4.2 Outdoor Measurements
Outdoor measurements are conducted in macrocell
and street microcell environments, within Ishigaki
city, Okinawa. Ishigaki city is located in rather
remote island, and is populated with about 50,000
people. Measurements were done in urban and
residential areas.
Point crowds of the surfaces of the buildings
were simultaneously measured by using laser
scanner, as well as 3D image (Topcon, n.d.).
Although the detailed analyses are left for future
works, some preliminary works such as macrocell
line-of-sight path loss (Chang et al., 2013a) and
MIMO eigenvalues (Chang et al., 2013b) are
The paper presented the design criteria, technical
challenges, and the outcomes in the development of
24x24 full MIMO channel sounder operating at 11
GHz with 400 MHz bandwidth for the development
of future super high-bit rate mobile communications.
The development of the channel sounder itself was
quite successful, while the detailed analysis of the
measurement campaigns is still left for the future
This work was supported by “The research and
development project for expansion of radio spectrum
resources” of The Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications, Japan.
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