Wallis) test. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test,
which relate to planned time for the programs A, B
and C indicates that there is statistically significant
difference in planned time between the groups
(H=50,4978 and p=0,0000). Test for multiple
comparison has confirmed that all three groups
(three toughness levels) are statistically substantially
different. In order to achieve that kind of results, in
more than 50 % of the users it was necessary to
dynamically modify the training process.
Figure 8 gives a graphical display of the drawn
conclusion from a statistical test.
Figure 8: Planned result (s) in regard to different
toughness level (in Croatian language).
All necessary corrections of implemented algorithms
and the evaluation of particular training elements
were automatically implemented into the system.
This paper shows modelling of a system for mobile
telecommunication support in athletic preparations
of long-distance runners. This is a very complex area
which is intensively growing and in the future is
going to be a subject of many analyzes and the
opportunity for implementation of new ideas and
Here was described one telecommunication
platform which in real time communicates with
athletes, evaluates their given and done workouts,
and, if necessary, dynamically modifies the rest of
their training process for the purpose of achieving
better results. Functioning of an expert system which
generates programs for preparations in popular long-
distance disciplines (5000m, 10000m, half-marathon
and marathon) was presented in this paper.
Developed system is dimensioned for simultaneous
interactive use by a large group of users. Flexible
environment was created which protects the
individuality of each athlete, who decides on their
own on the volume of their training, the starting
date, toughness level as well as chooses one of the
available telecommunication channels for the data
transfer. As opposed to many other web services and
available books, at this point there it does not end
the interaction with the developed system. Database
and the data warehouse were formed which are
being updated in real time and the algorithms for
evaluation of given and done trainings have also
been developed.
Research on this topic has been directed at
integration of all above-mentioned segments,
generated program and the feedback information in
the shared database, by using mobile
telecommunication channels for data transfer in real
or almost-real time. Verification of the algorithms
and the methods has been conducted on a limited
sample of marathon runners. The procedure of
verification where the database and the data
warehouse have been filled with new quality data on
daily basis has led to enabled self-learning and
constant improvement of implemented algorithms
for generating programs for evaluation of results.
By a modular concept of the database the data
warehouse and by using the technologies and the
tools of open-source codes, it is relatively easy to
extend the system with new hardware and software
The procedure of verification has shown that
dynamic correction of generated programs in real
time, by using ICT technologies and implemented
algorithms and methods, substantially decreases the
probability of not achieving adequate result with the
increased probability of achieving the desired result
in optimal conditions.
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