with the prime denoting differentiation with respect
to the argument. In form (50) is similar to the
classical SP, but including the present velocity
effects, therefore solving for the coefficients
is straightforward.
The advent of SR (Einstein, 1905) facilitated the
analysis of SP involving moving objects and media.
However, SR is founded on the concept of inertial
RF moving at constant
A multitude of scientific and engineering
problem involve varying velocities. Heuristic
models that in the case of constant
merge into
exact SR are not unique. Presently the Quasi Lorentz
Transformation (Censor, 2005, 2010) (9) is
employed. Subject to the constraint of MM and EM
space and time scaling, the FO ME and FT (1), (2),
(6), apply to varying
(,)tvr .
The EX, originating with Collier and Tai (1965)
provides FO SR solutions to ME in moving media.
The method is generalized here to time-dependent
irrotational velocity fields. Previously (Collier and
Tai, 1965) only time-independent velocity systems
have been considered.
In periodically moving media the solution for the
ZO case of plane waves displays discrete sideband
spectra. This provides new approaches to the FE.
Unlike the original FE, employing interference
experiments, the present results suggest
measurements based on analysis of the spectra
created by periodical mechanical flows or waves.
Canonical SP examples are given for scattering
by plane interfaces and by circular cylinders, in the
presence of periodically moving embedding media.
It is shown that opaque objects, like the perfectly
conducting interfaces above, yield the classical SC
for media at rest, involving only the excitation
. On the other hand, refractive
scatterers are excited by the frequencies created by
the MM motion, (37), (43), displaying SC depending
on the sideband frequencies.
The results suggest new methods for remote
sensing the material parameters of objects that are
not directly accessible. To further investigate the
present model, more canonical SP will have to be
investigated, with various MM motional modes.
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