A Review of Methods to Characterize Motor Unit Firing Properties
and Underlying Determinants
J. L. Dideriksen
, J. A. Gallego
, F. Negro
, A. Holobar
and Dario Farina
Department of Neurorehabilitation Engineering, Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology Göttingen,
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience, University Medical Center Göttingen,
Georg-August University, Göttingen, Germany
Bioengineering Group, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Arganda del Rey, Spain
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia
This paper reviews traditional and novel techniques
for the characterization of motor unit firing
properties and the determination of their underlying
These methods are becoming increasinly
important because of advances on techniques to
accurately identifiy the spike trains of several motor
units non-invasively (Holobar and Zazula, 2007,
Holobar et al., 2009), which enables the assessment
of the neural drive to muscle in an unprecedented
accurate fashion. It is further motivated by the fact
that traditional analysis using the surface
electromyogram (EMG) is largely influenced by a
number of intrinsic factors that limit the accuracy
that may be attained (Farina et al., 2004). Being the
most relevant among them the effect of the spatial
filter effect due to volume conduction of motor unit
action potentials through soft tissues to the skin
(where they are recorded, Merletti et al., 2008), the
influence of cross-talk among neighboring muscles
(Farina et al., 2004), and the effect of cancellation of
motor unit actions potentials (Keenan et al., 2004).
Throughout this review we employ the terms
motor unit or motor neuron according to common
usage in literature.
2.1 Motor Unit Firing Statistics
Statistical properties of the interval between motor
unit discharges provide the first relevant piece of
information when investigating the neural drive to
muscle. The histogram representing the distribution
of the time period between consecutive motor unit
discharges, termed inter-spike interval (ISI)
histogram has been widely used in the field. For
example, it has been shown that, in patients
suffering from some neurological diseases (e.g.,
Parkinson’s disease, Christakos et al., 2009), these
histograms exhibit abnormal patterns. Second and
third order distributions, which reflect the interval
between two and three consecutive
discharges, have
also proved to be useful in some contexts.
2.2 Motor Unit Synchronization
The development of techniques to accurately
estimate motor unit synchronization has received
considerable attention (see the reviews in Nordstrom
et al., 1992, and Negro and Farina, 2012) because of
the observed relation between common-stem
synaptic inputs and the increased possibility of
motoneurons firing simultaneously (Kirkwood and
Sears, 1978).
Most existing techniques are based on the
calculation of the cross-correlogram between pairs
of motor neurons, and the calculation of metrics
based on its characteristics. Relevant examples of
this are the Common Input Synchronization index
(CIS) proposed in (Nordstrom et al., 1992), which is
defined as the count of discharges in excess of
chance, and calculated as the area of the peak in the
cross-correlogram divided by its duration. Other
relevant synchronization metrics based on the cross-
correlogram are De Luca’s common drive index
(CDI, De Luca et al., 1982), and the synchronous
impulse probability (SIP, Datta et al., 1990).
Interestingly, it has also been shown that the
cumulative sum of the cross-correlogram permits
identifying the significant peak in the cross-
correlogram (Ellaway, 1978), and it is useful to
assess whether such peak is statistically significant
(Davey et al., 1986).
L. Dideriksen J., Gallego J., Negro F., Holobar A. and Farina D..
A Review of Methods to Characterize Motor Unit Firing Properties and Underlying Determinants.
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The influence of the frequency of the synaptic input
has been a traditional concern as to the usage of
metrics to assess motor unit synchronization using
the cross-correlograms (Nordstrom et al., 1992). A
recent study by Negro and Farina demonstrated that
such influence significantly distorts the results in
healthy subjects, based on simulation and
experimental data (Negro and Farina, 2012). The
authors of that paper showed that a method based on
the activities of several motor units provides a better,
unbiased indicator of the properties of common
synaptic input to motor neurons (Negro and Farina,
2012), as explained below.
2.3 Common Synaptic Inputs to Motor
As previously mentioned, animal studies proved that
the presence of an input common to a population of
motor neurons increases the possibility of such units
firing synchronously (Kirkwood and Sears, 1978).
However, the estimation of this input is largely
influenced by the statistics of input current and the
discharge rate of the motor neurons (Negro and
Farina, 2012). Indeed, higher discharges rates imply
a better sampling of the input current, and thus allow
a better reconstruction.
Under the assumption that groups of motor unit
spike trains (referred to as composite spike trains)
increases the average sampling rate of the common
input to motor neurons (Negro and Farina, 2011,
2011b), Negro and Farina showed that the coherence
between such composite spike trains provides the
best estimate of the strength and frequency of
common synaptic inputs to motor neurons. Notice
that coherence is the normalized Fourier transform
of the cross-correlation function, and that it is
independent of filter functions.
Interestingly, traditional methods for the
estimation of motor unit synchronization (see
Section 2.2), and thus of common input properties,
consisted in applying certain filters to the cross-
correlogram (e.g., De Luca et al., 1982, Nordstrom
et al., 1992), which corresponds, in the frequency
domain, to considering a certain frequency band of
the coherence spectrum (Negro and Farina, 2012).
This clearly shows that such estimators are
intrinsically influenced by the input frequency.
2.4 Corticospinal Coupling
The projection of supraspinal, typically cortical,
oscillations to the muscle has been commonly
investigated by computing the coherence between
the supraspinal signal and the surface EMG. This
technique has allowed demonstrating the existence
of cortical involvement during different type of
muscle contractions in healthy subjects (Conway et
al., 1995, Raethjen et al., 2008), and also in the case
of tremor (Volkmann et al., 1996).
Remarkably, since coherence is a linear
technique, the existence of significant coherence
between the supraspinal signal and the EMG implies
that the transmission is partly linear, despite the non-
linearity of the motor neuron transfer function
(Gerstner and Kistler, 2002, Negro and Farina,
2011). However, due to the intrinsic limitations of
the surface EMG, it is not possible to gather further
insight on how such projection actually occurs.
A recent study showed that linearity of the
transmission can only be achieved if the supraspinal
inputs mediating voluntary contraction are a
common synaptic input to the motor neuron pool
(Negro and Farina, 2011). This was demonstrated
based on two facts. The first was that sampling a few
motor neurons already provided significant
coherence, which implies that a few motor neurons
are able of transmitting the cortical input. The
second observation was that the accuracy of such
estimation (magnitude of the coherence) did not
further increase after a few motor neurons were
sampled, which indicates to a saturation in sampling,
only possible in the case of common inputs.
The demonstration of the linearity of the
transmission also has physiological implications,
because due to the non-linear properties of
interneurons (Gerstner and Kistler, 2002), linear
transmission implies that direct pathways mediate
voluntary contractions. Thus, such finding further
supports the relevant role of the corticospinal tract in
voluntary movement control (Lemon, 2008).
In this paper we have reviewed traditional and novel
methods to assess motor unit properties and their
underlying determinants. These methods are
becoming increasingly important since they permit
to assess motor unit activities with an unprecedented
accuracy, thereby enabling advances in basic
neuroscience, muscle physiology and motor control,
thanks to a more accurate characterization of the
neural drive to muscle
This work has been partly funded by the EU
Commission through grant ICT-2011-287739
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