Analysis on the Value of Process Support Implementations
for Quality Management
Michael Seitz
and Stefan Jablonski
PRODATO Integration Technology GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
University of Bayreuth, Chair of Applied Computer Science IV, Bayreuth, Germany,
Keywords: Quality Management, Process Support, Value Creation, Maturity Models, Adaptation.
Abstract: Many organizations face competitive pressure to enhance their business process capabilities and to comply
with quality management directives. Methods like the Business Process Maturity Model (BPMM) therefore
provide assistance by stating concrete requirements and measuring their fulfillment. However, there is still
uncertainty about how much technical support (e.g. guidance, documentation) is actually reasonable in order
to adapt the business process to a specific maturity level. In this paper an analysis approach is introduced
that enables to assess the value of process support implementations for quality management and assists
practitioners with the decision-making whether the value is appropriate for the use case. The application of
the concept is illustrated using the example of four representative implementations ranging from manual
human-controlled to automatic system-controlled support.
In order to remain competitive, many organizations
continually enhance and optimize their business
process maturity. Maturity models like the Business
Process Maturity Model (BPMM) (OMG, 2008)
therefore serve as orientation as they “have been
designed to assess the maturity (i.e. competency,
capability) of a selected domain” (Bruin et al., 2005)
and derive points for improvements. Maturity levels
(ML) describe concrete requirements, e.g., the
orientation towards a reference process, but do not
provide indication of supporting methods or tools to
enact and execute a reference process model. The
issue of adequate technical support for process
enactment that is managed on basis of the quality
requirements of maturity models is rather complex:
Reasonable support has to be adapted to current as
well as constantly changing requirements of the
deployed quality management (QM) standard, i.e.
conditions for qualitatively appropriate execution of
business processes (for example deliver in time with
consistent performance). Moreover, “the proper fit
between the tasks in the business processes and
information technology/systems must exist“
(Trkman, 2010). Since many companies have
adopted a value-based approach to manage the
deployment of information technology (IT) and
decisions on IT are made on basis of the contribution
to strategic business objectives (Mauch and
Wildemann, 2007), the question arises how the value
of process support implementations for QM can be
determined and serve as decision guidance. It is
obvious: the more tool support is chosen, the more
expensive process execution becomes. However, it
has to be asked whether this additional tool support
has an adequate value with respect to QM. In these
matters, decision makers need to rely on more than
just “gut feeling”.
There already exist some in-depth investigations
on the ability of IT for support of specific processes
and use cases. Zur Mühlen and Rosemann (2000)
outline the economic aspects of workflow-based
process monitoring and controlling. Faerber (2010)
conceptually designs a process navigation system as
implementation for process-oriented QM. Becker et
al. (1999) present a structured framework which
enables the evaluation of the potential of business
processes to be supported by workflow management
systems. The listed related work in each case is
concentrated on a specific implementation approach.
There is still a lack of a general approach
considering the whole spectrum of process support
including both human- and system-controlled
approaches. The key issue about the reasonable
degree of process support, i.e. which tasks should be
Seitz M. and Jablonski S.
Analysis on the Value of Process Support Implementations for Quality Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004775201770186
In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design (BMSD 2013), pages 177-186
ISBN: 978-989-8565-56-3
2013 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
accomplished fully/semi automated or rather
manually, is not yet thoroughly assessed. It is still
unclear how the actual value of process support for
QM can be measured, independent of the degree of
IT assignment and specific implementation
In this paper the value of process support for QM
is investigated. The term “value” should be
perceived as the contribution that is made to being
compliant to requirements of QM standards. In
practical terms, it is evaluated to what extent process
management tasks – such as information,
coordination or documentation – no longer have to
be carried out manually but are handled in whole or
part by process support tools. The value is measured
by the appropriate fulfillment of maturity level
requirements on process support.
Therefore, an adequate analysis approach is
introduced and illustrated by the example of four
different representative implementations for process
support. The objective of the analysis is to get an
appreciation of to what extent the implementations
penetrate the process – in particular with regard to
the degree of IT assignment and the remaining
degree of freedom for the users – and thereby
support the users in performing their tasks in
accordance with requirements of QM standards. The
analysis results are intended to provide practitioners
a better basis for decision-making about a broad
spectrum of suitable implementations.
In our previous work (Seitz and Jablonski, 2012;
Seitz and Jablonski, 2013) we approach the problem
of adequate process support from a business point of
view without directly referring to QM. In this paper,
the IT side is analyzed, especially as regards the
selection of specific implementations that comply
best with the demanded capabilities. Therefore, in
addition to Jablonski (2010) an even more specific
classification of process support is performed with
respect to each process perspective (e.g. data,
organization). The concept is tightly focused on QM
so that conclusions can be drawn – on the one hand
for the value, i.e. the promoted quality at runtime
(guidance during execution) and after runtime
(evidence through documentation) and on the other
hand for the caused costs (e.g. modeling efforts). In
this manner, we want to give a more precise answer
to the question of adequate process support.
The concept is divided up into three steps. Firstly,
the classification framework for the degree of
process support according to Seitz and Jablonski
(2012, p. 95) is introduced and applied in the context
of QM support functions. Secondly, the evaluation
instrument for setting the benchmark is presented.
Maturity levels thereby serve as measure how
valuable process support is. Thirdly, a procedure is
suggested that aims for reaching a decision on the
question which is the most valuable approach for
process support with respect to a specific maturity,
i.e. requirements of QM standards.
2.1 Classification
Process support for QM comprises four basic
functions (Faerber, 2010, p. 75): information
provision, data integration, coordination, and
documentation. Depending on the required ML these
basic functions can be implemented quite
differently. For example, if the goal is to reach a
high maturity, it is recommended to coordinate work
packages and project staff accurately. Relevant
control information should be integrated
electronically to be able to collect and analyze key
performance indicators systematically. However, a
low maturity just demands to achieve the results
(anyhow) and therefore allows for the coordination
function to be performed rather rudimentarily or not
at all. It may be also sufficient to retrieve process
instructions or measurement data by hand.
Seitz and Jablonski (2012) introduce an adequate
framework for the classification of the degree of
process support that is based on the perspective-
oriented process model (POPM) (Jablonski, 1994).
The five main perspectives of POPM according to
Jablonski and Goetz (2008) are: functions (process
steps and their purpose), data (used data, e.g.
documents, and data flow between the process
steps), operations (invoked services and tools),
organization (people or machines and their
responsibilities) and behavior (control flow). The
functional perspective thereby represents the
composition (“skeletal structure”) of the process on
which the other perspectives are built on. This is
way the functional perspectives can be excluded
from the classification. The framework covers the
whole spectrum for both internal and external
enactment of process models (under vs. beyond the
control of information systems) as well as the range
between strict and flexible execution (little or no
freedom vs. high degree of freedom and decision
making by the users). In the following, the
characteristics (perspectives) and the values of the
framework are explained using the four basic
functions for QM support (see Figure 1).
Information Provision: Users are provided with
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
detailed information across all perspectives about
the process steps to be performed, like some kind of
handbook or guideline. The more detail of
information is supplied the tighter the process
execution is restricted. However, this support
function is completely separated from the actual
process execution; there we call it "external
enactment" because it is limited to a passive role by
indeed presenting the users all relevant facts of the
process but not being able to influence the actual
process execution or even the user’s behavior.
Regarding the operational perspective, directives on
mandatory tools can be set. Concerning the
organizational perspective, responsibilities are
defined, either at the level of a group of persons
acting with a common purpose – maybe a role or
department (“non-agent”) – or at the level of
individuals (“agent”). The behavioral perspective is
covered by a clear textual or visual description of the
chronological sequence of the process steps and their
Data Integration: A distinction is made between
unstructured (e.g. an image) and structured (e.g. a
form or a record) data. They are consolidated from
different sources in order to make them centrally
available in electronic form, e.g. for presentation
purpose (data perspective). In doing so, it is also
possible to establish application interfaces and to
make 3
party tools more accessible (operational
perspective). Those can either be suggested to the
users for manual execution – possibly through a
launch pad (assisted enactment) – or automatically
be invoked and parameterized (automatic
execution). The latter option provides less flexibility
and is often preceded by a costly development and
Coordination: Project staff and work packages
have to be reconciled and harmonized taking into
account restrictions and due dates. Hence, the
organizational (task assignment) and the behavioral
perspective (temporal and logical sequence of
process steps) is concerned. Process support for the
coordination function is considered to be system-
integrated, because adequate implementations must
keep track of the actual course and are in need of
feedback about the current process context (internal
enactment). It can be performed either flexible or
strict: Assigning a task to a role or department
provides more flexibility than to a specific person or
server process. Accordingly, there arise far more
possibilities from a suggested set of suitable process
steps than from exactly prescribing the execution
Documentation: The compliance with quality
requirements has to be proved through
documentation. This can be achieved either
manually by the users or automatically through IT.
The actual process execution is documented paper-
based or electronically on different level of detail for
each process perspective. For instance, in many
cases it is sufficient to simply record that a certain
process step has been accomplished (e.g. by
presenting the process results), whereas often also
additional information such as the executing agent or
the applied tools have to be documented.
Process support through information provision
(external enactment) is complemented or rather
substituted on the one hand by data integration
regarding data and operations and on the other hand
by coordination regarding organization and behavior
(internal enactment). While external enactment just
enables to communicate the way the process should
be executed, internal enactment also ensures that it
will actually be done (within the granted degree of
freedom). In the following it is assumed that both
data integration and coordination include
information provision with regard to the respective
process perspectives. Furthermore, with internal
enactment by data integration and coordination also
the documentation of the related process
perspectives is covered more or less automatically.
Figure 1: Classification framework.
External (manual) Internal (system integrated)
Flexible Strict Flexible Strict
Paper based Electronic
Unstructured Structured Unstructured Structured
Operations Free choice
Directives on
mandatory tools
Assisted enactment Automatic execution
Ta s k t o
Ta s k t o
Task to
Task to
Behaviour Not specified Process description Set of process steps Order of process steps
Information Provision
Data Integration
Analysis on the Value of Process Support Implementations for Quality Management
This simplified example for a single process step
of the travel expense report shows how support
functions and their interdependencies work:
Information Provision: Via the enterprise intranet
it is communicated that the traveler (organization)
must make the reimbursement application (data)
within three days after returning from the travel
(behavior) and send to the travel department by
email (operation).
Data Integration: The document template can be
downloaded by clicking on the provided link (data).
A word processing application is recommended for
editing (operation).
Coordination: As soon as the travel is approved
(behavior) the traveler is given the task to perform
the travel expense report (organization).
Documentation: By means of the email
containing the reimbursement document the process
step is – more or less automatically – documented. It
proves who applied which reimbursement
application and when (all perspectives).
Some higher QM standards demand to take
corrective actions in case of exceptions and
moreover to incorporate improvements in future
instances of the process model. In this framework
this aspect is not be dealt with explicitly. Even
though the investigated support functions the
concept is based on do not directly cover continuous
improvement they include the collection of relevant
data (data integration) and the delegation of further
measures (coordination) for improvement and
innovation to human agents or 3
party tools that
provide process support through assistance and
planning according to Jablonski (1994).
The contribution of the classification framework
to the research question is to determine to what
extent the QM support functions are implemented.
In order to establish a common scale for the
evaluation of which value a certain implementation
thereby actually creates, in the next section, the
quality requirements of the MLs are mapped to the
support functions.
2.2 Evaluation
Maturity models “are used as an evaluative and
comparative basis for improvement” (Bruin et al.
2005) and therefore are suitable to establish a
common scale for the evaluation of the value
proposition. The Business Process Maturity Model
(BPMM) is chosen for this evaluation because it is
focused on all kinds of processes of an organization
(Hogrebe and Nüttgens, 2009). In the following,
based on Seitz and Jablonski (2012) and Schönig et
al. (2012), the quality requirements of business
process MLs on the previously introduced support
functions are investigated. In turn, it can be
determined which ML implementation approaches
are able to reach for each support function, and to
what extent additional support by other tools or by
hand is required.
Initial: ML1 just demands to achieve the process
results. It does not place any specific requirements
on process support. In this respect all
implementation approaches meet ML1 (by
Managed: ML2 demands proper results in time.
Therefore, the process has to be planned like a
project. In order to set up and perform a project
schedule, information about organization and
behavior have to be provided and the execution has
to be coordinated (either flexibly or strictly). Besides
the achieved results it must be documented that the
project plan was adhered to (organization and
Standardized: ML3 demands that the process
execution follows a reference process. Therefore, all
information about the reference process have to be
specified across all perspectives. Document
templates and input screens (if needed) should be
made available centrally and applications or tools to
be used should be suggested or prescribed (flexible
or strict data integration). Similar to ML2, adequate
coordination is necessary. All relevant process
perspectives have to be documented properly to
provide evidence for being compliant to the
reference process.
Predictable: ML4 additionally demands
measurable results. Therefore, data for the defined
key performance indicators (KPI) have to be
collected systematically. In this respect control data,
result data and – if needed – data from external
sources should be integrated and made available in
electronic and structured form for documentation
purpose and further statistical analysis (strict data
integration and strict documentation of data and
operations). Furthermore, corrective action is
demanded in case of KPI exceptions. This
requirement is covered through the support functions
coordination and documentation and can be modeled
through definition of respective controlling tasks and
appropriate recording of recognized deviations and
taken countermeasures.
Innovating: While corrections and improvements
in ML4 only affect the currently running instance,
ML5 demands (automatic) continuous improvement
and innovation of the reference process und future
instances. Within the scope of the support functions
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
this paper deals with there are no further
requirements through ML5.
The ML requirements on process support are
summarized in Table 1. They can be used as a
common scale for the evaluation of the value
proposition of implementations. In the next section,
it is outlined how to decide which implementation is
the most appropriate to a particular situation.
2.3 Decision
In this section, a procedure for reaching a decision
and finally selecting an adequate implementation for
process support is suggested.
The principle objectives for the decision about
adequate process support stated by Seitz and
Jablonski (2012) therefore indicate a general
direction. On the one hand, process support must
guide the attainment of the process strategy, e.g. to
reach a specific ML. On the other hand,
implementations are in need of a process model that
is defined properly and completely. Following the
principle of utility maximization and cost
minimization, the implementation approach must be
chosen that fits best the desired process maturity
(nothing more and nothing less) and simultaneously
requires the least modeling effort and gains the
broadest possible acceptance by the users. So the
decision process may look as follows:
As a first step – assuming the demanded ML is
set by management or other stakeholders – it must
be decided to which ML the process support is
adapted. Thereby, it is differentiated between the
promoted quality at runtime (through information
provision, data integration and coordination) and the
proven quality afterwards (through adequate
documentation). As a rule, it is quite useful to make
sure that the aspired ML is properly documented.
For example, if ML3 is demanded by the customer,
all relevant process perspectives for ML3 should be
traceable and comprehensible in the requisite degree
of detail. However, at runtime, under certain
conditions it may be sufficient to promote a lower
quality in favor of lower costs and higher execution
flexibility. Depending on the granted freedom,
quality is just supported, rather covered or even
enforced. It should be worked out to what extent
“undefined paths” should be secured or should
remain flexible to create necessary space for
creativity. For example, although ML3 is demanded
process execution is only supported according to
ML1 or ML2, because the participants are in need of
a certain creative freedom and their scope of actions
must not be restricted through standardization. The
decision also depends on the risk for process errors
and their consequences. Consequently, the tighter
process execution must be secured the more the
demanded ML should be adapted. Documentation
should always be compliant to the demanded ML.
The second step involves the assessment of
possible implementation approaches with respect to
their supported MLs for each QM support function.
Therefore, each approach is first classified based on
the framework outlined in Section 2.1 (see also
Figure 1) in order to determine “how much” process
support is delivered. Then, based on this
classification, the approaches are evaluated
according to the ML requirements on process
support discussed in Section 2.2 (see also Table 1) to
find out which ML can be reached.
The highest benefit is realized when information
provision, data integration, coordination and
documentation are implemented at the best with the
required ML. The third step will therefore be to limit
possible implementation approaches to the ones
Table 1: Process support requirements of the maturity levels.
Information Provision Data Integration Coordination Documentation
ML1 None None None None
ML2 Organization and
None Organization and
Organization and
ML3 All perspectives of the
reference process
Data and Operations Organization and
All perspectives of the
reference process
ML4 All perspectives of the
reference process
Data and Operations
Organization and
All perspectives of the
reference process
(thereof Data and
Operations strict)
ML5 All perspectives of the
reference process
Data and Operations
Organization and
All perspectives of the
reference process
(thereof Data and
Operations strict)
Analysis on the Value of Process Support Implementations for Quality Management
providing the best “fit” with both the required
runtime and documentation quality.
In a fourth step, the costs are evaluated for each
selectable implementation. It is appropriate to reflect
costs by the efforts for process model engineering.
Those can be measured in view of two dimensions:
One major factor the costs depend on is how
complete the process model must be. The degree of
completeness is related to the scope, especially
which process perspectives must be modeled, and
the detail for each perspective (e.g. task assignment
to non-agents vs. agents). Another major factor is
the needed degree of formalization, in particular
what proportion of the process model must be
interpretable by technical means with regard to
system-controlled execution. Furthermore, modeling
costs may vary according to the used modeling
paradigm. While “for an imperative model, every
possible path must be foreseen […] and encoded
explicitly”, “in declarative modeling, on the
contrary, only undesired paths and constellations are
excluded so that all remaining paths are potentially
allowed and do not have to be [defined]
individually” (Schönig et al., 2012). Finally,
extraordinary costs have to be considered when the
implementation does not entirely promote the
desired maturity and some support functions have to
be carried out manually in order to be compliant to
the desired ML nevertheless. In turn, there probably
are also unnecessary costs when the implementation
“overfulfills” the desired maturity. To sum up, on
the one hand, there are investigated modeling costs
that rise with the increasing demand of completeness
(strictness of execution) and the growing degree of
formalization (use of IT), and, on the other hand,
follow-up costs for insufficient or exceeding support
due to deviations from the target maturity.
In the last step, the cost-benefit-ratio is
determined and the implementation promising the
most reasonable ratio is chosen. Thereby, it can be
considered if it is useful to take a loss of quality fit
in favor of lower costs. For example, in contrast to
WfMS a paper-based support tool indeed does not
reach high maturity runtime support but can be
implemented at significantly lower costs.
In the following, the application of the concept
presented in the previous chapter is illustrated.
Firstly, existing implementations which are
generally accepted and recognized as enactment
approaches for process management as described by
Schönig et al. (2012) are introduced and classified
according to their degree of process support.
Secondly, it is evaluated which quality requirements
they promote. Finally, the decision-making is
illustrated using the example of the CL as potential
implementation for standardized process execution
according to ML3.
3.1 Classification
In the following, different implementation
approaches are described and classified according to
the previously introduced framework in Section 2.1.
The selected approaches can be considered to be
representative, because according to Jablonski
(2010) they cover the whole spectrum of process
usage from human-controlled to system-controlled
(degree of IT assignment) and from flexible to strict
execution support (degree of freedom).
Wallpaper (WP): The WP approach provides
various possibilities to present processes visually
and to depict compressed information (Information
Provision) with both low (flexible) and high (strict)
detail. It uses the process model “as it is, e.g. printed
out as wallpaper, outlined on a flip chart or
published online as process graphic in wiki” (Seitz
and Jablonski, 2013). It is one strength of the WP to
outline the process flow precisely and to strictly
state the behavior, even though “the process itself
happens completely offline” (external enactment).
This is why data integration, coordination and
documentation are not supported.
Checklist (CL): “A checklist comprises the main
process steps including documents that must be
produced and agents that are responsible to perform
the corresponding process” (Jablonski, 2010). With
the process steps being serialized the process
behavior can only be specified roughly by the
arrangement so that the actual execution order
remains flexible. Depending on its implementation
suitable or mandatory tools can be additionally
stated. Similar to the wallpaper approach the
checklist is enacted externally and therefore cannot
support data integration or coordination. The
documentation support is designed to collect the
executing agents (organization), the sequence of
execution (behavior, e.g. via timestamps) and
optionally a statement of used applications
Process Navigation System (PNS): This
approach is intended to support flexible, human-
centric processes. It suggests suitable actions and
tools and refers to restrictions, but never enforces
them (Schönig et al., 2012). Hence, the PNS
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
supports flexible coordination by recommending a
set of process steps (flexible behavior), normally in
interaction with human agents (strict organization).
Standardized data interfaces and automatic
execution of 3
party tools are not intended, whereas
adequate document and application links are
contextually provided (flexible data integration). It is
therefore perceived as a decision support system.
The feedback of the users about the actual process
flow is made available electronically as structured
data and utilized to document the order of the
executed process steps (strict behavior), the
performing agent (strict organization) and the usage
of applications and tools (flexible operations).
Workflow Management System (WfMS):
Traditional WfMS strictly execute the specified
workflow logic and thereby communicate with
human users and IT applications (Schönig et al.,
2012). Due to rigid runtime control functions this
approach can be classified as strict coordination
support. Documents, databases and 3
party tools
can be connected via pre-defined interfaces (strict
data integration). “Most WfMS log data on cases
and tasks executed” (van der Aalst, 2004). Besides
(unstructured) result data like documents there are
also collected (structured) control data about the
interaction with human users and external systems
that can be used as documentation and further
analysis. For this reason, documentation support of
WfMS covers all perspectives in high detail (strict).
The classification of the implementation
approaches for each support function is summarized
in Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5. The
figures show the relevant detail from the
classification framework for each support function
(see Figure 1). On the X axis the support function is
drilled down on the associated process perspectives.
The Y axis differentiates between flexible and strict
execution. Furthermore, the enactment type (external
and/or internal) is labeled. The figures illustrate
“how much” process support is delivered by the
investigated approaches. In the next section it is
shown how this classification combined with the ML
requirements on process support is used to determine
which MLs the approaches are able to reach.
Figure 2: Information Provision.
Figure 3: Data Integration.
Figure 4: Coordination.
Data Operations
Operations Organization
Organization Behaviour
Analysis on the Value of Process Support Implementations for Quality Management
Figure 5: Documentation.
3.2 Evaluation
In Figure 2, Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5 the MLs
are located as discussed in Section 2.2 and
summarized in Table 1. An implementation
approach is considered to reach a specific ML for a
particular support function if it is classified above
the ML line.
Principally, all implementation approaches fulfill
ML1. As for ML2, the deployment of the CL and the
WP should be accompanied by appropriate
coordination (e.g. manually by a project leader).
Both the WfMS and the PNS approach support
ML3 per se, while as for the CL and the WP – along
with coordination – there is also a lack of central and
standardized access to process data and 3rd party
ML4 is only covered by WfMS, whereas PNS
could be extended by adequate interfaces in order to
not only establish ML4 through coordination and
documentation but also promote ML4 quality
through enabling access to all required data source.
In Figure 6 the evaluation is summarized. It
shows the assignments of support function and ML
for each implementation approach. ML1 is reached
by each approach. ML2 is fulfilled by WfMS, PNS
and CL (CL in case of additional coordination
support only). ML3 is implemented by WfMS and
PNS. ML4 and ML5 are only reached by WfMS.
Figure 6: Promoted Quality (Value).
Whether the value is actually appropriate for a
specific process case depends on the desired ML of
the process and the cost-benefit ratio of the possible
implementation approaches. An exemplary decision
is outlined in the next section.
3.3 Decision
In the preceding section the value proposition of the
implementation approaches was discussed, in
particular how the support functions for QM are
fulfilled and which MLs can be reached. Now, in
this section, it is illustrated how the evaluation
results can be used in order to decide whether an
approach is appropriate to a particular situation. The
evaluation matrix in Figure 6 serves as decision
support for the identification of adequate process
support for a specific ML. Therefore, the deviations
(both gaps and exceedings) of the accomplished
maturity in comparison with the required maturity
are analyzed, as to whether they result in additional
costs. An example for ML3 and the CL approach is
depicted in Figure 7. There are following deviations:
Gap 1 arises from the lack of a central provision
of document templates according to the reference
model. One solution would be to place the CL items
directly into the header of the resulting documents.
The templates could be published electronically as
download in the enterprise intranet or printed out
and handed over as paper-based forms. Gap 2 is due
to the missing coordination function of the CL
approach. It can be closed by appointing a project
manager that allocates tasks according to the CL and
monitors that the process flow ranges in the course
of the reference model. As a consequence, there
arise additional costs for the provision of the
document template and project management in order
to “secure” process execution against mistakes.
Operations Organization
Coordination Documentation
Promoted Quality
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design
Exceeding 1 and Exceeding 2 can be
compensated by adequate configuration of the CL.
Information should only be stated and documented if
it is actually needed in order to meet ML3. For
example, if the reference process does not prescribe
a specific order of process steps it is not worth to
inquire date and time of finished tasks when filling
in the CL. Hence, unnecessary costs can be avoided.
Figure 7: Gap/Exceeding Analysis (Example).
In summary, it can be seen that the CL approach
– provided that coordination support at runtime can
be neglected for the respective use case or
substituted by manual project management – is
indeed appropriate for ML3, as it enables sufficient
flexibility in modeling information provision and
documentation support.
In this paper an approach for the analysis on the
value of process support implementations for QM
was introduced. On the basis of a classification
framework it was shown how to determine the
degree of process support differentiating between
execution and documentation assistance (i.e.
information provision, data integration, coordination
and documentation). With the help of the BPMM
requirements on process support a comparative basis
for the selection of adequate implementations was
created and applied to the Wallpaper, Checklist,
Process Navigation System and Workflow
Management System, which are four representative
implementations. Finally, a procedure for decision-
making was suggested and some cost aspects were
discussed. The illustration of the concept and the
decision revealed that the Checklist is definitely
appropriate to support process execution and
documentation according to ML3 (standardized).
The analysis approach can be enhanced in
several respects. Besides modeling efforts also
“soft” factors like user acceptance and general
conditions like political constraints can be
additionally considered for the cost assessment.
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the scope of supportive functions should be extended
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model (in terms of adaptation and global
optimization). Currently, the analysis approach is
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