Naoki Shinohara



In URSI, Inter-Commission Working Group on Solar Power Satellites (SPS) was established in 2002 and the URSI Board has been working on writing and reviewing an URSI White Paper on SPS, which was published on June 2007, because the SPS is one of huge application of radio science. One of important application of the radio science on the SPS is a wireless power transmission (WPT) via microwave (microwave power transmission ; MPT). At first, the WPT walked along with the SPS. But now we have some kinds of the WPT and its commercial applications. One of important application of the WPT is an energy harvesting. The other is MPT for the SPS. Some important researches are done as URSI activities in Japan. It is high efficiency rectenna development at low power and at wide band frequency. It is also high efficiency and low cost phased array for the MPT and the SPS. Some of them were published in URSI conference. In this paper, I will show mainly present status of the WPT in Japan and in the world and will also show a relationship between the WPT and the URSI activities.


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  14. Shishkov, B., K. Hashimoto, H. Matsumoto, N. Shinohara and T. Mitani, 2009. Direction Finding Estimators of Cyclostationary Signals in Array Processing for Microwave Power Transmission, Pliska Stud. Math. Bulgar., Vol.19, pp.245-268
  15. Shishkov, B., N. Shinohara, H. Matsumoto, K. Hashimoto, and T. Mitani, 2011. On the Minimization of SideLobes in Large Antenna, Proc. of URSI General Assembly 2011, CD-ROM CHGBDJK-5.pdf
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Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Shinohara N. (2013). WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION IN URSI . In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing - Volume 1: ICTRS, ISBN 978-989-8565-57-0, pages 49-53. DOI: 10.5220/0004785100490053

in Bibtex Style

author={Naoki Shinohara},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing - Volume 1: ICTRS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing - Volume 1: ICTRS,
SN - 978-989-8565-57-0
AU - Shinohara N.
PY - 2013
SP - 49
EP - 53
DO - 10.5220/0004785100490053