Innovation Cycles Control through Markov Decision Processes
Vassil S. Sgurev, Stanislav T. Drangajov, Lyubka A. Doukovska and Vassil G. Nikov
Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 2, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria,,,
Keywords: Innovation Introduction, Markov Decision Processes.
Abstract: Innovations are introduced in several cycles, or steps which are of stochastic character. Successful
completion of each cycle results in the beginning of the next one. Initial stages are connected with expenses
of risk (venture) capital and the investments are returned in the final stages, usually with quite big profit. A
helpful approach for control of the innovation process is the use of Markov decision processes which have
proved to be an efficient tool for control of multi state stochastic processes. Those stages may be
summarizes as: 1 – prestart stage; 2 – start stage; 3 – initial expansion stage; 4 – quick expansion stage; 5 –
stage of reaching liquidity of venture investments; 6 – stage of project failure and its cancelling. The
transition from state to state may be controlled through control techniques of Markov Decision Processes so
that maximum profit is achieved in shortest time. The stages are conditional and some of them may be
united, e.g. 1 and 2, or 3 and 4.
It is known that the innovations’ introduction
through the respective innovation cycles as a rule is
accompanied with considerable uncertainty and it is
of definitely expressed stochastic character. As the
successful completion of each innovation project
very often results in considerable profit this
stimulates the investment of considerable venture
(risk) means. A very important task arises for
preliminary careful considering and calculating the
stochastic character of the on going processes.
A multi step discrete Markov decision process
with mixed policies is proposed in the present work,
for the innovation risks interpretation. The
innovation process is accomplished, and probably
finished, as a rule, in a cycle of the following 6
stages: 1 – prestart and start stage; 2 – initial
expansion stage; 3 – quick expansion stage; 4 –
preparatory stage; 5 – stage of reaching liquidity of
the venture investment; 6 – stage of project failure
and its liquidation (Grossi, 1990, Cormican, 2004,
Bernsteina, 2006). Besides, the process at each stage
may be in different states where the decision maker
may undertake different actions which result in the
transition to a new state with respective profits and
losses. The first three stages are connected with
initial investments and respective losses. The
objective is they to be minimized. The last three
stages may generate profit and ensure full return of
the investments and considerable gains, but it may
also result in considerable loss if the innovation
product is a failure. It is to be clearly noticed that the
innovation introduction is a risky enterprise and not
each attempt is successful and winning.
It should be explicitly noticed that the innovation
process may only pass from a given stage to the next
one and can never return to a previous stage. No
other stages except the last ones – success or failure,
are absorbing - i.e. the innovation process may not
stay for ever in any of the initial stages or it fails.
The process may stay in a given stage for some time.
It is a responsibility of the decision maker to
undertake such control actions that the process
leaves as soon as possible the first three stages,
which generate expenses, with min losses and
reaches the final stage, which generate profit.
It is to be also noted, that depending on the
decision makers actions a stage may be omitted, e.g.
to pass directly from stage r to stage r+2. I.e. stages
so described are to some degree conditional but
nonetheless the process may develop in only forward
S. Sgurev V., T. Drangajov S., Doukovska L. and G. Nikov V.