Text Analysis with Ontology Reasoning
Anna Rozeva
Department of Computer Systems and Informatics, University of Forestry, Kliment.Ohridski blv.10, Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: Text Analysis, Text Mining, Domain Ontology, Context Model, Ontology Reasoning, Knowledge
Abstract: The analysis of unstructured text when performed by text mining machine learning algorithm results in
mining model holding rules for relationships and dependencies among terms extracted by text pre-
processing techniques. The obtained mining model represents knowledge derived from the analyzed text
which is hard to interpret as it lacks context. Enhancement of its semantic value can be obtained by
implementing logic based approach providing formally defined meaning and interpretation mechanism. The
generally accepted form for representation of knowledge for existing domain is by domain-specific
ontology. The aim of the paper consists in designing a framework for performing ontology instantiation and
population with the structures of a complex mining model involving classification and association rules.
Procedures have been designed for annotating them with domain concepts and semantic types. The
framework provides for turning the mining model into a context model. Ontology reasoning is implemented
to validate the input mining model by rule semantic disambiguation and dependency conceptualization. The
framework implementation provides for outputting validated domain-related knowledge base in explicit and
machine-readable form as a resource that can be adapted for decision support.
Text analysis has become a topic attracting
increasing research interest and efforts in the recent
decade. The reason consists in the enormous and
continuously growing amount of published
information on Internet. Searching for specific
subject area related documents more efficiently as
compared to the traditional keyword-based
techniques has emerged as one of the most
challenging and value-adding problems concerning
it. Classification of text documents has turned out to
be the most important task in text analysis so far as
the retrieval of information from the web is
concerned. The text analysis performed by
implementing classical syntactical and statistical text
mining techniques results in mining models that
generally lack sense and ignore the semantics of the
input documents.
Most recent researches present techniques and
approaches for ensuring the lacking semantic
integration in a text mining model and improving
machine-learning based text classification (Albitar,
Fournier and Espinasse, 2012; Garla and Brandt,
2012). They implement semantic resources like
thesauri and ontologies for text “conceptualization
(Albitar et al., 2012) or taxonomical structures for
improving feature ranking and semantic similarity
measures for projecting text into a feature space
(Garla et al., 2012) thus enriching the semantics of
the classification output.
Machine accessible semantics of text mining
models is achieved by means of ontologies
(Horrocks, 2008). They represent hierarchically
structured conceptual schemas that give formally
defined meanings to concepts referring to a specified
domain. As a model of a piece of the world it
provides vocabulary describing the aspects of the
modelled domain as well as an explicitly stated
meaning of its content. The meaning generally
represents classification information.
Ontology-based methods have been implemented
for refining text analysis and information extraction
process. Extraction of links between concepts for
capturing domain semantics by using domain
specific ontology has been considered in (Morneau
and Mineau, 2008).
Ontologies provide semantic frameworks for the
interpretation of analyzed information. This
becomes possible by using logical formalisms for
their representation. Description logic (DL) (Baader
Rozeva A.
Text Analysis with Ontology Reasoning.
DOI: 10.5220/0004774100640073
In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2013), pages 64-73
ISBN: 978-989-8565-56-3
2013 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
et al., 2007) is a knowledge representation
formalism distinguished by formal semantics and
provision of inference services. It is the foundation
of ontology languages like OWL DL (Motik et al.,
2012). Ontology based on description logic provides
reasoning tools and services for designing and
maintaining qualitative ontologies, answering
queries over its classes and instances, integrating
and mapping ontologies. Therefore ontology
reasoning facilitates the design and development of
ontologies as well as their deployment in
The intensively researched problem areas
mentioned so far provide the motivation for the
current work. The aim is to design a framework for
implementation of domain ontologies and reasoning
services in text document analysis enabling the
design of qualitative and validated domain related
knowledge. The rest of the paper is organized as
folows: Section 2 examines approaches, platforms,
mechanisms and applications of ontologically based
text analysis; Section 3 presents the conceptual
structure of our framework for ontological text
analysis; Sections 4 and 5 highlight framework
implementation issues and Section 6 concludes with
discussion and directions for future work.
Text analysis is used in the sense of automatic
processing of huge volumes of textual information in
order to facilitate its retrieval, management and
structuring for research purposes. On the other hand
this notion concerns also the extraction of context
and meaning from the processed text corpus. Each of
these aspects is performed by the implementation of
specific information technology.
The technology which converts unstructured or
semi-structured natural language text in a form that
is suitable for machine processing which results in
models of extracted facts, discovered implicit links
and generated hypotheses, is referred to as text
mining. The models obtained by text mining
represent knowledge which needs to be properly
interpreted, shared and integrated. This can be
accomplished by combining them with
corresponding conceptual models which reflect the
structure of the subject area the knowledge is
referring to and defines the interpretations of its
terms, i.e. ontologies. They specify concept meaning
and their relations to other concepts in machine-
readable form. Ontologies therefore provide for the
automatic semantic interpretation of textual
information and enhance the benefits of text mining.
Further on text analysis will be distinguished as text
mining analysis and ontological analysis.
Figure 1 shows a framework for text mining
analysis performed on unstructured text corpus that
is presented in (Rozeva, 2011a).
Figure 1: Text mining analysis framework.
Within the above shown framework text is
lexically and syntactically processed for the
extraction of descriptive terms. They are determined
on the basis of evaluating frequency of appearance
in a document. Different methods for frequency
calculation can be implemented for enhancing the
relevance of the extracted terms to the document
content. The extracted descriptive terms provide for
presenting documents by term vectors. Each
document is represented by a vector, which contains
the extracted terms and their frequency of
occurrence in it. Obviously the document vector
matrix is sparse. The matrix is processed with
machine learning algorithms and in result mining
model is obtained. It stores patterns in the form of
classifications, groups and associations mined from
the input documents.
Approach for implementation of text mining
model within a specified platform for predicting
unknown features of new documents is presented in
(Rozeva, 2011b).
2.1 Ontological Text Analysis
Basic aspects and practices of using ontologies with
text mining are reviewed in (Spasic et al., 2005). So
far as ontology provides the terminology of a
domain, terms are set to express specialized domain
concepts. The mapping of term to concept is
considered as the basis for the semantic
interpretation of text mining models. Different layers
of text annotation by means of ontologies are
examined, i.e. lexical, syntactic and semantic.
A solution for the term ambiguity problem as a
general text mining challenge is reported in (Bratus
et al., 2009). It concerns cases when a term refers to
Text Analysis with Ontology Reasoning
multiple concepts which are normal for natural
language texts. The textual case-based reasoning
system developed performs taxonomic indexing of
text archives which provides for ontology-guided
search. It requires text classification and
disambiguation. The implemented classification
method locates key phrases in lexical taxonomies.
Disambiguation uses context to determine the
taxonomy regions, which are likely to be most
relevant. Algorithm has been designed for ontology-
guided text disambiguation.
Use of ontologies during the text analysis
process and as an export format for the results
obtained is shown in (Witte et al., 2007). Software
document ontology has been designed for being
automatically instantiated by text mining module.
The concepts to be included therein are the ones
related to: document structure or lexica; lexical
normalization rules; relations between classes and
software specific entities. The text mining system
for the instantiation of pre-modelled ontology
(ontology population) has been designed within the
GATE framework (Cunningham et al., 2011) for text
engineering, language processing and text analysis.
Entities resulting from natural language processing
(NLP) populate the ontology which is further on
processed for named entity recognition. Entities are
matched against a list of terms and in case of match
an annotation is added. An ontology-aware
component incorporating mappings between term
lists and ontology classes is used to assign the proper
class in case of term match. Specially designed
grammar rules are used to detect and annotate
complex named entities. They refer to the
annotations created and evaluate the ontology
directly. They detect semantic units by combining
ontology-based look-up information and extracted
noun phrases from documents. By implementation
of fuzzy-set based co-reference resolution system
detected entities are grouped into chains.
Normalization with a set of lexical rules provides
entities with canonical names. Rules are stored in
their corresponding classes in the domain ontology
which allows the inheritance of rules through
subsumption. Relations between entities are detected
by grammar rules and syntactic analysis. The
obtained relations are filtered through the ontology
for discarding the semantically invalid ones.
Integration aspects of formal ontologies in OWL-
DL format with text mining systems for supporting
NLP are discussed in (Witte et al., 2007). Ontology
is implemented both as a container for mining
results and as a language for document processing.
Requirements for the necessary information to be
included in ontology for supporting text mining
tasks are defined. Issues concerning interfacing
ontologies to text mining systems have been
considered as well.
Ontology population methods have been
considered in (Wang et al., 2005) and (Damljanovic
et al., 2009). Learning and populating ontology from
linguistic resources is presented in (Wang, et al.,
2005). Special attention is turned to the extraction of
related concepts and the method applied prevents
them to be far apart in the concept hierarchy.
Creating adapted workflows for semi-automatically
ontology population with text from diverse semantic
repositories is reported in (Damljanovic et al., 2009).
Framework for ontology-based text
categorization which performs ontology learning by
mining input documents and uses the ontology
further on for refining the categorization with both
supervised and unsupervised machine learning
approaches is presented in (Bloehdorn et al., 2005).
The framework provides ontology learning
algorithms such as for constructing taxonomies with
conceptual clustering algorithm; for classifying
instances into the ontology by using lexico-syntactic
patterns; for extracting labeled relations and
specifying their domain and range and for semantic
enrichment by finding the appropriate concept from
a given ontology, etc. The lexica and concept
hierarchies of ontologies are involved in performing
text clustering and classification by enhancing the
common term representation of documents with
concepts extracted from the used ontologies.
Ontologies enable specific concepts found in text to
be replaced by more general concept representations,
i.e. the corresponding superconcept along the path to
the root of the concept hierarchy. More recent
review on attempts to combining machine learning
techniques and ontologies by investigating mining of
semantic web data sources with inductive learning
techniques is presented in (Bloehdorn and Hotho,
2.2 Ontology Querying and Reasoning
Basic advantage of the implementation of formal
ontologies in text analysis is that it enables the
definition of semantic queries on concept instances
and automated reasoning based on DL. Reasoning
(Horrocks, 2008) has to check that ontology
knowledge is meaningful, correct, minimally
redundant, richly axiomatised, that queries can be
answered over its classes and instances, that
individuals matching a query can be retrieved and
that the knowledge base is consistent.
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Many inference tasks are reduced to subsumption
reasoning and to satisfiability.
Efficiency of query answering reasoning task is
discussed in (Pothipruk and Governatori, 2005). DL-
based reasoning performs inference on a knowledge
base consisting of terminological axioms (Tbox) and
assertion axioms (Abox). Tboxes refer to the schema
of concepts and Aboxes to the names of individuals.
Reasoning on the terminological hierarchy, specified
by DL first order formulas, checks the fulfillment of
the following logical requirements: concept
satisfiability; class subsumption; class consistency;
instance checking.
A subset of reasoning rules (Wang et al., 2004)
is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Sample OWL ontology reasoning rules.
(?P rdf:Type owl: TransitiveProperty)
?P ?B) (?B ?P ?C) (?A ?P ?C)
(?a rdfs:subClassOf ?b)
(?b rdfs:subClassOf ?c)
(?a rdfs:subClassOf ?c)
(?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?b)
(?b rdfs:subPropertyOf ?c)
(?a rdfs:subPropertyOf ?c)
(?C owl:disjointWith ?D)
(?X rdf: type ?C)
(?Y rdf: type ?D)
(?X owl:differentFrom ?Y)
(?P owl:inverseOf ?Q) (?X ?P ?Y)
(?Y ?Q ?X)
The proposed optimization approach concerns
Abox reasoning, as the basis for query answering.
Two types of queries allowed by DL are considered.
The Boolean query represents instance checking and
the non-Boolean consists in retrieving Abox content.
The approach addresses the problem of efficient
answering a query in a DL-based semantic web
system implementing single ontology and multiple
data sources.
Architecture for ontology reasoning is proposed
in (Pan, 2007). It supports ontology languages
providing for the definition of customized data types
and customized data type predicates. It allows new
data type reasoners to be added into the architecture
without affecting the basic concept reasoner.
Ontology for modeling context and supporting
context reasoning has been designed in (Wang et al.,
2004). Its upper level captures general concepts
about the basic context. It allows hierarchical adding
of domain-specific ontologies. Logic reasoning on
this ontology consists in checking the consistency of
context information and deriving high level implicit
context from low level explicit context.
Ontologies provide the vocabulary that enables
the semantic markup of web resources. Thus they
express the terminological part of knowledge
structured in taxonomy of concepts and properties.
DL based language as OWL enables reasoning for
ontology checking, classification and recognition of
class instances. Rules on the other hand describe
logical dependencies between the ontology elements
and as such represent the deductive type of
knowledge. Rule types are: standard – for chaining
ontologies’ properties; bridging – for reasoning
across several domains; mapping – ontologies in
data integration; querying – for expressing complex
queries in ontology vocabulary and meta – for
facilitating ontology engineering (acquisition,
validation and maintenance).
As considered in (Golbreich, 2004) completeness
of inferences can be obtained on the basis of the
whole domain knowledge available both in
ontologies and rule bases. Approach for reasoning
by combining them is designed based on Semantic
web standards language OWL and SWRL (Horrocks
et al., 2004). The platform for combining DL and
rule reasoning is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Combining ontology and rule reasoning.
Modeling approach for developing rule-based
application for the web is presented in (Canadas,
Palma and Tunes, 2009). It implements ontologies
for describing the concepts and their relationships in
the application domain and rules for formalizing the
inference logic thus providing for increasing the
amount of knowledge represented in ontologies.
The review of related work on approaches, methods,
technologies and tools presented in the previous
Text Analysis with Ontology Reasoning
section has motivated the design of a framework for
analysing web text documents resulting in a
knowledge base that can be queried with automatic
semantic reasoners for inferring implicit facts. In our
previous work (Rozeva, 2012) we’ve presented an
approach for implementing pre-defined ontology at:
Text pre-processing step for filtering terms that
don’t map to ontology individuals;
Post-processing the rules learnt by implementing
mining algorithm.
The approach implemented in the current work uses
the rules model obtained by processing the text with
machine learning algorithm for instantiation of
domain ontology. This provides for enhancing the
efficiency of the representation of the analysed
domain by turning the mined model into a context
model. The context model being ontologically based
ensures logically validated classification and logic
reasoning. The framework is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Ontological text analysis framework.
The modules in the framework are:
NLP – natural language text processing resulting
in term extraction;
Preparation of document vector matrix for
algorithmic processing;
MLA - machine learning algorithm producing
mined model;
Ontology instantiation with the mined model
producing semantically labelled context model;
Ontology reasoning for inferring new facts
resulting in validated domain related knowledge.
MLAs that are usually applied for text analysis
purposes are: discovering groups of text documents
by clustering; classification (grouping according to
pre-defined categories) and associations.
The core of the proposed framework is the
instantiation of ontology from the rules of mined
model obtained by processing the text with machine
learning algorithm. This process refers to defining
classes, arrangement of classes in a taxonomic
hierarchy, defining properties of classes and allowed
values for them, filling in the property values for the
individuals of the classes. The framework
implements classification and association rules
machine learning algorithms. The classification
algorithm provides for building the ontology class
hierarchy. The association rules algorithm enables
the definition of non-taxonomic relations between
classes. The method for ontology building is
inspired by the method presented in (Elsayed et al.,
2007). Their approach uses the rules obtained by
mining structured data for mapping tree nodes to
OWL classes, tree branches to OWL classes and leaf
nodes to individuals. The ontology building
algorithm implements functions for: getting the
branches of a node and the branch of a leaf node;
getting the class that represents a branch and for
creating individual for a leaf node. This algorithm is
adapted in the proposed framework for taking input
from rules mined from text and is enhanced with the
definition of additional objectType property of the
classes. The method for enriching the ontology with
non-taxonomic relations is based on similar research
held on lexico-syntactic patterns from domain
specific dictionary for extracting relations between
concepts shown in (Maedche and Staab, 2000) as
well as on an approach for mining dictionary
databases for ontology generation purposes
presented in (Deliyska et al., 2012).
3.1 Building Ontology Taxonomy
The proposed algorithm for ontology instantiation
comprises two modules. The first one creates
ontology from a decision tree mining model. The
second one performs ontology enrichment by
creating relations between ontology classes from the
results of an association rules model. The general
structure of decision tree model shown in Figure 4
provides the input for the ontology building module,
Predictable attribute name;
Node ID and node name;
Node type – root, interior or distribution;
Node children cardinality – 2 or 0;
Node parent;
Node description – inputAttributeValue_ missing
or inputAttributeValue_existing;
Node rule, containing attribute and predicate
Node distribution – probability of predictable
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
attribute values.
Figure 4: Decision tree text analysis model.
The predictable attribute in a text classification
task is the document category (Topic). The tree is
split by the presence or absence of an input attribute
value. The input attribute in the text classification is
Term with values extracted in the NLP stage.
Cardinality for interior nodes is two, denoting
existing or missing term value. Each node has
probability distributions of predictable attribute
values attached. The algorithm steps for mapping the
decision tree to ontology components are:
Step 1: Define independent class for the distribution
with classification topics and probability;
Class Distribution = new(OWL:class)
Distribution.Id= Distribution.name
DatatypeProperty DistributionDP=new
Class Topic = new(OWL:class
subClassof Distribution)
Topic.Id= Topic.name
DatatypeProperty TopicDP=new
Class TopicProbability =
new(OWL:class subClassof
Distribution disjointWith Topic)
Step 2: Define independent class for the nodes’
Class NodeRule = new(OWL:class)
NodeRule.Id= NodeRule.name
DatatypeProperty NodeRuleDP=new
Class Predicate = new(OWL:class
subClassof NodeRule)
Predicate.Id= Topic.name
DatatypeProperty NodeRuleDP=new
Class TermValue = new(OWL:class
subClassof NodeRule disjointWith
TermValue.Id= TermValue.name
DatatypeProperty TermValue DP=new
Step 3: Define independent class for the nodes’
Class Probability = new(OWL:class)
Probability.Id= Probability.name
DatatypeProperty ProbabilityDP=new
Step 4: Define the root class for the taxonomy of the
interior and terminal nodes;
Class All = new(OWL:class
disjointWith Distribution
disjointWith NodeRule disjointWith
All.Id= All.name
DatatypeProperty All=new
Step 5: Define the class taxonomy from the interior
and terminal nodes;
For each node DN
Class C=new (owl:Class)
C.Id= DN.name
DatatypeProperty DP=new
Dp.Id= DN.name+”_Value”
For each ChildNode CN of Get-
Dp. AddDomain (CN.Get-Class ())
Step 6: Define properties and make the relation of
the class taxonomy to the independent classes;
ObjectProperty hasDistribution =
ObjectProperty hasProbability =
ObjectProperty hasRule =
AddSubclassOf(All, hasDistribution)
AddSubclassOf(All, hasProbability)
AddSubclassOf(All, hasRule)
Step 7: Create individuals for ontology classes;
Text Analysis with Ontology Reasoning
For each node DN
Individual I = new
Foreach Topic T
NodeRule.I+= Predicate+TermValue
ADDType(Distribution.I, I)
ADDType(NodeRule.I, I)
The ontology instantiated by this module involves
the hierarchical relations between the defined
classes. By including non-hierarchical relations as
well further enrichment and refinement of the
generated ontology will be obtained.
3.2 Ontology Enrichment
Ontology enrichment is achieved by the second
module in the framework which introduces non-
hierarchical relations between ontology classes.
These relations are extracted by applying the
association rules algorithm of Srikant and Agrawal
(as cited in Maedche and Staab, 2000) on the
processed text documents. Association rules are in
the form X Y with measures for confidence and
support, where ‘X’ and ‘Y’ represent items in a
transaction set.
When applied to hierarchically structured
ontology classes the right side of the rule involves
the ancestors of the particular item as well. The
resulting rules contain ‘Y’ that isn’t ancestor of ‘X’
and the rule XY isn’t subsumed by one involving
their ancestors. The association rules produced by
the text mining algorithm are to be implemented as
properties between ontology classes’ individuals.
The algorithm implements a method which assumes
that individual corresponding to antecedent ‘X’ of
the association rule exists in ontology. It involves
the following method:
For each rule XY
If exist(owlclass.Individual=”Y”)
ObjectProperty Prop_Name =
AssertObjectProperty (X,
Prop_Name, Y)
Class Association = new(OWL:class
disjointWith class.X)
Association.Id= Association.name
DatatypeProperty Association =new
AssertObjectProperty (X,
Prop_Name, Y)
The method checks the presence of an individual ‘Y’
in ontology and creates object property which relates
it to the individual ‘X’. If not present new class is
added to ontology as disjoint with the class
individual ‘X’ belongs to. Individual ‘Y’ is added to
this class. Object property is created and is asserted
to relate individuals ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
The text mining module of the framework has been
implemented in Microsoft SQL Server 2008
(Microsoft SQL Server, 2013). The classification
model obtained by mining the text with Microsoft
Decision Tree algorithm is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Decision tree mining model.
Topic’s distribution created for each tree node is
shown in Figure 6. Term extraction and term lookup
transformations have been implemented for text
preparation. The document corpus consists of
conference papers on e-Governance.
Figure 6: Classification topic distribution.
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
For instantiating the ontology the approach for
mapping database schema to ontology presented in
(Yankova et al., 2008) has been implemented. The
general form of the script statement mapping table
column to ontology classes is:
The instantiated ontology with the decision tree
model by implementing the algorithm in Protégé 4.2
(Protégé 4 User Documentation, 2013) is shown in
Figure 7.
Figure 7: Ontology instantiated with decision tree model.
The association rules mining model obtained by
processing the text corpus with the Microsoft
Association Rules algorithm is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Association rules mining model.
The ontology enriched with the mined rules is
shown in Figure 9. The rule “administrative reform
= Existing e-government = Existing has been
inserted in ontology as shown with arrows by:
Creating new class Reform;
Creating individuals for the class, i.e.
Administrative, Management and Budget;
Creating object property “involves”;
Asserting the “involves” property to “e-
government” individual of class “E-
government_existing” with the individual
“Administrative” from the Reform class.
The ontology instantiated by the proposed
framework has been classified with Pellet reasoner
(Pellet Reasoner Plug-in for Protégé 4, 2013) –
Figure 10.
Figure 9: Enriched ontology with association relations.
Figure 10: Classified ontology.
A classified ontology can be searched by logical
queries. Figure 11 presents sample DL query for
retrieving class individuals with restriction on
dataType property. Class queries get subclasses or
descendents in the hierarchy or the superclass of a
Figure 11: DL query on classified ontology.
Text Analysis with Ontology Reasoning
Figure 12 presents sample OWL2 query in graph
view. The TBoxes, ABoxes and RBoxes are used to
provide concept relations, relations between
individuals and concepts and rules to the query.
Figure 12: Owl2 Query on classified ontology.
A framework for text analysis involving the building
and instantiation of ontology from analysis model
obtained by text mining has been proposed. It has
been designed with the aim of enhancing the
semantic content of analysis model rules and turning
them into a knowledge rule base which enables
processing with logic reasoning. Most of the
reviewed work on ontologies in text analysis
considers natural language processing and
validations with dictionaries and domain ontologies.
Current approach addresses algorithmically
processed text. It is considered that ontology
obtained from mining model can be treated as more
relative representation of text corpus overall content.
By structuring a rule model into ontology the
proposed framework ensures model’s semantic
enrichment. The contribution of the paper is the
defined approach for representing a complex text
mining model as concise domain ontology. The
examined mining model is complex because it
contains both classification and association rules.
Thus ontology proves to be the means for integrating
knowledge rules from different types of machine
learning text processing. It also provides the
processing tools for extracting the logical content
and meaning of the integrated rules.
The framework couples a text mining and
ontology instantiation modules. Methods are created
for the automatic mapping of rules into ontology
elements – classes, object and data properties and
instances. The framework has been implemented for
classification and associations analysis of selected
text corpus. Classification as the most typical
analysis task produces rules that enable the natural
mapping to ontology class hierarchy. The framework
implementation resulted in ontology that has been
successfully classified by a reasoner. Examples for
searching the classified ontology with description
logic and OWL2 queries have been provided. It’s
claimed that the ontology mapping besides for
mining models integration turns the mining model
into a context model with enhanced semantic
meaning of its rules, initially extracted from text by
machine learning algorithm.
The framework presented has been focused
primarily on the terminological part of the process of
ontology building. Future work is intended in
enhancing its axiom part as well as on mapping of
other text mining models on ontology.
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