In this paper, the problem of predicting the price of
Bulgarian Stock Exchange’s Sofix index using
neural networks is considered. The analyzed period
is of two years and two months or from 04.01.2011
until 08.03.2013. Data used for the case consists of
the daily values of last price, open, high, low and
volume traded 30 day moving average, 60 day
moving average, 200 day moving average, the 14
day relative strength index and the 30 day relative
strength index.
The criteria which was used to evaluate the
Neural Networks performance was the error of the
network on the subsets used during training (Root
Mean Square)
The input data was preprocessed and transformed
from values into daily changes. Initial readings
showed that better results would be achieved if the
input is one compared to using all or fragments of
the initial data set.
Smoothing ranging from 3 to 9 days was
performed in order to eliminate the effects of the low
liquidity and higher volatility in the market.
Results showed that this data manipulation
managed to bring down the test error considerably.
The produced neural network was structured by 1
input (20 time lagged steps) 13 nodes in the hidden
layer and 1 output, training consisted of 100 epochs
using back-propagation and 34 epochs using the
conjugate gradient descent algorithm, the test error
amounted to 0.057903. In comparison the best
performing network using all or partial input data
managed an error of 0.068935.
The obtained result was found good but the
authors see further room for improvement of the
predicting capabilities of the model. The error
margin is still considered big and attempts to bring it
further down will be made, especially improving the
predictive capabilities for trends. The low liquidity
and high volatility environment of the Bulgarian
stock market is a challenge that could be addressed
more efficiently with similar neural networks that
have different structure and learning algorithms.
Future work will involve different input data and
data pre-processing, possibly other types of neural
networks and algorithms.
The research work reported in the paper is partly
supported by the project AComIn “Advanced
Computing for Innovation”, grant 316087, funded
by the FP7 Capacity Programme (Research Potential
of Convergence Regions) and partially supported by
the European Social Fund and Republic of Bulgaria,
Operational Programme “Development of Human
Resources” 2007-2013, Grant № BG051PO001-
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