Acquiring Diagnostic Assembly Knowledge from Documents
For the Domain of Assembly of Aircraft Structures
Madhusudanan N.
, Gurumoorthy B.
and Amaresh Chakrabarti
Virtual Reality Lab, Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
To give a brief background on the proposed research
being discussed in this paper, the domain of research
is that of knowledge acquisition from documents. The
implementation is planned for the domain of manual
assembly of aircraft structures. This research aims
to develop a knowledge acquisition system for a di-
agnostic system to detect potential issues in assem-
bly during the planning stages itself. This is to avoid
such issues being faced whilst during actual assem-
bly, and to avoid iterations in assembly planning that
may result. The research challenge is to acquire the
required knowledge from documents and other texts.
The procedure to acquire knowledge from text would
be tested with texts pertaining to assembly diagnostics
and the acquired knowledge is validated by applying
it to example assemblies.
The research being reported here is in the initial stages
of developing a means of segmenting out relevant sec-
tions of a document. The motivation for tackling the
research problem, as well as some background of re-
lated work has already been investigated. There has
also been some progress made towards modeling of
assembly situations so as to define them for purpose
of application of acquired knowledge.
As mentioned in Section 1 the goal of this research is
to acquire diagnostic knowledge for assembly, from
documents. Towards this, the detailed objectives of
the research are,
Identify documentary sources of knowledge about
assembly in general and assembly issues in par-
ticular. Examples of such documents could be
incident reports, process description sheets, stan-
dards, etc.
Segregate sections that are potentially related to
the assembly domain and issues related to assem-
bly. The documents may be only about assembly
or from some other domain, but containing some
sections pertaining to assembly.
Extract necessary knowledge pieces as required
for diagnosing assemblies. Knowledge that is
available in documents cannot be directly used to
infer issues in assembly. They have to be further
processed to structure the knowledge for making
Translate acquired knowledge into a usable sys-
tem such as a knowledge based system. This rep-
resentation of knowledge would influence how the
knowledge gets applied.
Provide for suitable means of applying knowledge
to assemblies. The challenge here is to define
what an assembly situation means, and how to
represent it for a knowledge-based system to use
4.1 Knowledge Acquisition
The proposed research described in this paper at-
tempts to address a long-standing problem in the field
of building knowledge based systems, namely that of
knowledge acquisition. It has long been a bottleneck
in the construction of knowledge based systems, since
it involves translating knowledge possessed by human
experts into machine-understandable form. Such au-
tomation has been targeted previously too, with a vari-
ety of tools, methodologies and methods. Previously,
there has been an effort made to acquire knowledge
by means of a dialogue with experts (Madhusudanan
and Chakrabarti, 2011a). This was successful in ac-
quiring and using diagnostic knowledge. However,
N. M., B. G. and Chakrabarti A. (2013).
Acquiring Diagnostic Assembly Knowledge from Documents - For the Domain of Assembly of Aircraft Structures.
In Doctoral Consortium, pages 37-41
acquisition of knowledge in this manner is still diffi-
cult, due to constraints in availability and expressive-
ness of experts.
4.2 Documents
In organizations, documents represent the combined
knowledge of one or more sources. They are usu-
ally prepared with considerable care, and are sub-
ject to reviews, and revisions. Thus they represent
a refined and concise source of knowledge that has
been compiled and can be considered authoritative
sources. There are many different types of docu-
ments, based on the role they play, such as documen-
tation of standard processes, best practices, instruc-
tional documents, incident reports, etc. Hence the
knowledge to be acquired from a document may be
influenced by which category the document belongs
to. For example, diagnostic knowledge may be found
in an incident report, whereas the domain knowledge
needed to understand definitions and terms for the di-
agnostic knowledge may be found in a standards doc-
In summary, documents represents the experts’
knowledge in a machine-processible and comprehen-
sive form for knowledge acquisition.
4.3 Research Challenge
Although documents serve as useful sources of
knowledge, if the process requires a human to com-
prehend documents and then build a knowledge base,
we go back to the original problem of automating
knowledge acquisition. The challenge in this research
is to develop a computer based tool that can under-
stand the content of documents in order to acquire
knowledge connected with a certain domain topic.
Here, by understanding we mean to recognize the
content and meaning of documents with a specific
purpose. The purpose, in our research is to look for di-
agnostic knowledge (as well as other knowledge that
is not directly diagnostic in nature but supplements
the diagnosis, such as definitions).
The understanding may not be comparable to how
a human being completely understands a given text.
Human beings perform this task in a casual manner,
with many factors such as experience, language skills,
context and visual media to help in the process. To
replicate the same factors for a machine-based lan-
guage understanding system may not be practically
feasible. However one could narrow their focus based
on the specific knowledge that is being searched for.
In this paper, the specific knowledge is diagnostic
knowledge for aircraft assembly.
4.4 Research Questions
To structure the research problem discussed above the
following are the detailed research questions that the
research would like to address:
What knowledge is required to diagnose issues in
assembly ?
What type of documents contain some, or all of
this knowledge ?
How can only related portions of the documents
be segmented ?
How can the required knowledge be extracted
from the segments ?
How should the extracted knowledge be used in
knowledge based systems ?
How can assemblies be represented for applying
the acquired knowledge ?
As far as the state of the art in the domain, literature
reports various approaches that have been used for the
research challenge reported above. To summarize the
readings, we discuss below the various groups of lit-
erature as per the specific issues they address.
One portion of literature looks at machine learn-
ing and such (mathematical) methods on text, with
the goal of mining patterns out of strings. Garcia and
Bueno (Baena-Garcıa and Morales-Bueno, 2012) dis-
cuss string pattern mining for interesting patterns in
strings, using a classifier from machine learning. A
measure is defined for interestingness and used to en-
hance the classifier performance. Also in this group
are methods like multi criteria fuzzy decision mak-
ing (Aydin et al., 2012) and clustering using equiva-
lence groups for effective search(Zhang et al., 2012).
Another research work for fuzzy classification of
gene expressions looks for patterns in strings to clas-
sify(Khashei et al., 2012), however the semantics of
texts do not seem to be involved. Hence this group of
literature mostly uses mathematical methods to pro-
cess string data to satisfy specific purposes.
The next group of literature is about knowledge dis-
covery in databases (Fayyad et al., 1996; Frawley
et al., 1992). This is mostly about mining patterns
from databases, which is different from what is con-
sidered knowledge for our purposes. For example,
things like association rules, dependancy modeling,
regression and data summarization could be mined
from databases(Dehuri and Cho, 2010). The idea in
this group of literature is to seek out patterns in data,
and convert this into knowledge.
Other notable literature include WordNet based
semantic interpretation of texts using an ontol-
ogy(Gomez and Segami, 2007) and context aware ap-
plications using knowledge based systems(S
Pi et al., 2012). In (Gomez and Segami, 2007) domain
knowledge is constructed from texts, using a refer-
ence ontology, namely WordNet. Inferences are ac-
quired from the meaning of English sentences. Mea-
sures have been developed to define semantic dis-
tances, as shown in (Patwardhan and Pedersen, 2006).
A large collection of research aims at using existing
knowledge bases such as Wikipedia for entity-topic
linking(Han and Sun, 2012). This collection aims at
identifying the most relevant entity to which a refer-
ence in a text can be linked to. For example, given a
sentence in a document such as ”The assembly wit-
nessed a lot of discussions“ the target is to identify
the correct wiki entry for the word assembly (as in
legislative assembly as opposed to product assembly).
An attempt to acquire knowledge from a constrained
syntax text of limited forms is reported in (Iwanska
et al., 2000).
Regarding the modeling of assemblies for knowl-
edge application, many previous models for char-
acterizing situations have been used. They include
Petri nets, Situation Hidden Markov Models (HMM),
probabilistic frame based representation language (for
modeling possibilities and types of cyber-attacks),
discrete event simulations, and an integrated, object
oriented definition of assembly (Madhusudanan and
Chakrabarti, 2011b). Jun et. al (Jun et al., 2005) con-
sider parts, sequence and tasks but not liaisons or pro-
cess details - the latter are actually concerned with
documents like assembly process sheets.
As discussed above, many of the machine learning
based techniques are quite capable of classifying rel-
evant portions of text. However the semantics of the
content are largely ignored. Also, such approaches
demand considerable amounts of training data. For
our purposes, to acquire both the diagnostic, as well
as the related domain knowledge, it is important to
understand the meaning and context of documented
information. Hence we chose to focus on the seman-
tics of text, rather than process large amounts of data.
6.1 Segregation of Relevant Document
Referring back to the original goal of knowledge ac-
quisition from texts, the field of natural language un-
derstanding provides methods for decoding the struc-
ture of sentences and in turn, their meaning. With
the use of such methods, it becomes possible to sep-
arate out relevant sections from a large collection of
documents and process the information further. How-
ever, even seemingly rudimentary tasks as identifying
the portions related to assembly, from a larger docu-
ment, are a challenge for automation. This is because
when a human reads the document, a large number of
factors are at work such as prior knowledge, current
context of reading, prior history of how the document
was obtained (what he searched for). The same fac-
tors may not be emulated when a machine tries to un-
derstand the document. As discussed in the literature
(Section 5), it could involve approaches such as learn-
ing a classifier, or using a large knowledge base like
Wikipedia to determine the most suitable context for
a current sentence. However in the domain of assem-
bly, resources such as a large, annotated knowledge
base cannot be expected to be exist. Hence alterna-
tive sources of domain knowledge are required. On-
tologies are domain-specific abstract classifications of
objects in a domain. They have been extensively used
in product information systems to model products and
processes. Hence an ontology in the assembly domain
that can cover the necessary portions of the domain
that we are interested in, could serve as an abstract do-
main model. The details that are desirable currently
include (Dawari et al., 2011),
Product Information - this includes information
such as the geometry of the parts, mating con-
straints for assembly, material information and
other such details. These are typically found in
the CAD files of assemblies.
Process Information - this is about the assembly
processes such as riveting, welding, etc. and the
sequence in which the processes are carried out.
Process details usually contain a description of
what pre-processes and post-processes have to be
performed, along with detailed task-wise steps.
Assembly Environment - This concerns the condi-
tions around the place of assembly - factors that
are not classified under any other category in this
list - such as the temperature of the surroundings,
tool rack placement etc.
Tools used - this is about the assembly set-up and
tools, such as riveting gun. They may be modeled
along with the part information if necessary.
Human Operator - since aircraft assembly con-
tains human involvement to a large extent, the de-
tails about operator constraints would prove use-
Once such an ontology is available, it may be used as
a reference to evaluate whether the meaning / context
of a current portion of text is related to assembly or
6.2 Extraction of Necessary Knowledge
After segregating the relevant portions from a text, di-
agnostic knowledge must be extracted from these por-
tions. For this, enough information that can be used as
knowledge for diagnosis must be acquired. The extent
of information necessary for performing diagnosis is a
research question in itself, for which we already have
some basis (Madhusudanan and Chakrabarti, 2011a).
When enough information is available for con-
structing diagnostic knowledge, a knowledge base
must then be constructed from it. Translating the
acquired knowledge to a knowledge base must also
be done carefully, since it influences how the knowl-
edge would be used. The choice of different types
of knowledge based systems, such as rule-based sys-
tems, frames, semantic nets, or logic systems, plays a
crucial role here, subject to practical constraints such
as implementation.
6.3 Applying the Acquired Knowledge
Once the knowledge base is constructed, the knowl-
edge has to be applied on assemblies to diagnose is-
sues. This is where another research question is asked
- how does one represent assembly to the knowledge
base ? A good clue can be found in Section 6.1, where
the various information related to assembly were pre-
sented. A model of assembly that can cover these as-
pects would be ideal to represent assembly situations
for applying knowledge. The progress that has been
made in this respect is presented in the Appendix.
The expected outcomes of this research are some of
the following:
A method of identifying context of text using on-
tologies and similar structures as reference
A means of extracting assembly diagnostic
knowledge from documents
A knowledge base to diagnose assemblies using
acquired knowledge
A method of modeling assembly situations that
covers various practical facets of assembly both
as a product and a process
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Assembly Situation Model is a means of modeling as-
sembly situations within the constraints of available
assembly product and process information at the plan-
ning stage. At the most elementary level it represents
an assembly step as a transition from a set of uncon-
strained parts (or subassemblies) to that of the assem-
bled set of parts. This model can be extended to larger
assemblies in the same manner as an assembly tree.
An example is shown in the figure below. This model
enables to represent the assembly process, parts and
subassemblies at various stages in time, in different
configurations. The model contains both product and
process information, wherein the product information
(parts and subassemblies) can be obtained from CAD
assembly information, and the process information
can be obtained from process sheets, and an assembly
process model. This has been already been indepen-
dently implemented and tested in a knowledge acqui-
sition tool (Madhusudanan and Chakrabarti, 2013).
Figure 1: Assembly situation model for representing a non-trivial assembly process.