Challenges and Potentials for Keyword Extraction from Company
Websites for the Development of Regional Knowledge Maps
Christian Wartena
and Montserrat Garcia Alsina
Hochschule Hannover, Expo Plaza 12, 30539 Hannover, Germany
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Rambla del Poblenou, 256, 08018 Barcelona, Spain
Text Mining, Keyword Extraction, Territorial Intelligence, Regional Innovation Systems.
Regional Innovation Systems describe the relations between actors, structures and infrastructures in a region in
order to stimulate innovation and regional development. For these systems the collection and organization of
information is crucial. In the present paper we investigate the possibilities to extract information from websites
of companies. First we describe regional innovation systems and the information types that are necessary to
create them. Then we discuss the possibilities of text mining and keyword extraction techniques to extract this
information from company websites. Finally, we describe a small scale experiment in which keywords related
to economic sectors and commodities are extracted from the websites of over 200 companies. This experiment
shows what the main challenges are for information extraction from websites for regional innovation systems.
A basic prerequisite for regional development, for
stimulating regional innovation and for improved co-
operation between companies in a region, is a high
quality overview of all companies in that region, their
activities and their strengths. However, hardly any
such overviews exist. Information about companies
is often incomplete, outdated or focuses only on one
specific branch of industry. Official lists, if available
at all, also suffer from the problem that officially reg-
istered companies might be inactive or just be admin-
istrative constructs being part of a larger company,
that has to be considered as a unit when activities, cus-
tomers, products, services, etc. have to be described.
Building a regional overviewwe face several chal-
lenges. In the first place, we have to identify which
companies in a region are involved in innovation and
regional development. The second challenge is the se-
lection of information sources. In the third place, we
should determine which information from each com-
pany is relevant to identify its strengths, and to pro-
mote innovation and regional development. Finally,
we have to describe the information about a company,
its activities, products and customers in a uniform
way. As with regard to second challenge, it seems nat-
ural to extract information from the company’s web-
site to obtain basic information (formal data, products
and activities) about a company, since virtually every
company has a website. There are other sources of
up to date information, like patent databases or com-
mercial directories. However, in the present paper we
will investigate the possibilities to use the websites
of companies, leaving other sources for future work.
We identify what the main challenges are and we ex-
plore the possibilities to use them as an information
source to describe the knowledge existing in a region.
In order to approach the third and fourth challenge we
combine expertise from competitive and territorial in-
telligence and data mining and more specifically key-
word extraction (KWE).
While we sketch the overall approach for the con-
struction of comprehensive regional knowledge maps
in (Garcia-Alsina et al., 2013), in this paper we fo-
cus on the possibilities of KWE. In a small empir-
ical study we investigate the possibilities to extract
knowledge from company websites for the construc-
tion of regional knowledge maps of innovation sys-
tems. We use simple thesaurus based KWE tech-
niques, but show how these techniques can provide
very rich information about companies when used in
combination with a highly structured thesaurus. In
contrast to previous work on KWE we do not obtain
a flat list of keywords but we get a keyword based de-
scription of a company for different aspects. In the
current study we have evaluated the extracted key-
words for two aspects: the economic sector a com-
pany belongs to and products produced by the com-
Wartena C. and Garcia Alsina M..
Challenges and Potentials for Keyword Extraction from Company Websites for the Development of Regional Knowledge Maps.
DOI: 10.5220/0004660002410248
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing (SSTM-2013), pages 241-248
ISBN: 978-989-8565-75-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pany. In the experiment we also see the limits of the
approach. In the first place, the extraction of key-
words from complete websites consisting of pages on
completely different topics, differs substantially from
classical KWE of uniform texts. Furthermore, we do
not try to find keywords for the texts, but keywords
that apply to the company behind these texts.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. In section 2 we discuss the theoretical back-
ground and related work in territorial intelligence and
text mining. In section 3 we describe an experiment to
access the feasibility of KWE as a tool to support the
construction of regional knowledge maps. The results
of the experiment are given and discussed in section 4.
We finish the paper with a conclusion and an outlook
to future work.
2.1 Territorial Intelligence
Studies about the regional economics are done with
methods coming from different disciplines: Econ-
omy, Geography, Sociology, Science of Education,
Information and Communication Science (Mollo,
2009). More specifically, in the last 15 years a line
of research has been developed, that identifies inno-
vation processes as a key to the regional development
(Girardot and Brunau, 2010; OECD and EUROSTAT,
Territorial Intelligence (TI) is a collective posture
that explores the territorial possibilities by the collec-
tion of information and its treatment in order to an-
ticipate risks and threats (Herbaux, 2008). To (Gi-
rardot, 2008) the territorial intelligence is the science
whose object is the sustainable development of ter-
ritories and whose subject is the territorial commu-
nity. TI focuses not only on the economic efficacy
and efficiency of the development model, but also in-
cludes all the dimensions that affect sustainable devel-
opment (social, political, cultural, and environmen-
tal). It involves information about resources available
in the territory, products, services (individual or col-
lective, private or public) people needs, which activi-
ties are taking part in a territory and the territorial dy-
namics (Girardot and Brunau, 2010; Girardot, 2008;
Herbaux, 2008). Hence, the collection of information
about the territory plays an important role to planning
strategic actions to put in touch different actors.
According to (Jimenez et al., 2011; Asheim and
Gertler, 2005; Doloreux and Parto, 2005; Lundvall
and Johnson, 1994) a Regional Innovation System
(RIS) or National Innovation System (NIS) consists
of the relation between actors, structures and infras-
tructures involved in a region, as well as the knowl-
edge flow between them, that serve the goal of bring-
ing innovative performance of companies in the re-
gion. Besides, an efficient system of distribution
and access to knowledge contributes to increase the
amount of innovative opportunities (Lundvall, 1998;
David and Foray, 1995). More specifically, RIS and
NIS as research area have developed a framework to
study the factors that enable innovation and regional
economic development. Some of the features of this
framework are: a) institutions (rules, norms, or orga-
nizations) (Lundvall and Christensen, 2003; Nelson,
1993), b) innovation processes, c) knowledge’s flows
which take place within the regional learning process
(Lundvall,1992); d) the social capital and the regional
context in which innovation happens, and that pro-
vides a set of rules, conventions and norms that pre-
scribe behavioral roles and shape expectations (Do-
loreux and Parto, 2005; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998);
e) influence of national or local or social idiosyn-
crasies, which influence the social process (Salavisa
and Vali, 2012; Lundvall, 1998), and f) the inter-
sectorial differences to explain innovation activities
(Doloreux et al., 2008).
Considering these antecedents, we underline the
relevance of the role of: a) knowledge in the inno-
vation process and consequently, knowledge manage-
ment in firms and regions, where knowledge maps
play an important role (Barinani et al., 2011; Driessen
et al., 2007), b) the role of companies as actors in
a regional innovation system, and c) the informa-
tion about the environment that the companies should
achieve and d) controlled vocabularies, like thesauri,
with a common understanding of central terms to
classify and retrieveknowledge (F¨arber and Rettinger,
2013; Garcia-Alsina and Ortoll, 2012; Canongia,
2007; Escorsa et al., 2000). Taking into account the
amount of documents, it is difficult extract relevant
information, and classify this information, so seman-
tic technologies and data mining are needed (F¨arber
and Rettinger, 2013; Eckert et al., 2007).
2.2 Keyword Extraction
Our current goal is to classify companies and other or-
ganizations. A number of information sources can be
used to do this. In the present study we focus however
exclusively on the web sites as a source of informa-
tion. Thus we can consider our task as a text classi-
fication problem. Text classification is a well studied
field. A good overview of techniques and approaches
is given by (Sebastiani, 2002).If there is a large num-
ber of categories, which is usual the case if each term
of a thesaurus is considered as a potential document
class, the standard classification approach cannot be
applied, as not enough training data are available. In
these cases a KWE approach is usually better suited.
In its basic form, KWE is nothing else than select-
ing the most salient terms of a document. Determin-
ing such terms has been studied since the mid of the
previous century (Salton and Buckley, 1987). How-
ever, salience turns out not to be the only criterion
for keywords. More features can be found, indicat-
ing whether a term is suited as a keyword or not.
These features, together with the relevance weight of
the term, can be used in a supervised machine learn-
ing setting to learn how to distinguish keywords from
non-keywords. This approach to KWE was proposed
by (Frank et al., 1999) and (Turney, 2000).
Alternatively, the set of possible keywords can be
restricted by the terms of a thesaurus or some other
restricted vocabulary. This approach is followed by
(De Campos et al., 2007) who use information from
the thesaurus in combination with Bayesian statistics
to suggest keywords. (Wang et al., 2007) uses PageR-
ank to determine the most central words in the graphs
which is constructed with the WordNet relations be-
tween the potential keywords. The community struc-
ture formed by the potential keywords and their rela-
tions is used by (Grineva et al., 2009). In (Malais´e
et al., 2007a) and (Gazendam et al., 2010) words with
a large number of relations get higher weights in order
to promote central concepts.
In order to investigate the potentials of KWE we crawl
the pages from the websites of over 200 companies
and store them in a local repository. We annotate the
data manually for several aspect in order to be able to
evaluate KWE algorithms. In the following we will
describe the thesaurus, the data sources and the KWE
in more detail.
3.1 Thesaurus
We use the STW Thesaurus for Economics
as a
source for potential keywords. The STW is organized
in subthesauri. In order to describe the company we
extract only words that are used as descriptors in the
subthesauri Commodities and Economic Sectors. For
classification of the economic sectors it might seem
more natural to use the NACE (Nomenclature statis-
tique des Activit´es ´economiques dans la Communaut´e
Europ´eenne.) classification, that is an official stan-
dard in the European Union for the classification of
economic activities. However, the STW Economic
Thesaurus has the advantages that
1. it is available in SKOS format (Isaac and Sum-
mers, 2009), and thus can be read easily by text
analysis software;
2. it has a lot of different descriptors for each cate-
gory, that might be found in texts;
3. it contains a classification of products and related
areas as well.
Especially the second property is essential for our ap-
proach: since the descriptors are usually short terms,
that are likely to be found in texts, we can use these
descriptors as a list of potential keywords. In order
to use the approach for the construction of a regional
knowledge map, we either have to define a mapping
from STW sectors to NACE categories, or we have to
transform the NACE thesaurus into SKOS and popu-
late the categories with appropriate descriptors.
The main disadvantage of the STW is, that it is
designed to index documents about economics, not
to classify companies and their products. We are not
aware of any usage of the STW for this purpose. The
difference between the two goals might mainly be one
of focus and coverage: the sectors that is most written
about, and thus are expected to have a good coverage
in the STW, need not to be the same sectors to which
many companies belong.
As already said above, the STW Thesaurus for
Economics consists of 7 subthesauri. Each thesaurus
has several subject categories, that can contain sub-
categories. Subject categories represent either a tech-
nical intermediate level of description (e.g. Branches
of Industry) or classes of products, economic sectors,
etc. Each category has a denotation and a number of
descriptors. The descriptors are subclasses or exam-
ples of the category they belong to. E.g. fashion is a
descriptor of the category Textile and Clothing Indus-
try (W.06.01.11). Also the technical categories have
descriptors, that usually refer to instances that cannot
be classified into one of the subclasses.
3.2 Data Sources
In order to investigate the possibilities of describing
companies by extracting keywords from their web-
sites we have compiled a set of 229 companies from
10 economic sectors. These companies are not situ-
ated in one region, as we do not yet aim at the con-
struction of a regional knowledge map in this phase
of the development. All companies are German and
have German websites. We have classified the com-
panies and their products according to the main cate-
gories of the STW. The companies were selected by
students, that had the task of selecting 20 websites of
companies in a specific branch or sector as a source
for keywords in the related domain.
We have used the crawler4j
to crawl the websites.
For 21 companies the crawling was not successful and
no pages could be retrieved. Thus 208 companies re-
main. Since a few companies have a site with a high
number of pages, we limited the number of pages to
be retrieved to 120. The limitation services the prac-
tical goal of keeping the size of the corpus moder-
ate, but also has more fundamental reasons: A few
companies have very large websites, which makes
the amount of information per company very unbal-
anced. Moreover, we expect that even a large com-
pany should be described rather well on the first two
levels of a web site. If we crawl in a breadth first
way, as we do, we might expect that at some point we
have seen the core information of a company. If more
pages follow, we might get more and more specific in-
formation on detailed topics, that even could obscure
the more important and central information. The limit
of 120 is rather arbitrary and turned out to be a size
that allows us for almost all companies in our list to
crawl the complete site. In total 14673 pages were
retrieved, which averages to 70.5 pages per company.
We did not do any boiler plate removal since it
turned out that in many cases essential information
is removed. E.g. a list of products or departments is
often given as a menu, that might be removed. For
companies with very limited websites, or in cases
where the products or departments mentioned in the
list point to other domains (we crawl only pages from
one domain for each company) the most important in-
formation then would be removed.
3.3 Establishment of a Ground Truth
In order to create a base for evaluation of the auto-
matic KWE, we classified all companies manually
with the subject categories of the subthesauri Com-
modities and Economic Sectors. These categories are
quite broad and can be assigned with a low rate of
error and subjectivity and do not require very deep
analysis of the information available about a com-
pany. In many cases several economic sectors and
products had to be assigned. In the first place this
was necessary for a number of large companies or
business groups that are active in several (related sec-
tors), like machinery construction and electrical in-
dustry. The second reason for multiple assignments
are businesses that can be viewed from different per-
spectives. E.g. there is a number of goat farms in
our data set. These farms can be classified as Animal
Husbandry (W.01.02), but since they usually produce
goat cheese, they also can be classified as Food and
Tobacco Industry (W.06.01.12), but as they usually
have a shop where they sell the cheese, Retail Trade
(W.10.05) is also not completely wrong. Moreover,
such farms often offer possibilities to view the ani-
mals to the public and they have a small restaurant or
even offer cottages for rent. Thus a number of further
subject categories apply.
3.4 Keyword Extraction
As a first step for KWE all texts are analyzed using
a GATE pipeline (Cunningham et al., 2002) that con-
sists of a language guesser, a tokenizer, a sentence
splitter, a part of speech tagger and lemmatizer an
ontology lookup component and several JAPE gram-
mars. The language guesser is used to ensure that
only German texts are analyzed. The ontology lookup
component Apolda (Wartena et al., 2007) finds all la-
bels of thesaurus terms in the texts, including multi-
word terms and inflected forms. The JAPE grammar
formalism is part of the GATE software, and enables
the definition of patterns over words and previous an-
notations. The Jape Grammars are used to extract ad-
dresses, phone numbers and names of companies.
Since advanced algorithms for KWE usually have
been reported to give only limited benefit over a sim-
ple tf.idf weighting scheme, we decided to extract the
words with the highest tf.idf score. In a later phase
other algorithms can be used, but using a simple al-
gorithm makes identification of problems easier. As
well for the computation of the document frequen-
cies as for the computation of the term frequencies
we consider the whole of all web pages of a company
as one document. The intuition behind this is, that a
term like Gesch
uhrer (Manager) that is found on
348 pages of 111 companies in our data set is much
less indicative for the business of a company than the
word Schiff (ship) that occurs on approximately the
same number of pages (330) but only for 29 compa-
nies (a number of shipyards is in our data set). The
tf.idf value is computed as usual:
tf.idf(w, d) = n
(w) · log
where n
(w) is the number of occurrences of w in
document d, N is the total number of documents and
df(w) is the number of documents in which w occurs.
Table 1: Precision of extracted keywords for economic sec-
tors and commodities.
Sectors Commodities
prec@1 0.076 0.27
prec@2 0.088 0.27
prec@5 0.063 0.23
All extracted keywords are descriptors in the subthe-
sauri Commodities or Economic Sectors in the STW.
As mentioned above, we classified the companies ac-
cording to the main categories in these subthesauri.
We consider a keyword correct if it is a descriptor
of a category assigned to the company. Thus we can
compute the precision, i.e. the fraction of correct key-
words, for each top n elements of the ranked keyword
list. The precision of the top n keywords is referred
to as prec@n. Since we have no exhaustive list of
keywords that should be assigned to a company, we
cannot compute a recall value. The precision for eco-
nomic sectors and commodities is given in Table 1.
The results show immediately that the extraction
of product categories is much easier than the extrac-
tion of economic sectors. This is not very surprising
since companies will tell about their products on their
website, not about the sector they operate in. Even
worse, they might write about the use of their prod-
ucts in the sectors their customers are from.
Though we did not use any advanced technique
for KWE, but rather establish a baseline, the results
are in the same order of magnitude as reported in
literature. E.g. (Medelyan and Witten, 2005) find
a prec@5 of 0.21 for assignment of terms from the
Agrovoc thesaurus to documents, (Gazendam et al.,
2009) find a prec@5 of 0.23 for assignment of terms
from the Dutch GTAA thesaurus for audio-visual
archives. In this context it should be noted, that the
comparison is useful to get a feeling for the order of
magnitude we have to think about. In classical work
on KWE, keywords are used as general descriptors of
a text. Here, we use keywords to describe a specific
aspect of a text. Furthermore, we look for keywords,
that are not necessarily good descriptors for the texts
they are extracted from, but we look for keywords de-
scribing the company behind the website.
When looking at the results for the economic sec-
tors, the approach seems not to be very successful: the
majority of the keywords found where judged to be ir-
relevant in our evaluation. In the following we will,
take a closer look, at the irrelevant keywords that were
found and propose ways to improve the results.
4.1 Error Analysis
For most cases, in which no keywords from the right
class have been assigned the underlying property is
data sparseness. Sparseness might have led either
to unprecise manual classification, or to lack of the-
saurus terms that could be used by the analysis of the
internet sites. A typical case of the former is a set
of over 10 companies that are specialized in library
(software) systems. The closest branch in the STW
is Information Services (W.19.05). The KWE finds
mainly words related to libraries. Since a software
company writing software for libraries is not a library,
these keywords are evaluated as incorrect. A related
problem arises from our decision to use the subject
categories to classify companies and to evaluate the
descriptors found as keywords. In most cases this
works quite well. E.g. the category Fishery (W.03)
has descriptors like Aquaculture, Fishery, Fishermen,
Fishery fleet, etc. These terms both are likely to occur
in texts and are good descriptors for companies in this
sector. However, a category like Branches of Indus-
try (W.06.01) has subcategories, representing specific
branches, that have descriptors describing them, but
it has also descriptors itself. These descriptors rep-
resent branches, like Toy industry that do not have
other descriptors themselves. Consequently we have
to annotate a toy manufacturer as Branches of Indus-
try (W.06.01), which is not very adequate.
If we analyze the wrong keywords, we find five
brought classes of errors:
Minor Aspects. In a number of cases, the keyword
found is in fact correct, but its category was not
used to classify the company, usually because the
category does not reflect the main business of that
company. This is especially the case for the prod-
ucts category, where we usually assigned only the
main category, while many other product cate-
gories might apply.
Random Classes. In some cases the extracted key-
words seem completely random. This is the result
of the idf-weighting scheme. If some seldom term
is mentioned two or three times on a small web-
site it will get a very high score. This effect is
reinforced by the fact that the correct terms usu-
ally do not have a very high tf.idf value, since
we started collecting several companies from the
same sector. This problem is observed frequently
in thesaurus based KWE. A method to exclude
completely irrelevant terms, is to analyze the (the-
saurus) relations between the keywords initially
found: if a keyword has no relation (or only few
relations) to other keywords, it is likely that it is
not related to the main topic of the document. Var-
ious proposals have been made to operationalize
this idea (Malais´e et al., 2007a), (Grineva et al.,
2009), (Gazendam et al., 2010).
Customer Classes. Web pages are usually designed
for the customers of a company. This might result
in texts that contain much more terms describing
the branch of the customers of a company than
the company itself. E.g. for most pharmaceutical
companies descriptors for the branch Health care
systems (W.25), which is reserved for hospitals
and physician practices, are found. Another typi-
cal example are the shipyards, classified as Vehicle
Construction (W.06.01.03), but for which many
terms are found from the categories Port Manage-
ment (W. and Shipping (W.12.01.03).
Ambiguous Terms. Some terms are in some way
ambiguous and might refer to two different
branches of industry, but are only used for one of
both in the STW. E.g. the word radio is used a de-
scriptor for Broadcasting Industry (W.19.03), but
is in our data set found for a company producing
radio sets. In a number of cases, the structure of
the thesaurus is also problematic. E.g. the term
sail, sometimes found on the pages of shipyards,
is an alternative term for off-the-peg textiles that
belongs to the category Clothing (P.19).
Broader Terms. A typical error is the selection of
a term that is too broad, but in fact not incor-
rect. This is a common problem for thesaurus
based KWE and alternative evaluation methods
have been proposed to deal with this (Medelyan
and Witten, 2005) and (Gazendam et al., 2009).
Finally, keywords that do not match our self de-
fined gold standard do not have to be wrong. Ex-
actly these keywords might be very interesting and
informative. The keywords that do not match with
the obvious economic sector, might give hints to hid-
den expertise. E.g., a company from the sector Vehi-
cle construction (W.06.01.03), which main product is
ships construction (Watercrafts; P.09.03), but with an
extracted keyword Textiles (P.18), might indeed have
expertise on textiles that could also be useful for other
companies. Nevertheless, first the main classification
for each company has to be established.
4.2 Thesaurus Enhancement
The majority of the problems arises from data spar-
sity in the thesaurus. It makes of course no sense to
add ad-hoc categories for products or sectors that are
completely missing, like medical equipment industry,
since we use a thesaurus because it is standardized
and stable. However, we can add more descriptors,
non-preferred labels, spelling variants and synonyms
to the thesaurus. This would let the original thesaurus
intact. The extended version of the thesaurus needs
only to be used by the KWE algorithm, while the re-
sults are still descriptors or categories from the offi-
cial thesaurus. When more labels are available, espe-
cially synonyms and alternative labels, the final result
is based on much more data, and the occurrence of an
irrelevant word will have less impact. Now, in many
cases only two or three thesaurus terms are found on
a page, and it is more or less by chance whether these
are relevant or irrelevant terms. Enrichment of a the-
saurus to enhance thesaurus based KWE is a common
method used e.g. by (Tiun et al., 2001), (Malais´e
et al., 2007b).
There are various ways to extend the thesaurus in
the proposed way. In the first place, the STW has
many links to equivalent terms in other thesauri, like
the German Subject Headings Authority File (SWD),
that has many alternative labels for each term. Using
the link between the SWD and the STW these alter-
native labels could be added to the STW as well. Fur-
thermore, general dictionaries could be used to find
synonyms and finally there exist very good methods
to find synonymsstatistically in large corpora(see e.g.
(Weeds et al., 2004) for an overview of methods of
distributional similarity).
4.3 Future Work
For future work, we have to extract more types of in-
formation. Obviously, there are other sources of infor-
mation and a challenge for the future will be to inte-
grate the knowledge about the regional economy that
comes from different sources, uses different vocab-
ularies, is written for different target audiences and
might even be contradictory.
The other line of research we have to follow is the
improvement of the information extraction methods.
Here we can start with more advanced methods, but
we also have to take into account the peculiarities of
websites, the large size of web sites, (consisting of
70 pages on average, while a lot of KWE research is
done on short abstracts) and the fact that the keywords
should not describe the website, but the company be-
hind the website.
We have argued that automatic methods to find and
aggregate information on the internet are deserved for
the construction of concise regional knowledge maps
in which economic activities and potentials of compa-
nies and other organizations in a region are described.
The abundance of information rich websites of com-
panies seems to offer good possibilities to do so.
In an experimental study we have shown that web-
sites of companies indeed can be used as a source of
information. In the first place, factual information like
addresses and phone numbers can be extracted rela-
tively easily, which we did not discuss in more detail
in the paper. Secondly, the description of various as-
pects of a company can be described separately by au-
tomatically extracted keywords when using an appro-
priately structured thesaurus. Thus we go a step fur-
ther than is usually done in KWE, where only one flat
list of keywords is produced. We have evaluated the
keywords for two aspects. For the commodities this
works quite well, yielding a quality of results com-
parable to KWE results reported in literature. For the
aspect economic sectors, the precision of the results is
not very high. Here we are confronted with the prob-
lem that websites do not describe companies but are
in the first place description and advertisement for a
wide audience and potential customers. Thus the ter-
minology on a good website will tell us at least as
much about the audience as about the company. The
information about products is much more factual and
less dependent on a point of view than the economic
sector, which explains the difference in performance
between the two aspects. For other aspects we will
haveto developtechniques that are better able to sepa-
rate the information about the writer and the audience
of a website.
Overall we have shown that analysis of web in-
formation and KWE constitute an interesting source
of information for territorial intelligence and the con-
struction of concise knowledge maps, that is worth to
be explored further.
The research presented in this paper was partially
funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture
and Sport (Ref. CAS 12/00155).
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