government. Therefore, housing associations do not
differ much. In addition, all housing associations
have more demand than supply currently, which
causes waiting lists. The houses they rent are
favourable for citizens with a low income (an annual
income of € 43.000 is the maximum). The
associations are tasked to supply good housing
possibilities for the relatively more vulnerable and
poorer people in society. Similar constructions exist
in other countries. For example, the United Kingdom
has government-regulated housing associations with
the same goal; to provide housing to people on a low
income or people who need extra support.
Thanks to the public character of the housing
associations, all needed information for this case is
public and presented on websites of housing
associations, the government, and the central fund
for people housing. For the scope and purpose of
this research, applying the DEA Logic case on
Dutch housing associations in general is sufficient to
demonstrate the designed method.
The data and numbers used in the business case
are based on calculations by DEA Logic, and
internet sources. For reasons of confidentiality, the
numbers are not accurate. The business case gives an
indication of the order of magnitude of the costs
difference between the two discussed alternatives. If
in the future, a housing association would like to
realize the project, a new business case has to be
made, to assess the effects of the innovation on their
specific situation. For the purpose of demonstrating
the business case method, the used numbers and
accounted variables are sufficient.
DEA Logic develops technological and
electronic innovations for real estate amongst others.
The C Lock access control system is one of those
products. The latest innovation for newly built or
renovated apartment buildings is IP-infrastructure.
In the current situation, each apartment in a building
complex is supplied with public utilities and digital
infrastructural connections. In the Netherlands, each
apartment is provided with at least a telephone line,
television cable, intercom system, and often
fiberglass connection for internet. Each of these
connections makes use of their own wires. The main
idea of IP-Infrastructure is to supply each apartment
with only one TCP-IP connection, combining
telephone, television, intercom, and internet, as well
as other possible data connections.
This infrastructure not only reduces
infrastructural costs and materials of newly built or
renovated apartments, but also increases the amount
of possible functionalities. The currently developed
functionalities are derived from the C-Lock access
system, and can be connected to the receiver easily.
Tenants can choose individually which solutions
they need. The core of the innovation is to increase
apartments’ flexibility, functionality, and luxury,
and to minimize the maintenance costs.
The C-Lock and IP-Infrastructure innovations by
DEA Logic are suitable for Dutch housing
associations, for they build, rent, manage, and
maintain apartments for a diverse target group. The
target group is diverse, as their customers are young
as well as old people. In addition, families with
children and people who need daily nursing support
belong to the target customers. Introducing DEA
Logic’s innovations increases the suitable target
group for each apartment, as it can be adjusted to the
needs of the tenant more easily. Furthermore, the use
of IP-infrastructure decreases maintenance costs.
The innovations affect the housing association’s
business model. Renting out C-Lock solutions and
IP-infrastructure becomes a new key activity. DEA
Logic becomes a new key partner, together with
several service providers. Also the value proposition
is extended, for apartments are more secure and
luxury. The suitable customer segment for each
apartment increases, as it can be adjusted to the
needs of various tenants. Finally, a new revenue
stream is added, for the IP-infrastructure is rented
out, in combinations with C-Lock solutions, in
addition to the traditional rent of apartments.
Therefore, DEA Logic’s innovation and Dutch
housing associations form a good combination to
test the business case development method.
The following eight paragraphs represent the
eight steps of the business case method. We compare
two scenarios. In both scenarios, the same apartment
complex is built with one hundred apartments. The
first scenario represents the current situation. In the
second scenario, the IP-infrastructure is
implemented together with C-Lock solutions.
5.1 Business Drivers
Based on the vision and strategy of the three largest
housing corporations (CFV 2012), their mission is to
build, manage, and maintain quality tenement
housing for people with a low income and
vulnerable groups in society. Therefore, it is
preferable that building, managing, and maintenance
costs of houses to be low. Housing corporations
continuously seek possibilities to reduce costs and
still deliver high quality, and affordable homes for a
large and diverse target group. IP-infrastructure, in
combination with the variety of possible C-Lock
solutions provided by DEA Logic, is an innovation
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design