Effects of Age and Stimulus Velocity in the Performance of a Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task by Children and Adults
Teresa Figueiredo, João Barreiros
This study investigated the effect of stimulus velocity in a complex coincidence anticipation task performed by children and adults. Participants were required to throw a ball to hit the luminous stimulus of a Bassin Anticipation Timer in coincidence with its motion, and they performed five 24-trial blocks with the target speeds of 0.36 m/s, 0.71 m/s, 1.61 m/s and 3.21 m/s. Results showed more accurate and consistent performance for adults at all target speeds, as well as a deterioration in the measures of AE and VE with increasing stimulus speed. Furthermore, a dominant linear trend was found to explain performance changes in adults and children at the various target speeds. The discussion focuses on the constraints of complex coincidence anticipation tasks related to perceptual and motor demands.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Figueiredo T. and Barreiros J. (2013). Effects of Age and Stimulus Velocity in the Performance of a Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task by Children and Adults . In - icSPORTS, ISBN , pages 0-0
in Bibtex Style
author={Teresa Figueiredo and João Barreiros},
title={Effects of Age and Stimulus Velocity in the Performance of a Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task by Children and Adults},
booktitle={ - icSPORTS,},
in EndNote Style
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TI - Effects of Age and Stimulus Velocity in the Performance of a Complex Coincidence-anticipation Task by Children and Adults
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