Know-Cap: A Method for Knowledge Capitalization in Software
Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal
, Paulo Cezar Stadzisz
and Elisa Hatsue M. Huzita
CPGEI, Federal Technological University of Parana, Curitiba, Paran
a, Brazil
Department of Production Engineering, State University of Maring
a, Maring
a, Paran
a, Brazil
Department of Computing, State University of Maring
a, Maring
a, Paran
a, Brazil
The research is in the design phase of the capitaliza-
tion method. At the moment the steps, activities and
guidelines for the capitalization of knowledge in Soft-
ware Engineering were defined. It is named Know-
Cap method.
The Figure 1 shows a conceptual model of the
Know-Cap method. The faces of the prism repre-
sent the source for obtain knowledge (people) and
the steps of the method (Identify, Add Value, Main-
tain and Monitor). As it can be seen in Figure 1, the
people is the base of the capitalization method. The
representation emphasizes that people is the base of
the capitalization process, since they hold, use and
generate knowledge throughout the software develop-
ment. In addition, they participate in identifying the
knowledge demands. The step Monitor acts as an in-
tegrator by allowing the monitoring of the evolution
of knowledge, by identifying its obsolescence and/or
Figure 1: Know-Cap.
Also, analyzing Figure 1 it is possible to observe
by means of two-way arrows, the Know-Cap method
is iterative. It enables to refine the artifacts and obtain
feedback in relation to the demands and the knowl-
edge development.
The proposal of Know-Cap was guided by the fol-
lowing assumptions:
Prescriptive: the method provides guidelines
for the implementation of activities, highlighting
what should be done and how. Were also de-
fined templates for the generated artifacts, en-
abling standardization and formal way to commu-
Focused on the core areas of software engi-
neering: the method highlights the conversion
of knowledge into organizational assets related
to Requirements, Design and Implementation
stages. Independence from the development
methodology: the method may be used regardless
of the approach used in the development, being it
traditional or agile. However, it is noteworthy that
the methodology influences the amount of knowl-
edge that is capitalized. For example, the artifacts
defined by templates waterfall and RUP promote
the materialization of knowledge, ie, assist in the
process of outsourcing. On the other hand, the
shorter iterations and continuous planning of agile
methods facilitate the sharing of tacit knowledge,
ie socialization.
Independence of company size: the method can
be adopted by companies of any size, regardless
of project or team size.
For Know-Cap adoption should be considered the
involvement of top management, definition of a team
responsible for selection of a pilot project. Support
from top management is essential to ensure the nec-
essary resources to capitalize knowledge. The team
responsible must involve at least one employee in
each area (Requirements, Design and Implementa-
tion). Team members will be responsible for promot-
ing the activities funded.
Camila Lapasini Leal G., Cezar Stadzisz P. and Huzita E. (2013).
Know-Cap: A Method for Knowledge Capitalization in Software Engineering.
In Doctoral Consortium, pages 28-36
The effectiveness of capitalization depends on or-
ganizational policies, strategies and managerial and
cultural aspects, not just the method itself.
The following sections describe the steps that
comprise the method.
1.1 Identify
It is a strategic step that aims to identify the demands
of knowledge and its importance to aid decision mak-
ing and support the organization’s processes. This
step should involve the largest number of participants
(project manager, developers, analysts, and others), as
the other directs. The activities of this step, namely:
identifying knowledge gaps, analyze the knowledge
demands, knowledge selection, identify the location
and knowledge classifying.
Identify Gaps in knowledge it is a planning ac-
tivity in which the demands of knowledge must be
identified. It is important to involve all stakeholders in
the process, since this activity will guide the remain-
ing steps of the capitalization of knowledge and en-
able direct efforts. To identify these gaps can be used
techniques, such as interviews, SWOT (Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), brainstorming
and benchmarking.
Analyze the Demands of Knowledge aims to
map who are interested, potential benefits and avail-
ability of each knowledge identified. The sources for
obtaining knowledge can be internal or external to the
organization and include training, consulting, work-
shops and technical visits.
Select Knowledge involves identifying what are
the critical knowledge, ie knowledge that has greater
value for the organization. (Kokkoniemi and Harju-
maa, 2009) emphasize that it is virtually impossible
to collect and record all the knowledge involved in
an organization, regardless of its size. Due to con-
straints of time and cost it is not possible to capital-
ize on all the knowledge involved in the activities, so
must be selected the skills that enable higher returns.
The knowledge selection can be made from the fol-
lowing elements: the experience of the project man-
ager and team, historical project data, expert judg-
ment or based on the requirements of the maturity
model CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integra-
tion). Other factors that may assist in the knowledge
selection is the risk analysis of loss and identifying
key areas of knowledge.
Identify the Location is to determine where the
explicit knowledge is embodied (artifact, document,
tool). Regarding tacit knowledge is necessary to iden-
tify the people in the organization who has it. Where
knowledge is not available in the organization the
mechanisms of skilled labor acquisition or training
can be used.
Classify the Knowledge is an activity that aims
to organize the knowledge and thus, facilitate their re-
covery, dissemination and access. The classification
allows standardizing the vocabulary and, thus estab-
lishing a standard language for interaction and shar-
ing of knowledge and experiences, which minimizes
communication problems. The categories defined in
Know-Cap for the knowledge classification are:
Domain Knowledge: refers to the specific knowl-
edge of the application domain, ie, the business
Process Knowledge: refers to knowledge about
the structure of the work, including the definition
of responsibilities and tasks.
Resources Knowledge: includes knowledge about
the technical resources (tools such as case tools,
version control tools, project management tools,
development environment) and non-technical re-
sources (human resources) used.
Technology Knowledge: involves knowledge re-
lated to norms, standards, approaches, program-
ming language, database, frameworks and others.
Technical Knowledge: refers to the final products
and by products generated.
Management Knowledge: refers to knowledge of
planning, monitoring and conducting the project.
1.2 Add Value
The purpose of this step is to increase the value of
knowledge and it occurs through the use, exploitation
and reuse them. The step involves the following activ-
ities: explicit, appraise, disseminate, instantiate and
update knowledge.
Explicit Knowledge refers to the externalization
of tacit knowledge identified. The knowledge con-
version can be performed by interviews, observation,
brainstorming, and others. These techniques consti-
tute the first step for the externalization. They are
informal approaches in which the terms are not pre-
cisely defined. As a way to support knowledge ex-
plicitness can be used the following practices:
Define a glossary of terms related to the applica-
tion domain.
Formalize the good practices of coding, identify-
ing the language to be adopted during implemen-
tation, variable naming, functions naming, con-
stant naming, comments, indentation and others.
It is a knowledge that facilitates the integration of
new team members.
Document lessons learned, keeping track of what
has occurred and an analysis of causes. The
lessons learned can be identified in each of the
steps (Requirements, Design and Implementa-
tion) and shall include all types of experiences,
not just the successful results.
Develop rationale recording founded problems,
decisions made, alternatives considered, criteria
and arguments that led to the decision. (Dutoit
and Paech, 2000) and (Gueraich and Boufada,
2011) indicate that this type of initiative intro-
duces an initial workload. However, it is benef-
ical to support decision making in the later stages,
usually, as well as new projects.
Document change requests. It is an activity
that make possible track changes and maintaining
traceability, ie, monitoring the generated artifacts.
Prepare documents for inspection. It is an ac-
tivity connected to each stage of development
that allows to acquire and reuse knowledge
(Kokkoniemi, 2006).
Value the Knowledge consists in measuring the
value of each asset of knowledge. It is noteworthy
that the value of knowledge is not static, it evolves
with time, circumstances and priorities. That is, the
knowledge value can be increased (increase) or decre-
mented (depreciation) over time. To establish the
knowledge value can be used techniques of activity-
based costing method or cost centers.
Disseminate the Knowledge involves defining
who are interested in every kind of knowledge and
establish appropriate mechanisms for knowledge dis-
tribution. Strategies for dissemination of knowledge
must consider the several perspectives on the impor-
tance of each knowledge category (Figure 2). This
perception impacts the extent to which knowledge is
required and also the perception of its value.
Figure 2: Knowledge category.
Instantiate the Knowledge is to apply the knowl-
edge in problem solving and decision making. The
knowledge reuse is an activity that adds value, ie mon-
etize knowledge. It is the activity in which the return
on investment is generated. The reuse of knowledge
allows to avoid rework and supports in solving recur-
ring problems, which allows to obtain improvements
in the quality and productivity.
Update Knowledge involves the modification of
knowledge from experience. Aims at the maintenance
of knowledge, that is, keep them updated to allow the
1.3 Maintain
It is a step that aims to preserve the knowledge ac-
quired. This stage involves the following activities:
represent and store of knowledge.
Representing involves modeling formally the
knowledge to enable effective understanding, com-
munication and facilitate the reuse. The formal rep-
resentation of knowledge can be performed using
the following techniques: logic, taxonomy, ontology,
frames, semantic networks and other
Store is the activity that allows retain knowledge
so that it can be distributed and reused.
1.4 Monitor
It is a step that aims to establish continuous coordina-
tion among the remaining steps, evaluate the results,
monitor the dynamics of knowledge and provide feed-
back for refinement of crucial knowledge. The met-
rics permit to quantify the objectives and reflect in the
performance. The Know-Cap presents an initial set of
metrics that allow monitoring, evaluation and under-
standing of the corporation knowledge.
The main goal is to specify a method for capital-
ize knowledge in software engineering. The specific
goals are to:
Identify the categories and knowledge involved in
Software Engineering;
Define strategies to select the crucial knowledge;
Define strategies to value the crucial knowledge;
Specify the method of capitalization of knowl-
edge, identifying their steps, guidelines and tech-
niques that can be used;
Representing the method appropriately to enable
effective communication and understanding its;
Evaluate the proposed method by conducting mul-
tiple case studies and experimental studies;
Refine the proposed method.
The software production is a knowledge-intensive ac-
tivity, where prevail the cognitive activities. So,
knowledge is an important factor for production. The
main assets involved in software development is the
intellectual capital, ie, the knowledge greatest source
of value creation. In addition, the following factors
are in features and challenges inherent to software
development: i)the software is an intangible, which
costs are concentrated in engineering. It is a high
value asset that multiplies without generating new
costs; ii) the software does not suffer physical de-
preciation, possible failures are the result of faults of
project; iii) diversity and volume of knowledge in-
volved, which may be related to processes, products
and skills; and, iv) dynamics of evolution technolo-
gies, techniques and methodologies.
Software production is dependent on knowledge
by those involved, which take various decisions, each
with several options available. In this sense, the expe-
rience constitutes a valuable resource that can be ex-
ploited ((Kavitha and Ahmed, 2011); (Panagiotou and
Mentzas, 2011); (Franca et al., 2012).Another aspect
to be considered in the production of software refers
to the dynamics of knowledge that evolves along with
technology, culture and practices adopted (Iuliana,
Software Engineering, over the years has sup-
ported the software production with theories, tech-
niques and methods. However, the increased com-
plexity of software projects, scope and smaller deliv-
ery time have confirmed that projects often go beyond
the schedule and estimated costs and therefore do not
meet the quality requirements specified by the cus-
tomer (Dingsyr, 2002).
Other factors that also slow down productivity
and increase production costs are related to staff
turnover and difficulty in identifying, locating and us-
ing knowledge. By integrating new team members,
usually, there is a need to develop skills and com-
petencies related to the processes, technologies and
tools used, as well as knowledge about the domain.
The above factors, in most cases, result in the inabil-
ity to meet demand, resulting in economic loose and
threats to competitiveness. The knowledge capitaliza-
tion shows itself as an effective alternative to address
these issues, it aims to convert knowledge into orga-
nizational assets so that they can be managed and thus
minimize the problems related to: loss of knowledge,
learning curve, repeating mistakes , rework and staff
Knowledge Management shows up as an alterna-
tive to improve the efficiency in software engineer-
ing, since it make possible to capture, disseminate,
reuse the generated knowledge. So, it is make pos-
sible to obtain better quality product and also in-
crease team productivity (Vasumathy, 2012). Further-
more, (Komi-Sirvio et al., 2002) and (Chongsringam
and Prompoon, 2008) show that knowledge manage-
ment supports process improvement and its products.
Therefore, to achieve the requirements of time, cost
and quality, organizations need to define ways to man-
age adequately the range of skills involved in Soft-
ware Engineering.
Knowledge Management in Software Engineer-
ing has been addressed by several authors who sug-
gest that Knowledge Management can be used to re-
duce development time, improve decision making,
promote good practices, facilitate communication and
human resource allocation, and so, improve esti-
mates, avoid repeat mistakes, provide cheaper prod-
ucts, among others.
Models, practices, techniques and tools for knowl-
edge Management in Software Engineering are high-
lighted in the literature. In general, practical, tech-
niques and tools are presented as a solution to a spe-
cific problem, such as knowledge acquisition. How-
ever the models, due its abstraction level, define what
should be done for Knowledge Management, provide
guidelines for the instantiation of it. In this context,
a gap and a research opportunity to define a method
that allows to convert Software Engineering knowl-
edge in organizational assets. This conversion from
artifacts, which represent the knowledge materializa-
tion, since they are designed to meet the strategic ob-
jectives and represent investments which, it is hoped,
that add value (SEI, 2010).
The knowledge capitalization includes aspects re-
lated to the location, preservation, value addition and
updating of knowledge, in order to use it in the im-
plementation of new tasks and, thus, increase the
company’s capital. In the context of Software Engi-
neering, the knowledge capitalization facilitates the
access, minimize the loss of knowledge, reduce the
learning curve, avoid repetition mistakes and rework.
So, a capitalization method is presented as a solution
to facilitate access and to reduce the loss of critical
knowledge, which impacts on reducing costs and de-
velopment time, as well as to improve the quality of
software products.
The knowledge capitalization is an important step in
the process of organizational knowledge generation.
It aims to reuse the knowledge, previously stored
and modeled, in order to perform new tasks((Simon,
1996); (Morello et al., 2005); (Butdee, 2011)).
According to (Butdee, 2011), capitalization aims
to build a capital information and improve it from
disclosure. It is a process to use, exploit and
reuse knowledge. (Rasovska et al., 2008) describe
the knowledge capitalization as the formalization
of experience in a specific field. (Grundstein and
Rosenthal-Sabroux, 2005) suggest that the identifica-
tion and evaluation of knowledge, which justifies the
capitalization assumes a process of decision making.
To (Busch, 2006), the capitalization of knowledge
is a mechanism to formalize the knowledge of judging
the knowledge produced and used as the company’s
wealth and profit from it, thus helping to increase
the amount of capital. According to (Sarirete and
Chick, 2008) capitalization is the process to identify,
locate, model, store, access, use, reuse, share and up-
date knowledge. In this same sense, (Rasovska et al.,
2008) show that the main purpose of capitalization is
to locate, explain, maintain, access, use, update and
disseminate knowledge in order to value it.
According to (Bolanle et al., 2009) the knowledge
capitalization can be seen as the task of mapping ex-
isting knowledge specifying what, when and where in
order to reuse it.
(Matta et al., 2001) define four steps for knowl-
edge capitalization , namely: i) extraction and for-
malization of knowledge ii) knowledge sharing; iii)
reuse and appropriation of knowledge, and, iv) devel-
opment of organizational memory.
(Grundstein, 2000) emphasizes that the capitaliza-
tion is not just a technical activity, but an essential
management activity. (Tseng and Huang, 2005) show
that it is necessary to identify the fundamental knowl-
edge for the organization. This identification is to de-
fine, locate, characterize and classify the knowledge
to be capitalized. In addition, the authors empha-
size that it is important to capitalize, especially tacit
(Grundstein et al., 2003) present an approach to
solving problems of knowledge capitalization, char-
acterized by four facets (locate, preserve, add value
and update) and their interactions (manage).
The first aspect refers to the location of the critical
knowledge, which is knowledge (explicit knowledge)
and know-how (tacit knowledge) necessary for deci-
sion making and for the progress of the key processes
that constitute the core of activities. It is necessary
to identify them, to find them, describe them, estimat-
ing their economic value and organize them hierarchi-
cally. (Tseng and Huang, 2005) emphasize that the
choice of knowledge to be capitalized, often, is con-
ditioned by the availability of tools and / or processes,
without really considering the question of the utiliza-
tion of such knowledge, ie, identify the problems that
need knowledge.
(Rasovska et al., 2008) mention that the process of
identification and location of knowledge depends on
the objectives and requirements of knowledge man-
agement. In addition, the authors highlight that the
knowledge acquisition is performed from a domain
analysis, technical documents and interviews with ex-
The second aspect is related to the preservation
of knowledge and know-how, which encompasses
the activities of acquiring, modeling, formalizing and
preserving knowledge. The third aspect concerns the
added value is therefore necessary to increase the
value of knowledge, putting it at the service of devel-
opment and expansion of the company. Ie, knowledge
must be accessible in accordance with rules of confi-
dentiality and security, disclosed, shared and used ef-
fectively to be able to be combined and generate new
knowledge. According to (Rasovska et al., 2008), the
third facet is the capitalization of knowledge, ie, make
knowledge accessible to integrate it and spread it.
The fourth aspect concerns the updating of knowl-
edge and know-how, which includes assessment
activities, updates, standardization, enrichment of
knowledge according to the experiences and new
knowledge creation. (Rasovska et al., 2008) empha-
size that this step is based on feedback and experi-
The fifth facet, management, is related to the in-
teraction among the facets mentioned above and cov-
ers all management actions in order to respond to
the problem of capitalization of knowledge, namely:
aligning knowledge management with the strategic
directions of the organization, raising awareness peo-
ple; training, encourage and motivate all stakehold-
ers of the organization; waking up the implementa-
tion of favorable conditions for cooperative work and
encourage knowledge sharing; developing indicators
for monitoring and ensuring the coordination of ac-
tions to measure results and determine the relevance
and impact of the actions.
(Renaud et al., 2004) and (Marcandella et al.,
2009) highlight that the main steps for knowledge
capitalization are: locate (identify and characterize),
preserve (model and store), value (use, access, dis-
semination and creation ) and maintain (update and
improve). According to (Marcandella et al., 2009) the
knowledge capitalization can be described as a cycle
that involves data collection, data selection, data vali-
dation and knowledge modeling .
(Grundstein, 2000), (Grundstein et al., 2003) and
(Grundstein and Rosenthal-Sabroux, 2005) propose
a framework GAMETH, which provides information
leading to the identification of problems, clarification
of the knowledge requirements, and it also, identifi-
cation, location, specification and evaluation based on
the value to determine the crucial knowledge.
The main steps of the GAMETH framework are:
framing the project, identification of crucial knowl-
edge and determination of the axes of knowledge
management initiatives. The first step is to specify the
context of the project, the domain, the limits of inter-
vention and the processes that will be analyzed, ie,
the processes sensitive. The second step identifies the
activities that may pose risks to sensitive processes.
This identification is performed through the follow-
ing steps: modeling of sensitive processes; determi-
nation of the critical activities of sensitive processes,
identification of constraints, and outline the potential
crucial knowledge. Finally, in the third step are de-
fined, identified and characterized the knowledge to
be capitalized. This step consists of the following ac-
tivities: clarification of the knowledge requirements,
location and characterization of knowledge, assessing
the value of knowledge and determination of critical
knowledge; outline of the project to improve the pro-
cesses of decision making, and determination of the
axes of knowledge management initiatives.
Case studies with the framework GAMETH in
French Institue of Petroleum (IFP), PSA Peugeot Cit-
roen and the French National Center for Scientific
Research (CNRS) which enabled to show the rele-
vance of the framework to clarify the requirements of
(Matta et al., 2001) describe how to capitalize
the knowledge using the MASK method (Method of
Analysis and Knowledge Structuring). The authors
show that this method can be used in several fields
such as: security, business processes, mechanical de-
sign and others. With MASK method the knowledge
is structured in systemic analysis ergocognitive, psic-
ocognitive, and historical evolution.
(Sarirete and Chick, 2008) present a model to
solve the problem of knowledge capitalization, tacit
and explicit ones, in the field of engineering, within
an online community of practice. The knowledge
capitalization process is proposed to locate the criti-
cal knowledge (identification, mapping and classifica-
tion), update it, improve it and preserve it (modeling,
formalizing and archiving), bringing several perspec-
tives of community members in different contexts.
In (Sarirete and Chick, 2008) knowledge rep-
resentation is made through ontologies, in which
knowledge is categorized as experiential, concep-
tual, systemic and routines ones. The experiential
knowledge consists of practical experiences, skills
acquired through discussion, dialogue and common
practices. Conceptual knowledge is explicit knowl-
edge articulated through images, symbols and lan-
guages. The systemic knowledge consists of product
specifications, manuals and documents. Finally, rou-
tines knowledge is the tacit ones that is customized
and embedded in actions and practices.
The capitalization process model was tested in
two online communities of practice, which share their
documents in a repository for easy access. The study
results indicated that the majority of knowledge was
capitalized as systemic ones. The experiential knowl-
edge, conceptual and routine are not capitalized.
(Rasovska et al., 2008) present an approach for
knowledge capitalization in maintenance. The ap-
proach consists of four steps: detect, protect, update
and capitalize. The detection Phase detection is used
analytical methods and tools of maintenance engi-
neering. In preservation step are used UML (Unified
Modeling Language) diagrams, particularly the class
diagram for representing knowledge. Case-based rea-
soning is the technique to facilitate the knowledge
reuse. The authors mention that the proposed ap-
proach suggests the implementation of an information
system that includes such steps and automate the pro-
cess of knowledge capitalization.
(Rodriguez-Rocha et al., 2009) describe an ontol-
ogy for the knowledge capitalization in the automo-
tive industry. The ontology is described based on
ISO / TS 16949 and enables knowledge representa-
tion, manipulation and retrieval of documents.
(Butdee, 2010) and (Butdee, 2011) present a
model of knowledge capitalization to design injec-
tion molding. The model is divided into three parts:
knowledge capitalization, knowledge-based system
and products and requirements. The knowledge-
based system is integrated with the capitalization to
explore, reformat and reuse knowledge. It used the
case-based reasoning technique. The representation
of the case is performed by means of global and local
problems. In cases of recovery nearest neighbor tech-
nique is used. The authors emphasize that the most
important part for capitalization is the package of or-
ganizational memory, which consists of a dynamic
(Castillo-Barrera et al., 2011) use ontologies and
semantic technologies to capitalize the knowledge in
a factory-based software components. The authors
note that it is possible to capitalize the knowledge us-
ing ontologies, because they have a more significant
meaning. Furthermore, the use of ontologies enables
the search for information about a specific component
using intelligent techniques, such as production rules.
The paper only presents information on the capital-
ization is performed, only highlights the possibility
of capitalization.
So, Were not found in the literature, to date, stud-
ies about the knowledge capitalization in software en-
gineering. However there are reports on the knowl-
edge capitalization in other areas, as described above.
Not being presented papers that address how to treat
capitalization in knowledge intensive activities like
software engineering.
Furthermore ((Grundstein, 2000), (Grundstein
et al., 2003), (Grundstein and Rosenthal-Sabroux,
2005), (Sarirete and Chick, 2008), (Rasovska et al.,
2008), (Butdee, 2010), and (Butdee, 2011)) describe
models / frameworks for the knowledge capitaliza-
tion. These studies focused on the steps involved in
the cycle of capitalization. However, they not pro-
vide information on how to conduct each one of these
steps, ie, find the critical knowledge, how to preserve
knowledge, add value and update it. The level of de-
tail of the models does not identify how each of these
steps must be conducted so that the knowledge to be
The framework proposed by ( (Grundstein, 2000),
(Grundstein et al., 2003), (Grundstein and Rosenthal-
Sabroux, 2005)) is generic, ie it can be applied in
any industry. Case studies were conducted using this
framework in the automotive industry and research.
The model presented by (Sarirete and Chick, 2008)
is facing the engineering domain. The approach of
(Rasovska et al., 2008) is focused on maintaining and
the model proposed by (Butdee, 2010) focuses on
capitalizing on the design of injection molding.
(Matta et al., 2001), (Rodriguez-Rocha et al.,
2009) e (Castillo-Barrera et al., 2011) present works
that describe techniques that can be used in the knowl-
edge capitalization. These studies do not provide in-
formation about the steps of capitalization.
In (Rodriguez-Rocha et al., 2009) and (Castillo-
Barrera et al., 2011) were used ontologies to capital-
ize the knowledge. (Rodriguez-Rocha et al., 2009)
present an ontology for the automotive sector and
(Castillo-Barrera et al., 2011) an ontology for a plant-
based software components. (Matta et al., 2001) de-
scribe how the MASK method can be used to capital-
ize knowledge.
It is possible to notice that the works can be
grouped into two fronts. One that describes mod-
els for capitalization and one which highlights tech-
niques (ontologies, semantic technologies, and case-
based reasoning) that can be employed to capitalize
In general, the studies show that models follow the
same structure as capitalization, which is to identify
critical knowledge, maintain, capitalize and update.
These models are generic, not specific to a domain,
and are not prescriptive, ie, do not provide informa-
tion on how to perform each of these steps, thus set-
ting a gap and a research opportunity.
In relation to software engineering, in the litera-
ture, aspects related to Knowledge Management are
discussed. However, capitalization is still a topic to
be explored. In this regard, it is noteworthy that the
gap is the definition of a capitalization method spe-
cific to the area of Software Engineering, which al-
lows to identify, select and convert knowledge into
organizational assets.
The research can be characterized as applied, which
aims to generate knowledge for practical application.
It is planned to conduct this research in three
phases: Exploratory Study, Definition and Refine-
ment Method.
In Exploratory Study phase a literature review was
performed. Whit that a consistent theoretical basis
for continuing study and visualize the state of the art.
Concepts related to software engineering, CMMI ma-
turity model, capitalization of knowledge, knowledge
management and knowledge management in software
engineering were also studied.
In the second phase, the Know-Cap will be de-
fined. It will be performed based on the gaps identi-
fied on the previous phase. So, the main activities for
the method and also to adequate representation for the
knowledge will be defined.
After the method definition, will occur the Refine-
ment phase. Initially is expected to undertake the fol-
lowing activities:
Feasibility Study: the aim is to acquire knowledge
about the application of the method, allowing the
generation of new hypotheses. This study will be
conducted in the academic and industrial commu-
Case Study: the objective it to determine the prac-
tical feasibility of the method in order to improve
the understanding of researchers and characterize
the application.
The main result is a method for knowledge capitaliza-
tion that enables to convert knowledge into organiza-
tional asset. It can also highlighted the following re-
sults: the knowledge categorization in software engi-
neering, which facilitates access and retrieval, to iden-
tify strategies that enable to select the critical knowl-
edge, and the definition of guidelines that guide the
implementation of activities, as well as the definition
of templates for each of the artifacts.
A capitalization method provides guidelines re-
garding the identification and selection of the critical
knowledge, which enables to obtain improvements on
the software development process and also on prod-
uct quality. The improvements are related to integra-
tion of new member since they will have access to the
organizational knowledge. So, using Know-Cap, the
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