Ivan Ganchev
, Máirtín O’Droma
, Nikola S. Nikolov
, Zhanlin Ji
Telecommunications Research Centre, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Department of Computer Systems, Plovdiv University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (on leave)
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Research Centre for Bioengineering and Sensing Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China
Ivan.Ganchev@ul.ie, Mairtin.ODroma@ul.ie, Nikola.Nikolov@ul.ie, Zhanlin.Ji@ustb.edu.cn
Keywords: Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW); Future Networks (FN); Cloud-based System; Software
Architecture, Middleware, Service Contextualization, Context Awareness.
Abstract: This paper describes the design and development of a novel cloud-based system for increased service
contextualization in future wireless networks. The principal objective is the support of mobile users
(consumers) in a Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless World (UCWW) seeking to choose and select the ‘best’
service instance in a UCWW environment matched to their dynamic contextualized and personalized
service delivery requirements and expectations, thereby increasing user freedom in where, when and how
they access desired services, and increasing user-driven networking. The design challenges to create such a
cloud-based system with an ever-enhanced capacity to be attuned to a user-client’s dynamic contexts, and
do this for all its users, are addressed, and software infrastructural design solutions suggested. The cloud
idea proposed here is one which should yield efficiencies and saving for consumers, operate as an
additional ‘behind-the-scenes’ decision support subsystem to make smart decisions based on mining of the
most up-to-date data stored in the cloud repositories related to service contexts and personalized profiles.
Rather than the use of known efficient heuristic methods employed with large and complex data structures,
together with associated algorithms solving the combinatorial optimization problems, an alternative method,
proposed here for making predictions, is to discover patterns in the behaviour of the individual client-
consumer, to bring into play, in the decision process, patterns and trends of other client-consumers seeking
the same or similar services, and also the constant update of the user’s wireless environment context through
information garnered from other sources, such as wireless access service provider updates, teleservice
provider updates, and data sensed by the sensors in the environment. Indentifying and addressing the need
as directly as this is a novel approach towards providing context-aware personalized services. It is
particularly novel, and desirable, in the UCWW context. Hence, this consumer supportive smart repository
solution may appropriately be called a UCWW cloud. The paper sets out an infrastructural design of this
cloud, ordered within a conceptual UCWW software architecture, together with its various elements, e.g.,
decision support subsystem and mobile network environment elements of personalized information retrieval
The research described in this paper is motivated by
the context-awareness and service contextualization
problems within the Ubiquitous Consumer Wireless
World (UCWW) environment. The UCWW,
proposed in (O’Droma, 2007) & (O’Droma, 2010),
sets out a generic consumer-centric techno-business
model foundation for future generations of wireless
communications. The evolution of the UCWW
environment represents a shift from the currently
dominating subscriber-based access to wireless
communication services, towards more consumer-
centric one. By utilizing a person-centric IPv6
address scheme, enabling full number portability as
well as an access-network-independent third-party
Ganchev I., Ganchev I., O’Droma M., Nikolov N., Nikolov N., Ji Z. and Ji Z.
DOI: 10.5220/0004785500690078
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing (ICTRS 2013), pages 69-78
ISBN: 978-989-8565-57-0
2013 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
authentication, authorization, and accounting (3P-
AAA) service provision, consumers can dynamically
select a provider for a service from a list of
alternatives. This in turn opens up the opportunity
for stronger competition between providers and as
such, to an improved level of service for the
consumer. Effective exploitation of the attractive
benefits of this freedom will need the support of
‘smart’ software tools. These will dynamically
collect and sort through the vast numbers of service
options on offer to a consumer at any time and place,
which might otherwise be overwhelming, and
extract service-type-dependent ranked choice
suggestions matched to the consumer’s relevant
In support of these tools and of the whole
consumer-choice optimization process, we propose
here the development of a UCWW cloud-based
system to facilitate the delivery of increasingly
contextualized services in future wireless networks.
Through this user-centric UCWW cloud, mobile
users can have access to a more contextualized level
of service provision, with a much greater level of
choice in terms of service delivery. Moreover,
service providers can deliver a much more
specialized level of service, to a much larger set of
mobile users.
The main goal in our work is to provide the user
with a context-aware software tool that can assist the
user to choose and select the ‘best’ service instance
in a UCWW environment. Through an appropriate
graphical user interface (GUI) the tool may make the
service choice easier or may make the choice on
behalf of the user when authorized to do so. In both
cases, the software tool would benefit greatly from
the ability to make accurate predictions of user
preferences in particular situations, i.e., making the
choice of one particular mobile service instance
(provider) when the user desires to use a specific
service. This prediction may be the result of solving
a combinatorial optimization problem, where the
user has specified criteria for making a particular
choice. For example, the GUI may allow the user to
specify a few parameters such as an upper bound on
the price, lower bound on the quality of service
(QoS), etc. The difficulty is both computational –
often such problems are NP-complete (Garey, 1979)
– and related to the limited hardware resources on
mobile devices, which may not allow the use of
large and complex data structures and algorithms.
Therefore, efficient heuristic methods must be used,
particularly for the context of solving the
combinatorial optimization problems (Wolsey,
1999) & (Cook, 1997) on mobile devices. An
alternative method for making predictions is to allow
the software to discover patterns in the behaviour of
the consumer. In order to achieve this, the user
behaviour should be recorded, stored and uploaded
as appropriate to a distributed repository. On behalf
of individual users, but for many users, this will
allow always best connected and best served
(ABC&S) applications, within the distributed
repository, to carry out effective mining of data
(Usama, 1996) & (Mikut, 2011) that may result in
more accurate and more beneficial user behaviour
predictions (Witten, 2011). Such a repository can be
viewed as a UCWW cloud that facilitates data
storage and offers service predictions based on the
patterns discovered within the user data.
For this, foremost cloud computing principles
and techniques need to be employed along with
effective data collection and data mining techniques
to facilitate predictions as to the applicability of
services to particular users. The impact of this work
will be to provide a more consumer-centric wireless
services environment, which can also be
commercially attractive to service providers.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 provides an overview of the UCWW.
Section 3 presents the UCWW cloud as a context-
aware middleware. Section 4 describes the decision
support subsystem of the UCWW cloud. Section 5
considers the implementation issues. Finally, section
6 concludes the paper and suggests future research
Being a wireless communication environment rather
than a wireless technology, and while requiring
some distinct technological infrastructural
modifications and innovations (O’Droma, 2007) &
(O’Droma, 2010), UCWW is completely in harmony
with, and will benefit fully from, almost all the
existing global technological developments and
ongoing standardization efforts in wireless
communications, e.g., Next Generation Mobile
Networks (NGMN) Alliance proposals (Kibria,
2007), 3rd Generation Partnership Project's (3GPP)
Long-Term Evolution and System Architecture
Evolution (LTESAE) (Ekstrom, 2006), and ITU-T's
ongoing work on Next Generation Networks (NGN)
(Carugi, 2005). The primary change UCWW brings
is that, through it, users become consumers instead
of subscribers. The ‘in harmony’ element of this
evolution is emphasized by the fact that UCWW
Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing
consumers may opt out (or in) of having such
subscriber-like contracts, or may have several
simultaneously through a single Consumer Identity
Module (CIM) card and without conflict with
different access network providers (ANPs). While it
is evolutionary, it enables significant and new user-
driven wireless communication capabilities and
benefits, and converting the wireless environment
into a consumer-centric one. True user-driven
ABC&S paradigm (Passas, 2004) may be considered
to encompass many of these benefits, and more.
Most are obviously inherent and distinctively
characteristic of UCWW; others are not, e.g., the
user-driven integrated heterogeneous networking
(IHN) and interworking – a published amendment to
an existing ITU-T recommendation standard for the
latter is shown in (O’Droma, 2010). In this, UCWW
marks a seismic shift from the network-centric,
subscriber-based techno-business model (SBM) of
today, with its long-term lock-in type contract
between the subscriber and the ANP, with all its
constraints, to a new consumer-centric techno-
business model (CBM).
Figure 1 portrays schematic representations of
both techno-business models (SBM & CBM),
illustrating the main mobile service paths and
business agreement relationships. Transition to the
UCWW, where the new CBM environment may co-
exist side-by-side with the SBM environment, is
shown as a passage through a global standardization
In SBM, the subscriber primarily gets wireless
services through his/her ‘home’ (cellular) ANP or
from visited-ANPs, if roaming agreements are in
place. WiFi hotspots, Femto-cells and the like, when
they offer services using the AAA infrastructure of a
user’s home-ANP, come under the visited-ANP
umbrella. Teleservice providers (TSPs) and value-
added service providers (VASPs) can also offer their
own services through access networks under
respective bilateral business agreements.
Figure 1: Subscriber-based (SBM) and consumer-centric (CBM) techno-business models.
The main downsides of SBM, mainly linked to
the ‘lock-in’ constraint of the (long-term) subscriber
contract with a home-ANP, include: roaming
charges which are often perceived as non-cost based,
domination of ANP marketplace by a few large
operators, poor market openness for new or niche
ANPs due to prohibitive start-up costs, limited
‘number portability & mobility’ among ANPs. In
regard to the latter, subscribers who desire to move
ANP, rather than porting their number, tend to the
A UCWW Cloud-Based System for Increased Service Contextualization in Future Wireless Networks
easier solution of buying a new (U)SIM card with
another phone number in the other network.
Spinning is another popular approach whereby
subscribers, using multiple-(U)SIM-card phones,
can choose to operate on any one of ANPs at any
time. However, this is still quite far removed from
the full ‘number portability & mobility’ within the
CBM, where consumers will be allowed always to
use the ‘best’ ANP for each particular service
Transition to UCWW and enabling the growth of
CBM open opportunities to address these issues. The
two principles underpinning this new CBM
environment are: (i) the decoupling and separation
of the administration and management of users’
AAA activity from the supply of a wireless access
(transport) service and its devolution to new non-
ANP trusted 3P-AAA entities, and (ii) the full
consumer ownership and portability of their globally
significant address.
Besides a range of new benefits for the
consumer, UCWW has the clear potential to
stimulate the creation of a number of new interesting
business opportunities and to create a more liberal,
more open and fairer wireless marketplace for
existing and new ANPs. The primary ANP business
success indicator will shift from subscriber numbers
to the volume of consumer transactions – a radical
change. This will increase the range of competitive
price/performance and price/QoS offerings,
specialist and niche access-network service
offerings, and so forth, all of which will drive
forward innovation in the mobile services market.
The preliminary blue-skies research work on
crystallizing and defining the UCWW concepts and
its key infrastructural pillars has been done already,
e.g., (O’Droma, 2007) & (O’Droma, 2010). In-depth
research, elaboration, design and implementation of
these novel infrastructural components along with
their integration into a pilot system prototype are the
next phase of this project. The main goals are the
Research, innovate, derive, design, implement,
field-trial, validate and evaluate the
performance of:
A feasible UCWW software
architecture, operating within OSGi
(Alliance, 2007) and cloud
New UCWW infrastructural protocol
interfaces and functionalities, especially
for those on the 3P-AAA (Ganchev,
2006) and the third-party charging and
billing (3P-C&B) (Jakab, 2011) service
provision infrastructural elements,
which satisfy and respect the network-
independent, autonomous, trusted, and
pervasive requirements and criteria of
the service providers entities;
A prototype of the new universal CIM
card employing the new ‘personal IPv6’
identity, (Ganchev, 2007) & (Ganchev,
Design and establish the technological
dimensions of the first scalable UCWW
cloud-based system and provide a field-trial
demonstration of its operation.
On the back-end, design an UCWW cloud to
facilitate the storage of user data harvested via
mobile devices, and based on the analysis of
this data, to offer predictions as to the
applicability of services to particular users,
and enable ever-enhanced contextualization
and personalization functionalities and
services. By monitoring this information, the
system should accurately predict the types of
services most applicable to individuals, and in
turn, recommend these to the users.
Furthermore, efficient heuristic algorithms
must be designed to facilitate service
utilization predictions locally on the mobile
devices or as part of the UCWW cloud as an
alternative to mining the stored data.
Within the client devices, facilitate the
effective functional design of the user profiles
and GUI templates, targeted at the major
smartphone platforms (Android, iOS,
Windows Mobile), with each variation
interoperating with the UCWW back-end
Finally, making this UCWW cloud-based
system commercially viable will be
investigated. Clearly legacy mobile operators
are likely to be reluctant to open their own
customer profile database to competitors in
whatever way that might happen; or not
happen, as it is not in anyway essential to the
proposal. UCWW cloud providers will market
their services directly to consumers. In such a
market, legacy providers would already be in
prime position – to manage and market their
own UCWW cloud services. Hence, the
proposals in this paper could make the shift to
UCWW more attractive for these operators.
With such realization potency in mind, the
deployment of service contextualization
mechanisms will be investigated from an
operator's point of view.
Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing
From one point of view, the UCWW cloud that we
envision can operate as a middleware of a context-
aware system. In its traditional sense, a context-
aware system is a distributed system, which consists
of hardware devices (sensors) to sense or collect
context data, applications which make use of this
data, and middleware that manages the flow of
context data from the points of collection to the
applications. In our case mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablet computers play the role both
of the sensors of context data and the platform that
runs applications which use this data. Besides the
context that relates to the mobile services available
and on offer, the context data may relate to the user
(e.g., the user location, local time, current battery
charge and other operational characteristics of the
user’s mobile device, etc.), and/or relate to the
constraints of the wireless access network currently
utilized by the user (e.g., QoS level and pricing
scheme,), Figure 2.
Figure 2: Context types and context awareness in UCWW.
According to the characterization of context-
aware systems proposed in (Henricksen, 2005), the
various functions and components of such systems
can be organized into a five-layer architectural
model, with layers (each providing services for the
layer above it) as follows:
Layer 4: Application components.
Layer 3: Decision support tools/subsystem.
Layer 2: Context repositories.
Layer 1: Context processing components.
Layer 0: Context sensors.
At the lowest layer, the mobile devices collect
context data from the environment, and at the
highest layer applications, which run on those
mobile devices, make use of this data. Layers 1-3
form the middleware of the system, which can be
entirely or partially implemented as cloud services.
In particular, we propose layers 2 and 3 to be
entirely implemented within the cloud, while layer 1
can be partially implemented at the mobile devices
for increasing the overall efficiency of the system.
Surveys of context-aware middleware,
(Henricksen, 2005) & (Romero, 2008), summarize
the functional and non-functional requirements for a
context-aware middleware. Besides the functions,
already listed above (i.e., processing of context data,
storing context data in repositories, and providing
decision support tools), a context-aware middleware
may also be expected to address the following
Heterogeneity: In our particular case, this
means to support a variety of mobile devices
and operating systems.
Adaptation: In order to adapt to the user’s
habits, the system needs to perceive the
context of the environment (via sensors) and
quickly react and adapt to changes in the
context. This is particularly important for our
system because we expect frequent and
constant changes in the context due to the
mobile nature of the user devices (sensors).
Scalability: The performance of the system
when interacting with a large number of users
should be on the same scale as when
interacting with a small number of users. In a
typical scenario, there could be a few
thousands of sensors at a site (e.g., a large
airport) and potentially millions of users at
various sites who simultaneously query the
decision support subsystem (c.f. the query
configuration in Figure 3).
Privacy: The privacy of the users’ data must
be maintained according to their preferences.
Levels of confidentiality, options in regard to
this, and distribution of responsibility are
challenging issues in this context.
Traceability and control: Users should be able
to control any automatic functions of the
system and the systems should provide means
of making those decisions transparent to users.
Application building support
: It is also
essential for our system to provide application
programming interfaces (APIs), which enable
software developers to build a variety of
smartphone applications which interact with
the context-aware middleware.
Easy deployment and configuration.
Tolerance to component faults.
A UCWW Cloud-Based System for Increased Service Contextualization in Future Wireless Networks
There have been a few generic context-aware
middleware solutions proposed in the research
literature, including Gaia (Román, 2002),
Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware
(RCSM) (Yau, 2002), PACE (Henricksen, 2005),
CARISMA (Capra, 2003). While using these as a
base for comparison, we propose to design a cloud
which provides the features expected from a context-
aware middleware and at the same time is highly
specialized for the particular nature of the UCWW.
Furthermore, we consider a concept of context
which allows the decision support subsystem to
make smart decisions based on mining of data stored
in the cloud repositories. We propose the context to
include both the data sensed by the sensors in the
environment (as in a typical context-aware system),
and the history of the user and the collective history
of users who have used the system in the same
environment. To the best of our knowledge, this is a
novel approach in providing context-aware services
with elements of personalized information retrieval
(PIR) in a mobile network environment.
Extension of the UCWW cloud’s functionality is
also envisaged which will open opportunities for
trusted third-party communication service providers
(Toseef, 2011). These will negotiate with providers
on behalf of users for their service requests and they
may assist in handling seamless handovers to ensure
uninterrupted service delivery to users.
Figure 3 summarizes the flow of context data
between a smart mobile device and the UCWW
cloud as well as the mechanism of sending requests
and receiving responses from the decision support
subsystem. The role of the decision support
subsystem is to provide ratings (ranking) of the
service providers available for particular type of
service requested by the user. In order to make
accurate predictions, the decision support system
makes use of additional context data, which may
include any of the following:
User-specified parameters such as the upper
bound on the price, lower bound on QoS, etc.;
Current user location, current time, battery
charge and potentially other parameters of the
The request and decision history of the user
who is requesting the decision;
The request and decision history of users who
have requested the same service in the same or
similar context.
‘User-unaware’ context autonomous cloud
functionality, including new wireless services
of which a user(s) may be totally unaware but
may likely prefer as a replacement for existing
services. An example could be the vast array
of government services coming down the line,
e.g., G-Cloud in the UK (c.f.
Context Data
context data
decision re
response: rating of service providers
UCWW cloud
Figure 3: Communication between a smart mobile
device and the UCWW cloud.
Context data can be sent from the mobile device
to the cloud either together with the request for
decision or asynchronously when changes in the
context occur. Any context data gets processed by
the context data manager which prepares the data for
storage and makes changes to the data storage.
When a request for a decision arrives, it is accepted
by the decision support subsystem, which in turn
requests the current context from the context data
manager before making a decision. After a decision
is made, the decision support subsystem notifies the
context data manager so that the decision can be
stored in the data storage. In accordance with the
requirements listed in the previous section, the
decision support subsystem may also accept requests
to explain its decision. In satisfying such requests, it
is assisted by the context data manager, which can
provide the correct historic information that was
used in making the decision. Such mechanisms
would also serve service auditing processes, service
level agreements, etc.
Systems which retrieve information that is both
relevant to the submitted queries and personalized
for the user are known as PIR systems. They have
been the subject of extensive research in the last
couple of decades with a major application in web
search as well as in other areas such as eLearning
and news dissemination (Ghorab, 2012). A
community-based PIR (Teevan, 2009) & (Sugiyama,
2004) would suit our needs best because ideally we
would like to offer personalized results to the user
Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing
based on their previous behaviour and experience
but also based on the experience of other users who
have used the service in a similar context. An early
research action is to decide what information about
users should be tracked, how this information will be
gathered and stored in a user model and then how
user models will be used for retrieving personalized
In summary, we propose to build the data
repository according to existing models employed
for community-based PIR. The decision support
subsystem will be tuned by experimenting with a
variety of data mining algorithms (Witten, 2011) and
finding an acceptable compromise between speed
and accuracy of the predicted rating of providers.
Once the decision support subsystem’s software tool
can make accurate predictions – whether by running
heuristic algorithms for solving optimization
problems (Papadimitriou, 1998) locally on the smart
mobile device or by using a service provided by the
cloud, or a combination of both –, these predictions
can be delivered to the application level and
incorporated into the client’s GUI, aiding the user in
making a choice for a particular service or, where
the user so desires, configuring the system to make
automatic choices.
While UCWW is a completely distributed wireless
communications environment as described earlier,
one could conceptually consider the software
underpinning its various infrastructural elements
within a conceptual software architectural model.
This may help facilitate comprehensive, systematic,
organized and managed software designs and
solutions, with a view also towards increasing
software re-use. Hence below a speculative 3-tier
architecture model is suggested (Figure 4).
5.1 UCWW software architecture
The 3-tier UCWW software architecture model
typically would include, at the application tier level,
such key elements as the 3P-AAA/3P-C&B
applications, the CIM card, a multi-agent platform,
and a Hadoop cloud environment (Borthakur, 2007).
Figure 4: The UCWW software architecture model.
The UCWW middleware is being developed with
three clusters, namely Kafka (kafka.apache.org),
Storm (storm-project.net), and Hadoop HDFS
(Figures 5 & 6). Kafka is a high-throughput
distributed messaging system, used as a load
balancing cluster for parallel data loading into
Hadoop. The data output from Kafka is sent to the
Storm cluster for real-time processing. Then the
useful dataset is serialized to HBase in the Hadoop
cluster. The Hive (hive.apache.org
), Cloudera
Impala (ccp.cloudera.com
), and Flume
) will be used for data mining.
5.2 3P-AAA/3P-C&B
Based on the 3P-AAA/3P-C&B infrastructure, an
amendment to ITU-T's SBM authentication
architecture for interworking in NGN is being
designed, developed and implemented (O’Droma,
2008), based on the ITU-T Draft Rec. Q.3202.1
A UCWW Cloud-Based System for Increased Service Contextualization in Future Wireless Networks
(ITU-T, 2008) SBM 3P-AAA model. A JDiameter
(JDiameter, 2013) based 3P-AAA framework is
being realized. The 3P-AAA/3P-C&B platform will
be realized in a lab environment with corresponding
mix of client applications for smartphones.
Figure 5: The UCWW middleware.
Figure 6: Context data processing in the UCWW
5.3 CIM
The universal CIM card acts as a user data server in
the UCWW system. A number of security
applications run on a single virtual machine to
maintain the user profiles, associated credit-card
information, user’s personal IPv6 address, 3P-
AAA/3P-C&B related data, X.509 certification,
personal cloud container, etc., and ROM and
EEPROM on the CIM card. These applications will
communicate with each other using shared interface
objects (SIO), (Avvenuti, 2012). A firewall is
defined by each application to provide application-
level security.
A personal cloud container is being designed to
include a UCWW personal cloud identifier, personal
data category, session ID, cookies, etc. The client
application is being developed to work within a
Google Android (Fledel, 2012) environment (Figure
7). A SIMAlliance Open Mobile API specification
(SIMAlliance, 2013) will be integrated into the
Android platform to enable user devices to
communicate with secure elements of the CIM.
Figure 7. The CIM module on Android.
Second International Conference on Telecommunications and Remote Sensing
The UCWW infrastructural entities and protocols
are all novel. Hence also all of the work on this
project is innovative and advancing knowledge in
the area. Our work will show that this completely
original way of organizing the global mobile
telecoms business is feasible. The innovative
infrastructural and technological changes to be
realized in the pilot field trial will demonstrate how
UCWW will enable greater service choice,
contextualization and management capabilities for
consumers, much more openness in the wireless
access market for the supply of mobile services, and
a technologically friendly environment for the
incorporation of new and revolutionary ideas in
wireless communications. It will demonstrate for
instance, the inherent full number-portability and the
disappearance of roaming charges. The work will
yield foundational contributions to global NGN
standardization work within ITU-T’s Future
Networks workgroup.
The UCWW is a big undertaking with huge and
complex international socio-economic implications
for the wireless communications business, and
encompassing the present and future rapid growth of
wireless communications and cloud-based
computing technologies. Our aim is to design a
context-aware middleware for the UCWW by
having most of its functions offered as cloud
services and the rest running locally on mobile
devices. In addition, we plan to create a set of
sample GUIs, which possess the necessary
intelligence to harvest the requisite information to
facilitate service predictions (Raskin, 2000). The
design and development of an efficient context-
aware middleware for the UCWW cloud requires
taking into account a number of aspects:
On the back-end, the designed UCWW cloud
must facilitate the storage of data harvested
via mobile devices, and based on the analysis
of this data, offer predictions as to the
applicability and ABC&S suitability of
services to particular users. Over time the data
collected relating to particular users can give
an accurate view of particular cohorts, based
on common interests, repetitive access of
particular services, etc. By monitoring this
information, the system can accurately predict
the types of services most applicable to
individuals, and in turn, recommend these to
the users. Furthermore, efficient heuristic
algorithms must be investigated to facilitate
service utilization predictions locally on the
mobile devices or as part of the UCWW cloud
as an alternative to mining the stored data.
The option of this UCWW cloud collaboration
with wireless billboard channel (WBC)
service providers (Flynn, 2006) holds
potential. Through it, consumers may have
their UCWW cloud distilled information,
relevant to their particular (or upcoming)
location and time, delivered to them in a
personalized frame through an appropriate
Within the client devices, an effective
functional design of the GUI must be
facilitated. With this in mind, different mobile
platforms will be targeted, particularly in the
case of the smartphones market, where
Android-based devices, iPhones, Windows
phones etc. each have a market share.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the
Telecommunications Research Centre (TRC), UL,
Ireland and the NPD of the Plovdiv University under
Grant No. NI11-FMI-004.
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