Felix O. Ngobigha and David H. O. Bebbington
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex,
Wivenhoe Park, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom
{ fngobi, david }
Keywords: Offset spherical particle, T-matrix method, electromagnetic waves scattering.
Abstract: The Lorentz–Mie theory is applicable to calculating scattering characteristics of spherical shaped particles.
It is often applied to slightly non-spherical particles where its range of validity is uncertain. This paper
defines the range of validity of the T-matrix technique of Barber and Hill as applied to homogeneous
spherical and non-spherical particles. Scattering calculations are made for a set of non-absorbing
homogeneous spherical particles with the origin of the particle offset over a certain range. The numerical
results show that even for small offset value with the same input parameters, the phase function, extinction
and scattering cross sections differ quite significantly compared to the generalized Lorentz–Mie technique
known to give accurate scattering characteristics for spherical particle.
The scattering of electromagnetic waves by
spherical object is a problem that has received
increased attention in past and recent years.
Knowledge of the scattered field is required in many
areas of science and engineering applications. The
idea was first developed by Gustav Mie in 1908 in
order to understand the colours that resulted from
light scattering of gold particles suspended in water.
Applications of Mie solution has been extended
from one end of the electromagnetic spectrum to the
other, from Ultraviolent solar radiation
backscattered by stratospheric aerosols to satellites,
through visible and Infrared radiation scattered by
clouds and aerosols, to microwaves and radar
scattered from large hydrometeors. An excellent
introduction to the theory is reported in (Kerker
1969; van de Hulst 1981; Mishchenko, Travis et al.
2002; Bohren and Huffman 2008). Although, the
Mie-theory it is exact, but with the emergence of
computing it has become practical to calculate
various scattering characteristics (Wiscombe 1980).
The Mie-theory has limitation of being restricted to
spherical particles. However, it has served as a
reference for validation of other techniques for
evaluating scattering properties from scatterers, and
implementation of this theory with slightly non-
spherical particles has yielded similar results.
This paper deals with the range of validity of T-
matrix method reported in (Barber and Hill 1990) as
applied to a lossless dielectric spherical particle with
the origin moved of centre over a certain range. Our
aim is show the uncertainty with reference to
particle shape when calculating scattering cross
sections in which the origin is displaced from the
centre of the spherical object as previously reported
(Waterman 1965; Barber and Yeh 1975; Barber and
Hill 1990) by adopting and implementing the code
in (Barber and Hill 1990) and not the theoretical
analysis as numerous papers have already addressed
this aspect. Nevertheless, the results in the cited
references differ with ours. Clearly, the final results
given in this paper are not new. Rather, our
contribution is based on offset range validity at
various frequency bands with the goal of providing a
consistent result regardless of the mathematics that
led to their derivation.
O. Ngobigha F. and H. O. Bebbington D.