levels. 1 person saw an initial rise, followed by a
3) 5 people saw a decrease in comparison of
readings before water intake (1st reading), and 30
minutes after water intake (3rd reading).
4) Among these, 3 people saw a temporary slight
rise in levels immediately following water intake,
and then a drop to levels lower than before intake. 2
people saw a drop in levels, followed by an increase
to a back to a level lower than at the beginning.
5) 1 person saw only a slight change in their levels.
6)- All told, the split between people who saw a rise
after water intake, and those who saw a drop was
Figure 28: Change of ANB after water intake.
Because of cold soup and corn pottage, and
because of long periods of time where the stomach
was in a cold condition, it is considered that this is
why there was a small proportion of persons whose
levels rose 30 minutes after food intake. In the case
of water, it is thought that this is due to absorption of
the water within 15 minutes of intake.
With food intake, the frequent pattern was that
immediately following a meal, there was a
temporary and significant drop in LLE levels,
followed by a rise in LLE. Most of the participants
saw little change in levels immediately after intake
of hot soup, cold soup, or water. By observing this
only, it was learned that meals have a significant
influence on the body. When well-chewed food
enters the stomach, it appears that the brain’s natural
response is to trigger a “digestion” bodily activity,
and due to a change in blood flow, it is thought that
the LLE level, which indicates temporary brain
activity, is lowered. It has been verified that LLE
shows the adaptability of the outer portion of the
mind, however, “immediately following food
intake” centers on the act of eating, so it is
understood to be a natural result that LLE adaptation
in the outer portions become less. Therefore, when a
major activity is being undertaken, before a test,
ensuring that participants do not have a full stomach
is considered the appropriate means, and is verified
by bodily information. However, in the group where
several people enjoyed a meal and afterward had
enjoyable conversation together, LLE levels in
everyone increased, and participants’ sense of
awareness was also much enjoyed. When
considering that these participants’ felt the food was
delicious and were totally satisfied, it was realized
that it is desirable to enjoy meals with close friends
or family, and even though LLE levels immediately
following eating were low, after this there was a
great shift with LLE levels increasing, and an
increase of mental activity.
Regarding results immediately following food
intake, it was observed that many individuals saw
the sympathetic nerve become dominant. However,
as mentioned above, movement of the mouth and
chewing activity is considered to cause a sharp
increase in sympathetic nerve activity. In order to
see parasympathetic nerve domination within 30
minutes of eating, activity like making the mouth
move by chewing gum is thought to be effective. For
this study, because the setting involved food intake,
the phenomenon of decreased LLE levels
immediately following food intake was seen, but
there is a great interest to verify what effect simply
chewing of food has on LLE levels. From the
results of this survey, since it was observed that
following food intake the parasympathetic nerve
became dominant, it is obvious that, as expected,
“rest from food” becomes necessary. Hypothetically,
predicting that food intake has a healthy effect on
the mind, it was possible to predict that after food
intake LLE levels would rise. However, it was
observed that initially LLE levels dropped before
rising, and following the meal parasympathetic
nerve activity and digestion activity commenced,
and it was observed that resumption of work
activities while the body experienced rest from food
was appropriate. It is obvious that the activity of
eating food is a significant source of work in
humans, and an important activity in daily life
However, for participants of the group who took
their meals alone, there were many cases where LLE
levels either immediately lowered, or had very little
fluctuation. This group included individuals who
always were relaxed while eating and then became
drowsy, and were aware of the effect of eating. In
this way, it could be observed that there are varying
Relationship between Food Intake and Finger Plethysmograms