paper supports the requirements for the method for
KPI modelling as it presents a) an abstraction of the
available conceptual models enabling modelling of
KPIs and understanding their relationships; b) intu-
itive models of KPIs of different levels. Our method
enables model execution and therefore, validation of
the desired properties of KPIs. The goal model and
the executable protocol model support the validation
of the properties of KPIs including semantic reliabil-
ity and improvement orientation. The validated pro-
cesses and KPIs can be used for implementation mod-
In the future work, we plan to further develop
techniques to test semantic reliability and efficiency
of a KPI and adapt our method for design and anal-
ysis of tactical, strategic and complex KPIs (Robert
Kaplan, and David Norton, 2001) used in industry.
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methods for system implementation modelling. The
models of implementation are usually asynchronous.
All asynchronous deviations of their behaviour from
the visible system behaviour presented with protocol
models should be required or accepted by users. In
such a way using protocol models may contribute to
reliability of requirements and models of implemen-
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Modelling and Validation of KPIs