Enterprise to Cloud Security Assessment
A Method using OSSTMM 3.0 Concepts
Ronivon Costa
and Carlos Serrão
VANTIS, R. Rui Teles Palhinha, 6 - 3ºG, 2740-278, Porto Salvo, Portugal
ISCTE-IUL, Av. das Forças Armadas, 1649-026, Lisboa, Portugal
Keywords: Cloud Security, Security Assessment, OSSTMM 3.
Abstract: Much has been talked about security, and with the wide spread and adoption of Cloud computing, the talk
has followed the buzz and put Cloud Security in the spotlights. Security guides for the Cloud has been
published, but we understand that is still missing a practical assessment methodology that would allow
organizations to quick understand how the security of their assets are impacted when it is farmed out to
Public Clouds. Our contribution to address this problem is a method to isolate the organization’s assets from
the environment it is hosted, and compare metrics from the environment only. This method provides the
important benefit of allowing the organization to determine how security will be impacted without having to
actually migrate its resources.
The difficult in evaluating security of complex
systems has been an obstacle in the adoption of
Cloud by large organizations, since the security
properties of such services is dependent of several
factors, most of them out of the customer’s control.
One valid approach for an enterprise to verify how a
Cloud provider would satisfy its own security
requirements can be based on actual tests of that
Cloud, but considering that every company wanting
to adopt services from a specific Cloud provider
would have to run its own tests in the process of
evaluation, we can foresee a huge expenditure in
terms of time and cost during the process just to
verify viability. And this expenditure would increase
even more if the process had to be performed for
different projects in the same enterprise. The US
Government has launched the FedRAMP project in
2012 to overcome this issue, and will allow
participating agencies to jump in into Amazon Cloud
services with its projects without requiring a new
evaluation for every project (Reuters, 2013).
Not every Cloud provider will be willing to
allow prospectors testing its resources against
vulnerabilities, since some types of active tests will
trigger security alarms that will be difficult to
differentiate from legitimate, actual threats. One way
to overcome this difficulty is the Provider itself run
the security assessment and to publish the test results
available to all prospectors. Using methodic process
and well accepted metrics, this assessment can be
instrumental in helping a company in the decision of
migrating resources to a Cloud. On such method that
fulfills this requirement is the Open Source Security
Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM) and its
rav concept (Herzog, 2010).
Using the rav, it is possible to make sense of the
actual security of a system related to an optimal
state, which can also be compared to other system.
In other terms, one can verify the security of the
enterprise systems when all resources are hosted in
the internal network, and then compare with the
security of the same enterprise with some of its
resources in a Cloud. Although the systems are
different, the rav will provide a metric that can be
related in these very different situations.
In this paper, we explore this characteristic of the
OSSTMM methodology and propose an even more
direct approach to verify how security is affected
when the Cloud is a variable to take into
The decision to adopt the Cloud must consider
Costa R. and Serrão C. (2013).
Enterprise to Cloud Security Assessment - A Method using OSSTMM 3.0 Concepts.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and the International Conference on Knowledge
Management and Information Sharing, pages 571-578
DOI: 10.5220/0004666005710578
several factors besides the financial direct benefits.
Cloud adoption can have different effects in the
global security of an enterprise network, and some
of these changes will happen due to the movement
of assets from one site to another and a
corresponding risk transfer (ENISA, 2009).
The above concept can be generally expressed by
the following metaphor: There are three safes, each
one protecting valuable assets: Gold, Silver and
Bronze. There is not enough space in the owner’s
own property to store all three safes, so the owner
will have to rent space somewhere to store one of
them. The decision about which safe will be stored
in the rented space must be based on:
a) the importance of the safe contents (assets);
b) how well protected the safe is now;
c) how well protected will it be in the new place.
The knowledge of a safe existence and place of
storage is a risk factor, and therefore should be
avoided. For example, if it is brought to a thief
knowledge about the existence of a safe full of
valuable assets made of bronze stored in a given
place, all of the other two safes will also be at risk of
being stolen since it is all stored in the same physical
location. If the safe with bronze assets is stored in a
different location, and someone tries to steal its
contents, the other two safes will not be at risk.
The metaphor presented illustrates three
characteristics of the concept used in this work
which are:
Risk transfer;
Improved security by limiting the number of
visible targets;
Influence of the surrounding environment over
the asset’s security.
The schematics in figure 1 illustrates some possible
attack vectors to four targets in a (simplified view)
of a network (left). If the attacker succeeds using
any of the vectors, the compromised internal target
can be used to attack more important targets in the
same network (in the right diagram).
Server 1
Server 1
100% of Atack
of the Surface
Server 1
Server 1
Server 2
Server 2
100% of Atack
of the Surface
Server 2
Server 2
Figure 1: Global attack surface.
Moving some targets to a separate environment
will have two effects, which is the change in the
exposure level of the moving targets, and the change
in the exposure level of the remaining targets. This
change can be for good or for bad, and it will depend
on the targets moved, its importance, and how it
interacts with other enterprise components.
Figure 2: Split attack surface.
Every component in a given scope will
contribute to the overall security property of that
environment (Yildiz et al, 2009), and that is the
reason why every target must be included in a
security assessment. However, the surrounding
environment will have an even stronger influence.
Verifying the security of the surrounding
environment using OSSTMM methodology concepts
will allow the comparison of security in absolute
values for both environments by using a metric
called rav (Herzog, 2010).
There are several evaluation, risk and assessment
methodologies available, as well as guidance to
improve systems security including the cloud (CSA,
NIST, OWASP and etc.). While a few published
guidelines has targeted the Cloud (CSA, 2009)(US
CIO, 2010), most of them are a general framework
or methodology designed as a checklist or a process
to run networking and systems testing.
The process of evaluating Cloud adoption
involves more variables than the security properties
of the systems and environment. We start from the
point where all administrative and political decisions
has already been dismissed as not blocking for the
cloud adoption, and so comes the time to define
which resources are more appropriate to move. The
technical decisions about what can be moved out can
be evaluated against security metrics previously
obtained from tests performed on predefined models.
The specifics of the tests will not be covered,
however, some guidelines should be followed to
assure that Cloud specific issues are addressed, such
as what to what to test, the approach, and how to
evaluate the results.
OWASP (2012) has started a new chapter
denominated “Cloud-10 Project” to approach Cloud
security risks. OWASP top ten lists are important
because it helps the enterprises to focus on the most
serious threats to web applications, and the Cloud-10
projects is a work in project (Pre-Alpha) to address
this new paradigm in enterprise computing. OWASP
top ten lists are maintained by a community of users
and experts in every domain, and are ranked by
criteria such as (OWASP, 2012):
Easily Executable
Most Damaging
Incidence Frequency (Known)
The OWASP Cloud-10 project defines the criteria
that can guide the security tests, but an appropriate
testing methodology is required. The Open Source
Security Testing Methodology or OSSTMM has its
focus on operational effectiveness, that is, how it
works (Herzog, 2011). OSSTMM3 is an evolution
from a penetration testing methodology which
evolved to more than a best practices framework by
2005 (Herzog, 2010) and finally into a more
contemporary security assessment methodology that
prioritizes tests (avoiding guesses), concentrates on
the interactions and its required protections, and
balance between security and operations (Herzog,
OSSTMM has redirected its focus in the earlier
releases from testing physical resources such as
firewalls and routers to verifying operational
security and its related channels, such as Human,
Physical, Wireless, Telecommunications, and Data
Networks (Herzog, 2010) in the latest versions of the
methodology. OSSTMM also introduces its own
measurement metrics called ravs, which provides
graphical representation of system’s states and
system state changes over time, and are suitable to
be used in operational monitoring consoles.
The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is a non-
profit organization engaged in providing security
awareness and tools to adopters. CSA has a specific
publication providing guidance to Cloud security,
“Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in
Cloud Computing” (CSA, 2009), which is structured
around thirteen domains covering several aspects of
Cloud security, including Identity and Access
Management. CSA has also started the “Consensus
Assessments Initiative” to provide means of
documenting existing controls for Cloud services,
This initiative is based on a questionnaire available
at CSA web site, which can be downloaded, have the
questions answered and then submitted to the
repository of respondents where it can be consulted
by customers.
Guidance is also provided by the US
Government, and targeted to U.S. Federal Agencies
but publicly available. The “Proposed Security
Assessment and Authorization for U.S. Government
Cloud Computing” has a strong focus on
authorization, defines a baseline of security controls
and a monitoring process, and also proposes a
framework to assess cloud security during vetting of
Cloud Service Providers (U.S CIO, 2010).
The Figure 3 presents our base line model.
Everything inside the enterprise can be seen as a
controlled environment, while everything in the
outside is beyond its control (Grobauer et al, 2011)
(Hiroyuki et al, 2011), and therefore, must not be
trusted. That is not to say that an intranet is a safe
place to run business without protection, which it is
not. According to the “2011 Cyber Security Watch
Survey - How Bad Is the Insider Threat?” (CERT
2011) carried out by the Carnegie Mellon University
over a population of 607 companies, 27% of all
security incidents were caused by insiders in 2010,
at the same time that 46% of all respondents affirm
that the internal incidents had caused more damage
than the outside attacks.
In the Figure 4 we have extended some services
from the internal enterprise network to a Public
Cloud, while in Figure 5 it was extended further to
provide employee’s access to the organization’s
resources in the Cloud.
Almost any enterprise application can be
configured to work in a Public Cloud. However, two
important factors must be considered:
The Cloud is not under the Enterprise’s control -
therefore, it can be considered an uncontrolled
environment (Hiroyuki et al, 2011).
To work with the applications in the Public
Cloud, it is necessary to cross a potential
insecure channel: the Internet.
Servers Clients
Enterprise Intranet
Figure 3: Base line.
Figure 4: Enterprise to Cloud Use Case 1.
Figure 5: Enterprise to Cloud Use Case 2.
The subtle change in the level of trust in the
surrounding environment is more than enough to
make it unviable to apply an unprotected
authentication protocol for services in a Public
Cloud, so there must be a VPN connecting both
separate environments. The risk of exchanging
private, important data over the internet in the
scenario above is a showstopper for most of the
companies. The communication between the clients
on the company’s Intranet and the server in the
Public Cloud can be intercepted in a number of
ways, including by the man-in-the-middle attack and
the eavesdropping technique, to intercept and decode
authentication information and application data.
Several factors that must be considered to choose
the resources to be migrated to the Cloud and not all
of them are related with security, such as the
following provided by (Krutz and Vines, 2010):
The criticality level of the application
The sensitivity of the data
Functionality over VPNs
Cost to move to another provider
Bandwidth utilization
Since there is not a specific methodology or
framework to assess Cloud security, we have chosen
a generic, more contemporary methodology,
OSSTMM, as a basis for our security assessment.
The OSSTMM proposes a methodology to verify
and test the Operational Security (OpSec) of systems
(Herzog, 2010).
Assessing Cloud security is not a trivial activity,
For the Cloud, some parts of the OpSec procedures
such as physical security and the internal operational
processes can only be assumed to be compliant with
the enterprise’s policies by means of terms of
contracts and SLAs (Hiroyuki et al, 2011) from the
perspective of the customer. Other technical security
properties can be tested, but the lack of Cloud
specific metrics (Grobauer et al, 2011) implies that
we have to propose a method to quantify security for
these use cases, which we do by using the rav
concept, from the OSSTMM (Herzog, 2010).
A security assessment following the OSSTMM
will result in a numeric value representing the level
of security of the assessed system – the rav. When
there are several targets in the scope for a security
assessment, the values obtained for all individual
targets can be combined to produce a final rav,
representing the actual security for the whole
system. The rav calculation can be simplified as
(Herzog, 2010):
Rav = Controls – (Porosity + Limitations)
Porosity: The number of visible holes in the
scope, which means that only what can be
detected during the tests is accounted for the rav.
Controls: The controls in place to protect the
Limitations: also known as “vulnerabilities”, are
derived from the porosity and the controls. The
higher the porosity, higher will be the
limitations. The less controls found, the higher
will be the limitations.
The porosity can be determined by a set of security
tests in the system, which may be comprised of
several individual components. In a security test,
every component in the system will be a target.
There are several tools available to test systems from
several attack vectors and documented in several
literatures as for example by (Wilhem, 2010) and
(McClure at al, 1999). To assess the models in this
work, we have used the OpenVAS, an open source
security vulnerability scanner software.
The OSSTMM is not a methodology to test
Cloud specifically, but a generic methodology to test
many types of IT and non IT systems. The difficulty
to standardize Cloud security assessment and
evaluations is already subject of concerns in the
professional sector (Grobauer et al, 2011). Several
organizations have been making different
contributions, and using different approaches (NIST
2011)(CSA 2009)(OWASP 2012)( USCIO 2010).
In this paper, this difficulty is recognized, but it
is out of scope to develop a specific Cloud security
assessment framework of methodology to evaluate
the results of our study. Instead, the security
assessment was based on the shortcut proposed in
the OSSTMM methodology, which consist of taking
into consideration only the Porosity and Limitations
found, assigning default controls for discovered
services and accepting an uncertain but perhaps
small error margin (Herzog, 2010).
Using the rav metric proposed in the OSSTMM
will make it possible to find a security value for the
baseline relative to the scope, and later compare with
the values obtained from the assessment of the
Cloud model. This comparison between different
systems is supported by the methodology by using
the concept of “Actual Security”, which gives the
actual security of any system in terms of rav (that
can also be seen as a percentage). Using the rav, we
can compare the security of two different systems
and actually understand from each one, how much it
is prepared for the threats against its attack surface
(Herzog, 2010).
In order to focus on specific Cloud security
issues, it was used the concepts presented by
(Grobauer et al, 2011), who proposes that
vulnerabilities are Cloud specific when it:
is intrinsic to or prevalent in a core cloud
computing technology,
has its root cause in one of NIST’s essential
cloud characteristics,
is caused when cloud innovations make tried-
and-tested security controls difficult or
impossible to implement, or
is prevalent in established state-of-the-art cloud
From the above Cloud specific vulnerabilities, we
defined a testing process to include:
Assessment of the Cloud Web Management
interface (dashboard);
Assessment for systems from inside the Cloud;
Assessment from the system from inside the
Cloud using a separate, hostile Tenant;
Testing all know targets for open TCP/UDP
Testing of all knows targets for known Common
Vulnerabilities and Exposures (cve.mitre.org);
The method proposed in this paper follows the
OSSTMM for assessing security, but the main
contribution from that methodology is the metric
called rav. But instead of using the raw value of the
rav that is obtained from the security assessments,
we propose using a delta obtained from the
comparison with a base line model. Using the actual
values calculated for every model will give a
perception of the security for that specific scenario,
when composed by those specific assets with that
specific configuration. On the other hand, using a
delta will make it possible to have an exact
perception of the difference of security derived from
that environment’s influence. The method used in
this work will result in a percentage value, which
will be the final metric to ultimately take the
conclusions about how security is affected after
migrating services to the Cloud. This percentage can
therefore, be applied by different enterprises, or by
the same enterprises in different projects when
evaluating viability of moving resources to that
Cloud. The metric is valid only for that Cloud, but
different assessments can be performed for other
Cloud infrastructures for comparison.
A security assessment using this methodology
should always begin by defining a base line model
that will be used as a reference for later comparison
with other models. For a corporate scenario, the base
line should always be the actual organization private
The steps to apply the methodology are:
1. Identify political and administrative issues. Any
identified blocking issue should stop the process
and no further (operational) tests have to be
done. The resource should not be migrated to the
2. Define a security test guideline that can be
applied to both the enterprise and to the Cloud.
This test must include:
Scope for the enterprise tests. Must include
an external security test (from the Internet).
The internal test must be also part of the
scope, although it may be defined around
only those components that interact with the
relevant targets.
Scope for the Cloud tests. Must include an
external security test (from the Internet) and
one test from inside the Cloud from a
separate (hostile) tenant. A test from inside
the tenant itself is optional, and depends on if
the systems in the Cloud will have users other
than the administrators.
Tools to use, including operating system and
version where the tools will run, testing tools
including version and knowledge base
3. Perform the Cloud security test – or request the
security assessment report from the Cloud
provider; the report must contain metrics
according to the OSSTMM, and provide a final
Actual Security value.
4. Perform the Enterprise security test and generate
a report;
It is recommended to use the rav spreadsheet
calculator: (http://www.isecom.org/research/ravs.
html). In this method, the spreadsheet should be
filled with the values obtained in the security tests,
but the controls should have assigned default values
taken from the field “Total” in the “Porosity”
(visibility + access + trust).
The results can be analyzed in two ways:
a) Compare the Actual Security for the two tests;
b) Calculate the percentage variation for the Actual
Security between the Enterprise security
assessment and the Cloud security assessment.
The method in “a” is perfectly allowed by the
OSSTMM methodology and give non related
metrics (Herzog, 2010) which can be used to have
an overall perception of the security provided by the
The method in “b” provides a better perception
of the “gain” or “loss” when comparing two
systems. This method is our proposed methodology
to evaluate the security impact of migrating
resources to a Cloud when we have a previous
reference. Both methods provide valuable decision
information, but the method in “b” will provide a
better understanding of how much security will
influence future use cases.
This case study was developed for an MSc thesis,
where the authors have setup labs to apply the
method described in this paper. The base line model
in figure 3 was composed of one Windows Domain
Controller, one internal Windows Web server, one
Windows user workstation, one Linux box
configured as both a default router and VPN for the
entire network, and another Linux box running the
public Internet Web Portal. The Internet Web Portal
provided an internet presence as found in most
enterprises, while the internal Web server is for
private, internal use only by the enterprise’s
Regarding the physical architecture of the Use
Cases, the Base Line model was fully implemented
in a VirtualBox virtualization environment, while
the Enterprise to Cloud Use Cases were
implemented using also an OpenStack IaaS Cloud.
The Cloud was implemented in a single box, and
made accessible from the Internet to allow the
management of the services as required by a Public
In figure 4 and figure 5, the Internet Web portal
and the private internal Web server has been
migrated from the organization’s internal network to
the Public Cloud.
The security assessment of the case study models
were based in the shortcut proposed in the
OSSTMM methodology, which consist of taking
into consideration only the Porosity and Limitations
found, assigning default controls for discovered
services and accepting an uncertain but perhaps
small error margin (Herzog, 2010). Base on that
principle, the results presented below were obtained
filling the rav calculator spreadsheet with the
porosity and limitations detected by OpenVAS
(tables 1, 2, 3 below). Default values were assigned
to the controls, what makes it possible to compare
different infrastructures using different controls,
which is the most probable scenario when
comparing an organization’s infrastructure with a
Cloud infrastructure. After running the security
assessment using OpenVAS and transporting the
metrics to the rav calculator, we could compare the
results from the Base Line with results from two
models (Use Case 1 and Use Case 2), and came to a
conclusion that the security is not heavily impacted
in the Cloud use cases, with a loss of 2,4601% in the
Use Case 1 and 2.8272% in the Use Case 2 relative
to the Base line model (table 1).
Table 1: Case study results.
Base Line
Case 1
Case 2
Actual Security
77.5333 75,6259 75.3413
Variance N/A -2,4601% -2.8272%
The above results were obtained from the
vulnerability assessment which produced the
following data:
Table 2: Porosity.
Base Line Use Case 1 Use Case 2
Visibility 101 148 159
Access 2 4 5
Trust 3 3 4
Table 3: Limitations.
Base Line Use Case 1 Use Case 2
Vulnerabilities 13 24 24
Weaknesses 28 32 32
Concerns 53 76 86
Exposures 15 328 341
Anomalies 0 0 0
The mapping between the Security Assessment and the inputs to
the rav calculator is as follows:
Item How to get
Number of servers in the use case +
number of unique open ports for all
Interactions points between the servers
and the outside world
Interactions that do not require
The Limitations in the rav calculator were mapped directly from
the OpenVAS Results as seen on the next table.
Vulnerability High Severity
Weaknesses Medium Severity
Concerns Low Severity
Exposures Log
Anomalies False Positives
Applying the concepts proposed in our method,
the variance obtained can be used as a reference
value when the enterprise will require the evaluation
other migrations of resources to the same Cloud,
thus eliminating the necessity of running further
security assessment to determine viability. This
process can be used repeatedly by the enterprise
which will consequently provide several benefits
such as short project life cycles, cost reduction,
Using the method proposed by this paper will make
it possible to have a practical and objective view of
the security provided by a specific Cloud provider.
Using the metrics from a security assessment over
that Cloud, one can estimate how much the security
of its assets will be influenced even before migrating
them to that Cloud. Although there will be
considerable resistance from the Cloud provider to
allow for any customer to perform a security testing,
the barrier can be overcome by standardizing the
tests and defining criteria to allow the Cloud
provider to perform them and making the results
publicly available.
Regarding to the method presented in this paper,
we understand that some gaps must be addressed,
such as the depth of the security assessment. In our
case study, the tests was performed using the
OpenVAS security vulnerability scanner software
(www.openvas.org), which does not verify some
Cloud specific issues such as VM isolation, memory
sharing, storage sharing and reuse, etc. Therefore, a
more in depth assessment should include a set of
tools tests to verify virtualization robustness and
isolation effectiveness.
Another improvement can be done in the
verification of the Security Controls. In our study
case, we have used default controls for all the
interaction points and vulnerabilities as supported by
the OSSTMM methodology. The Cloud providers
can add much more value to their security
assessment reports if they decide to actually verify
and report all the controls implemented, thus
reducing the error margin in the results. These
controls may come from an existing source such as
from the “Consensus Assessments Initiative”
questionnaire (CSA, 2011).
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