its bases in a central effect of FES that responds to
differences in the lesion and consequent recovery at
the central nervous system level. Further studies are
required to investigate the relationship between the
carryover effect and what is happening in terms of
plasticity and/or connectivity between the involved
areas at central nervous system level.
This work is preliminary and in particular two
further issues would be of interest. Firstly the
treatment only lasts 20 sessions, and it has been
proposed that the longer the treatment the better the
results (Schuhfried et al., 2012). It could therefore be
interesting to follow up the evolutions of the
carryover effect along a longitudinal study.
Moreover, a validation of the carryover effect
quantitative definition by a group of clinicians that
separately assess the presence/absence of carryover
would be an interesting further development.
It is interesting to note that this quantitative
method could be applied to any other group of
outcome measures in order to define the carryover
effect on any other particular district (e.g. upper
The proposed method allows to quantitatively
distinguish patients that report a carryover effect
following an FES-based treatment for FD. The two
groups are easily identified thanks to clear
mathematical steps based on principal component
analysis that starts from a battery of outcome
measures. In our group of post-stroke chronic
patients, 50% reported a carryover effect after 20
sessions of FES-based treatment. This could inform
further studies aimed at identifying the carryover
effect mechanism of action.
This work was made possible thanks to the patients
that volunteered to participate to the project, thanks
to Mauro Casarin and Stefano Tagliaferri that gave
their availability to help with scanning.
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