accomplished fully/semi automated or rather
manually, is not yet thoroughly assessed. It is still
unclear how the actual value of process support for
QM can be measured, independent of the degree of
IT assignment and specific implementation
In this paper the value of process support for QM
is investigated. The term “value” should be
perceived as the contribution that is made to being
compliant to requirements of QM standards. In
practical terms, it is evaluated to what extent process
management tasks – such as information,
coordination or documentation – no longer have to
be carried out manually but are handled in whole or
part by process support tools. The value is measured
by the appropriate fulfillment of maturity level
requirements on process support.
Therefore, an adequate analysis approach is
introduced and illustrated by the example of four
different representative implementations for process
support. The objective of the analysis is to get an
appreciation of to what extent the implementations
penetrate the process – in particular with regard to
the degree of IT assignment and the remaining
degree of freedom for the users – and thereby
support the users in performing their tasks in
accordance with requirements of QM standards. The
analysis results are intended to provide practitioners
a better basis for decision-making about a broad
spectrum of suitable implementations.
In our previous work (Seitz and Jablonski, 2012;
Seitz and Jablonski, 2013) we approach the problem
of adequate process support from a business point of
view without directly referring to QM. In this paper,
the IT side is analyzed, especially as regards the
selection of specific implementations that comply
best with the demanded capabilities. Therefore, in
addition to Jablonski (2010) an even more specific
classification of process support is performed with
respect to each process perspective (e.g. data,
organization). The concept is tightly focused on QM
so that conclusions can be drawn – on the one hand
for the value, i.e. the promoted quality at runtime
(guidance during execution) and after runtime
(evidence through documentation) and on the other
hand for the caused costs (e.g. modeling efforts). In
this manner, we want to give a more precise answer
to the question of adequate process support.
The concept is divided up into three steps. Firstly,
the classification framework for the degree of
process support according to Seitz and Jablonski
(2012, p. 95) is introduced and applied in the context
of QM support functions. Secondly, the evaluation
instrument for setting the benchmark is presented.
Maturity levels thereby serve as measure how
valuable process support is. Thirdly, a procedure is
suggested that aims for reaching a decision on the
question which is the most valuable approach for
process support with respect to a specific maturity,
i.e. requirements of QM standards.
2.1 Classification
Process support for QM comprises four basic
functions (Faerber, 2010, p. 75): information
provision, data integration, coordination, and
documentation. Depending on the required ML these
basic functions can be implemented quite
differently. For example, if the goal is to reach a
high maturity, it is recommended to coordinate work
packages and project staff accurately. Relevant
control information should be integrated
electronically to be able to collect and analyze key
performance indicators systematically. However, a
low maturity just demands to achieve the results
(anyhow) and therefore allows for the coordination
function to be performed rather rudimentarily or not
at all. It may be also sufficient to retrieve process
instructions or measurement data by hand.
Seitz and Jablonski (2012) introduce an adequate
framework for the classification of the degree of
process support that is based on the perspective-
oriented process model (POPM) (Jablonski, 1994).
The five main perspectives of POPM according to
Jablonski and Goetz (2008) are: functions (process
steps and their purpose), data (used data, e.g.
documents, and data flow between the process
steps), operations (invoked services and tools),
organization (people or machines and their
responsibilities) and behavior (control flow). The
functional perspective thereby represents the
composition (“skeletal structure”) of the process on
which the other perspectives are built on. This is
way the functional perspectives can be excluded
from the classification. The framework covers the
whole spectrum for both internal and external
enactment of process models (under vs. beyond the
control of information systems) as well as the range
between strict and flexible execution (little or no
freedom vs. high degree of freedom and decision
making by the users). In the following, the
characteristics (perspectives) and the values of the
framework are explained using the four basic
functions for QM support (see Figure 1).
Information Provision: Users are provided with
Third International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design