This mechanism enables consumers to communicate
their workload forecasts in long term to providers
by means of soft reservations. Consumers can claim
the softly reserved resources when they become cer-
tain about their estimated resource requirements. Soft
reservations act as an insurance policy that guaran-
tees that the consumer will receive the softly reserved
resources with cheaper price once they are requested
through hard reservations. Similarly, providers have
to send hardware utilization data (with respect to pri-
vacy of other customers) to the consumer. By means
of these types of reservations, consumers would re-
serve and pay for the amount of resources they
use and will receive their requested resources faster.
Providers would be able to estimate the amount of
resources they should provide in any point in time.
Therefore, they would be able to manage their re-
sources more efficiently by keeping PMs off or turn
off PMs. In our future work, we intend to develop al-
gorithms on the provider side to handle these reserva-
tions. These algorithms will cater for determining the
expected required capacity at a given point of time in
the future. Furthermore, our algorithms will identify
future changes in capacity needs and will optimize the
on-the-fly placement of VMs taking into account the
costs of different reconfiguration options.
The research presented in this paper has been sup-
ported by the European Union within the FP7 Marie
Curie Initial Training Network ”RELATE”
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Soft Reservations - Uncertainty-aware Resource Reservations in IaaS Environments