies and the performance indicators used by them
was observed in the results. The results found contradict, in part, the logic and theory of organizations
management control, especially regarding the congruence amongst the objectives that must be pursued,
including the alignment of what an organization declared as being relevant in its mission with the indicators
it uses to evaluate its performance. Finally, Business Process Management (BPM) is discussed as a
fundamental support for the definition of performance indicators in order to guarantee the alignment to the
organization’s strategic objectives.
A common goal, integrating all involved parties, is a
fundamental attribute of a system. From that
perspective, a company's mission can be seen as an
effort to formalize one or more goals that will drive
the organization towards the achievement of
established strategies. A company’s mission
apparently is of significant importance in the
organizational context, and should be able to guide
the definition of strategies and goals to be pursued,
reflecting the management’s philosophy (Rafaeli et
al., 2007).
Performance indicators are pointed out in the
literature as tools used by organizations to achieve
their goals and implement their strategy, in addition
to their mission statement (Anthony and
Govindarajan, 2008).
The unceasing pursue of their strategic objectives
led companies to pay more attention to the
improvement of their business processes. Key
business processes should be frequently monitored
and, if necessary, remodeled (Jeston and Nelis,
2008). Business Process Management, a concept
defined by the Object Management Group as a set of
techniques for continuous and iterative improvement
of an organization’s business processes, has come
into widespread use (OMG, 2010). The use of
process management can help organizations define
performance indicators more finely tuned to their
Pimentel Gonzaga R., Mattos da Luz A., de Araújo e Silva F. and Valadares de Oliveira M. (2013).
Performance Indicators and their Relationship with Organizational Strategy - A Study in Brazilian Companies .
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing, pages 559-566
DOI: 10.5220/0004655305590566
strategy, providing an accurate measurement of what
is sought after as a company’s mission.
Given that the stated mission and performance
evaluation indicators used by organizations have
complementary purposes, this paper aims to
determine whether there is an association between
the institutional mission declared by the companies
sampled for the study and their performance
indicators. The question that arises from the above
is: is there an association between the stated mission
of the company and its performance indicators?
We thus seek, in the present paper, to empirically
test the following hypothesis:
: the performance indicators used by a
company is associated with the content of the
mission it declares.
Given the multidimensional aspect,
contemporarily bestowed upon organizational
performance and hence its evaluation, the present
study contributes to research on management control
by exploring whether the sampled organizations
have become alert to a fundamental requirement in
the management control process: the essential need
for goals, in order to develop any kind of control
(Otley and Berry, 1980).
It is important that performance indicators are
periodically reviewed and adapted to a company’s
systems and actual needs. Thus, after the analysis on
the association between indicators and institutional
mission, we examine how Business Process
Management (BPM) can help define performance
indicators that are directly linked to the
organization’s strategic objectives.
This paper is comprised of five sections, the first
being this introduction. Section 2 presents the
theoretical framework of the study and a literature
review on institutional mission, performance
indicators and business process management.
Section 3 presents the methodological procedures
used in the research. Section 4 presents and
discusses the main results. Finally, in section 5 are
exposed final remarks and suggestions for future
2.1 Institutional Mission
The management of organizations is driven by their
main objective, which is in turn intimately
connected with the organization’s established
mission. Business strategies are related to the
interaction between the company and the elements
comprising their internal and external environments,
and mutate given the need to adapt the dynamics of
their activities and skills (Machado, 2005); (Porter,
2002); (Sette, 1998). The institutional mission can
be defined as a company’s central goal, the reason
behind its existence, used as guidance to goals and
strategies that express its work philosophy (Rafaeli
et al., 2007). Ackoff (1986) argues, accordingly, that
missions reported by companies must contain
measurable objectives that can differentiate a
company from others toiling in the market, inform
about its aspirations and inspire those directly or
indirectly involved with it.
To David and David (2003), nine characteristics
can be considered as key elements, and should be
pondered upon, during the establishment of missions
by companies. Some of them are: identification of
target customers; identification of the core business;
geographic specification of the market; commitment
to survival, growth and profitability; Importance of
employees; Identification of the company’s desired
public image, etc. Mullane (2002) stated that
mission or any other declarations are irrelevant if
used solely as billboards to be displayed in a
company’s. Thus, a company's mission can be used
to disclose its objectives and strategies, allowing,
through the commitment of all actors involved, that
specific goals are achieved and the desired
organizational performance is reached (Rafaeli et al.,
2007). In recent times, the mission statement has
been widely used by companies as a support to
management issues (Analoui and Karami, 2002),
thus suggesting that an association exists between
the presence of features related to an organization’s
stated mission and the performance indicators it
2.2 Performance Indicators
For Rafaeli and Müller (2007), from the moment in
which the goals and mission of a company are set
and strategies are being implemented, it is necessary
to check whether the company is following the
planned path towards mission accomplishment,
therefore requiring that a system capable of
performing such control is functioning. Performance
evaluation systems complementarily assist in
strategy implementation, also enabling the
monitoring of results (Anthony and Govindarajan,
Performance indicators seek to reflect the
philosophy and culture of organizations, while
evaluating the achievement of established strategies.
Performance indicators, to be effective, should
reflect the variations in competitiveness (Tatikonda
and Tatikonda, 1998). In this context, performance
indicators are defined from established strategies
and exert the function of performance evaluation.
Their main objective is offering subsidies to make
managers decisions converge with established goals
and strategies (Aguiar et al., 2012).
An extensive set of performance indicators may
turn out to be necessary in developing the process of
performance evaluation. The nature of such
indicators can be financial and non-financial,
strategic and operational, accounting and non-
accounting, among others (Frezatti et al., 2009);
(Kaplan and Norton, 2000).
According to Fitzgerald (2007), performance
indicators, as part of the performance appraisal
system, start from an organization’s goals and
strategies and comprise several other elements, such
as: aspects of performance that should be monitored,
considering financial and non-financial dimensions;
aspects related to goals to be achieved, considering
characteristics like degree of difficulty and
participation of everyone involved.
Globerson (1985) analyzed the relationship
between strategies and performance indicators,
emphasizing that the latter should be inferred from
the strategies and objectives of companies, and
should also possess the ability to provide feedback,
be objectively, concisely and clearly defined, and
provide clear and specific goals as well.
2.3 Business Process Management
Business Process Management (BPM) is a
methodology designed for managing an
organization’s key business processes,
contemplating the modeling of processes in order to
make them more efficient (Santos et al., 2012). The
purpose of using BPM is to obtain improvements in
corporate performance (Harmon, 2005). BPM has
come into widespread use lately, proving to be much
more than a technological tool (Jeston and Nelis,
In the present research, process is defined as a set
of activities or behaviors performed by individuals
or by machinery with the intention of achieving a
particular goal. The core activities of the BPM cycle
contemplate continuous process improvement
through planning, analysis, design, modeling,
implementation, monitoring and control (ABPMP,
The modeling of business processes also allows
for: a) commonality of understanding on how work
should be done, enabling integration, analysis and
improvements in information flow; b) explicit
knowledge of processes, thereby preserving an
organization’s know-how; c) analysis of the
organization and performance indicators, and d)
simulations to support an organization’s decision
making and management (Vernadat, 1996).
A number of critical factors merit consideration
in implementing business processes management.
The handling of proposed changes, where possible
resistance should be properly addressed, is one of
them (Jeston and Nelis, 2008). Strategic alignment,
measurement and monitoring of the remodeled
process and process automation can also be cited,
among others (SANTOS et al., 2012). BPM can also
be used to alter performance indicators in view of
the need to redefine the indicators for each process
(Sipioni, 2009). A major difficulty involved in the
strategic management process is the choice of
indicators that best reflect organizational
BPM enables an organization to change
processes by altering only graphical models,
providing greater flexibility when compared to
conventional information systems (Sipioni, 2009).
In this section we describe the methodological
procedures employed in this research. This is an
empirical study, with a quantitative approach for
treatment and analysis of collected data.
With regard to the universe studied, we sought to
investigate whether there is association between the
mission and performance indicators of 85 Brazilian
companies traded and listed, in August 2011, on the
São Paulo Stock Exchange, Commodities and
Futures Exchange (BM&FBovespa). These
companies are present in the makeup of the IbrX
index, which measures the return on a theoretical
100 stocks portfolio selected among the most
actively traded stocks, based on the number of trades
and financial value (BM&FBOVESPA, 2011). The
companies that make up the IbrX index annually
publish, in compliance with requirements of the
BM&FBovespa, a report called Reference Report, or
Referral Form, containing information ranging from
financial issues to human resources and control.
To carry out this research, part of the data
(performance indicators) was extracted from the
reference report issued annually by the companies,
as required by BM&FBovespa, and another part
(institutional mission) was collected from the
websites of the sampled companies.
The investigation followed an empirical-
quantitative approach, where we sought to determine
the association between variables. Thus, in this
particular case, the independent variables were the
performance indicators used by companies and
obtained from their reference reports. The stated
mission of the company was the addressed
dependent variable, and was extracted from the
websites of companies. In order to test the possible
association, missions collected in the websites were
categorized according to the characteristics present
in their statement.
For the outlining of features present in the stated
mission declared by Brazilian companies listed in
IBrX, content analysis technique was used (Bardin,
1977). Initially, based on the literature review, some
categories were pre-defined as guidance for the
content analysis. Thus, oriented by the work of
David and David (2003), and following also the
Rafaeli, Campagnolo and Müller (2007) reasoning,
we performed a content analysis of the missions
collected from the websites of the companies
studied, focusing in the categories set forth in Figure
M1 Identification of target customers
M2 Identification of the core business
M3 Geographic specification of the market
M4 Commitment to survival, growth and profitability
M5 Importance of employees
M6 Identification of the company’s desired public image
Source: Adapted from David and David (2003) and Rafaeli et al.
Figure 1: Pre-defined categories for content analysis.
We considered as a company’s declared mission
statement the one published in its official website.
At first, companies that published the mission in
their respective institutional websites were sorted
from those that did not. Subsequently, we analyzed
the content of the declared missions, determining
which of the pre-defined categories features
highlighted by David and David (2003) and Rafaeli,
Campagnolo and Müller (2007) were present in
them. In a second stage, data was collected
regarding performance indicators used by
companies, as disclosed in item three of their
respective public reference report. As shown in
Figure 2, we found evidences pointing to the use of
30 different indicators by companies in the sample.
I01 Net Equity I16 EBITDA
I02 Total Assets I17 Service Indicators
Net Income /
Income / Gains with
Insurance Premiums
I18 Adjusted Net Income
I04 Net Income I19 Accounts Receivable
I05 Book Value I20 Number of Branches
I06 Gross Earnings I21 Basel Index
I07 Number of Shares I22 Market Indicators
I08 Net Earnings I23 Adjusted Net Earnings
Book Value per
thousand shares
I24 Inventories
Number of Paid-in
I25 Number of Employees
Net Earnings per
thousand shares
I26 Domestic Suppliers
Net Earnings per
I27 Foreign Suppliers
Net Earnings per
common share
Investment Funds under
I14 Current Assets I29 Loans (short term)
I15 Current Liabilities I30 Loans (long term)
Figure 2: Indicators used by companies.
To verify the association between the mentioned
variables, we used the statistical technique of
logistic regression, according to the following
= β
+ β
+ ε
- Features of missions reported by the
companies, ranging from feature 1 to feature 6, as
previously described, ascribed a value of 1 for
companies presenting that particular feature in their
missions and a value of 0 for those not presenting;
- Performance indicators used by the
sampled companies, ranging from Indicator01 to
Indicator30, as described in Figure 2, ascribed a
value of 1 when a particular performance indicator is
used by the company and a value of 0 when not
Given the findings reported in the reviewed
literature on the studied subject, it is expected to find
associations between the variables, thus presenting
evidences that companies use certain performance
indicators to assess the achievement of their mission,
i.e., the achievement of established objectives and
organizational strategies. After analysis of the results
found, as a way to contribute to the management of
corporate indicators, a suggestion will be offered for
the application of the performance indicators
revision/definition process.
4.1 Association between the Stated
Mission and their Respective
Performance Evaluation Indicators
In this section we present the analysis and discussion
of the results of the present research, which was
developed with the purpose of ascertaining whether
there is an association between the institutional
mission declared by the Brazilian companies listed
in BM&FBovespa’s IbrX index and their
performance indicators.
The descriptive statistics of the sample data is
presented based on the count of companies where
certain mission characteristics or particular
performance indicator were present or not.
Initially, descriptive statistics for the analyzed
sample, regarding the dependent variables, are
shown in Table 1:
Table 1: Descriptive statistics: dependent variables.
Present Not Present Total
Count % Count % Count %
M1 09 11 76 89 85 100
M2 51 60 34 40 85 100
M3 14 16 71 84 85 100
M4 30 35 55 65 85 100
M5 11 13 74 87 85 100
M6 36 42 49 58 85 100
As characteristics of the mission, variables M2
(identification of the core business), M4
(commitment to survival, growth and profitability)
and M6 (Identification of the company’s desired
public image) stand out as the most frequent mission
features, all being present in more than 30% of the
missions stated by companies in the sample, as
shown in Table 1. Characteristics represented by
variables M1 (identification of target customers),
M3 (geographic specification of the market) and M5
(importance of employees) are less frequent, being
all present in less than 20% of the sampled missions.
Regarding the performance indicators used by
companies, I01 (Equity), I02 (Total Assets), I05
(Book Value), I06 (Gross Earnings), I07 (Number of
Shares) and I08 (Net Earnings) stand out as the most
frequent, all of these indicators being used by more
than 80% of the sampled companies.
When logistic regressions were run for each
mission characteristic, most models turned out as
non-convergent, making standard errors impossible
to calculate, and with most of the independent
variables discarded due to collinearity.
Thus, nothing can be said about the associations
between the mission characteristics and performance
indicators used by the sampled companies.
However, for mission characteristics M4, M5 and
M6 and performance indicators I03 and I04, the
results showed some variability, as presented in the
descriptive statistics above, allowing evaluation of
models involving such variables.
Results for the logistic regression using the
model depicted in equation 1 and the characteristic
M4 (commitment to survival, growth and
profitability) as dependent variable, are shown in
Table 3:
Table 3: Logistic regression statistics: Equation 1.
M4 = β
+ β
I03 + β
I04 + ε
M4 Odds Ratio Z-Statistic P-value
I03 0.000005 -0.47 0.638
I04 0.555555 -0.41 0.683
Number of obs = 85
LR chi2 = 0.23
Prob > chi2 = 0.8909
PseudoR2 = 0.0021
No evidences can be found of association
between mission features identified as commitment
to survival, growth and profitability and the
performance indicators Net Income / Financial
Intermediation Income / Gains with Insurance
Premiums or Net Income, as well as there is no
evidence that they do not occur randomly (Prob >
chi2 = 0.8909). Table 4 presents the results using
characteristic M5 (importance of employees) as
dependent variable:
Table 4: Logistic regression statistics: Equation 1.
M5 = β
+ β
I03 + β
I04 + ε
M5 Odds Ratio Z-Statistic P-value
I03 0.0384615 -1.87 0.062*
I04 0.1914894 -1.13 0.258*
Number of obs = 85
LR chi2 = 4.79
Prob > chi2 = 0.0910*
PseudoR2 = 0.0732
Where *, **, ***: statistically significant at 10%, 5% and 1% levels
The results show that there is evidence of
association between the dependent variable and
indicator I03 (Net Income / Financial Intermediation
Income / Gains with Insurance Premiums) and that it
does not occur at random, though the association is
weak (Prob > chi2 = 0.0910). Interpreting the results
in light of the odds ratios, one can observe that the
chance of finding a company that uses indicator I03
and declares the importance of employees as
characteristic of its mission, is about 0.03 times
higher than that for companies where both are not
present, but the evidence is still weak to allow any
Results using the characteristic M6
(identification of the company’s desired public
image) as dependent variable, are shown in Table 5:
Table 5: Logistic regression statistics: Equation 1.
M6 = β
+ β
I03 + β
I04 + ε
M6 Odds Ratio Z-Statistic P-value
I03 0.000008 -0.15 0.879
I04 0.696969 -0.25 0.802
Number of obs = 85
LR chi2 = 0.13
Prob > chi2 = 0.9355
PseudoR2 = 0.0012
Again, there is no observable evidence as to the
existence of association between the dependent
variable M6 (identification of the company’s desired
public image) and independent variables I03 and
I04. It is therefore impossible to establish an
association between the facts that companies
evidencing through its missions to be concerned
with identifying their desired public image use the
indicators Net Income / Financial Intermediation
Income / Gains with Insurance Premiums or Net
4.2 Revision of Performance Indicators
through BPM
Given the results in Section 4.1, it is apparently
necessary to review performance indicators currently
used by companies in order to align them with the
organizational mission.To this end, we suggest using
the model of performance indicators revision
process, developed by Sipioni (2009), which is
supported by Business Process Modeling Notation
(BPMN). It is a process founded on the BSC system
principles, capable of sustaining all the
organization's strategy. The model was developed
with the BSC vision and BPM’s methodology and
integration. The model’s step by step flow is shown
in Figure 3 (Sipioni, 2009):
Step/ Description
Step 1 - Entry: corporate strategic objectives;
Step 2 - Deployment of strategic objectives to the business unit;
Step 3 - Unfolding of strategic objectives for each macro-
process of the organization;
Step 4 - Verification: the unfolding of the strategic objectives
for each macro-process is consistent with the strategic
objectives of the business unit?
Step 5 - Unfolding of the strategic objectives of each macro-
process for each sub-process;
Step 6 - Review of performance indicators: evaluation of
strategic objectives for the sub-process, which develops new
indicators in accordance with the strategic objectives of the
Step 7 - Comparison of the developed indicators with the
existing performance indicators for each sub-process;
Step 8 - Check: the new performance indicators are in line with
the strategic objectives?
Step 9 - Output: new performance indicators defined in
accordance with the corporate strategy.
Source: adapted from Sipioni (2009).
Figure 3: Convergence of BSC and BPM systematics.
According to Sipioni (2009) the third stage in the
process is one of the most important, the critical
point of this phase being the verification of whether
managers actually understood the strategic
objectives of the business unit and whether those in
charge of each sub-process can turn these objectives
into indicators that do meet the needs of the business
unit. Macro-processes managers often design
indicators to meet their own goals and not those of
the business unit. Once the new indicators are
defined, Sipioni (2009) also proposes a process for
monitoring indicators, in order to ensure that all
indicators still in the process of definition, at all
stages, are in line with the organization’s strategic
objectives. This process consists of three steps, as
outlined in Figure 4:
Step/ Description
Step 1 - Monthly monitoring of each business unit
Step 2 - Monitoring of strategic objectives for each macro-
process of the organization, with monthly meetings held to
evaluate the results and request enhancements or modifications
to the indicator;
Step 3 - Monitoring of strategic objectives for each sub-process,
with monthly meetings held to review results and request
improvements or modification of the indicator.
Source: adapted from Sipioni (2009).
Figure 4: Monitoring process of performance indicators.
Sipioni (2009) points out that the proposed
process for revision of indicators is relatively simple
and can be performed by any area of an
organization. It is an easily operationalized process,
as already tested by the author during a case study
conducted in a Brazilian manufacturing firm.
This study aimed to check whether there is an
association between missions reported by
companies, and the indicators that such companies
use to assess their performance.
The results, after applying logistic regressions to
treat the data obtained, indicate that there is no
association between the characteristics of missions
declared by the sampled companies and the
performance indicators they use, considering those
evidenced in their reference reports. These results
suggest that firms in the sample appear not to use the
indicators stated in their reference reports as
instruments to measure the achievement of certain
goals or declared strategies. Thus, some implications
can derive from the evidences found. Companies
missions designed solely for purposes of public
disclosure may turn out as not convergent with the
indicators used to guide the achievement of desired
goals, rebutting the idea that the establishment of
missions can bring about real benefits for
organizations (Piercy and Morgan, 1994).
After analyzing the results, the use of a model
proposed by Sipioni (2009) was suggested. The
model advocates a process designed to review
performance indicators, integrating the BSC and
BPM methodologies. According to the author, the
two methods complement one another: BSC directed
to the development of strategic management and
BPM to model processes.
Even though the results in the present study
contradict the logic underlying the management
control of organizations, particularly in respect to
the congruence of objectives that should be pursued,
including ties between what an organization declares
as relevant in its mission and indicators it uses to
evaluate performance, it should be noted that this
study has some limitations that cannot be neglected,
which suggests that its results cannot be generalized.
As a first point, in methodologies involving content
analysis results could be biased by the analyst’s
assessment. Secondly, companies may use other
specific performance indicators for internal
purposes, which are not disclosed publicly,
preventing access to all performance indicators used
by companies. Moreover, results may have been
influenced by sample size and low variability,
precluding extrapolation.
It is suggested that future studies consider the
possible use of other performance indicators, in
addition to those disclosed by mandatory reports.
We also suggest the expansion of pre-defined
categories for content analysis of companies’ stated
missions, as well as the expansion of the sample.
It is also suggested that the business process
model, presented here as tool to be used in the
definition of performance indicators, can be applied
in various organizations in order to assess its real
contribution to the alignment of indicators with the
strategic objectives defined by an organization.
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