difficulties working with this task. Their comments
revealed that they took advantage of using color to
highlight different data behaviors. Initial difficulties
to correctly interpret the scatter plot were overcome
with the help of the Visual Analytics Expert.
User opinions on ease of use and utility of our sys-
tem were collected by the questionnaires sent to the
domain expert after the user study sessions. The an-
swers show that the overall user experience with the
system was positive. The participants identified the
multiple timelines view as the most useful when line
charts are used. They also found the possibility to
use the same view to highlight differences for differ-
ent parity or breed interesting, referring to the features
suggested by the domain expert involved in the case
study. In particular, they indicated as an important
means for analysis the possibility to re-align data on
the day of calving. This method helps obtain informa-
tion on the shape of complete curves, not considering
gaps in data sampling as shown in Figure 7.
Each of them preferred to use line plots to com-
pare the lactation curve shape, but they used scatter
plots to identify anomalies in the data, such as gaps
in data sampling of artificial data values. They recog-
nized the system as a means for simple graph creation,
in order to show analysis results to farmers.
In the free comments section of the question-
naires, each of them asked to filter data interactively,
without recurring to the editing interface of the sys-
tem. An interactive filter was later implemented and
the usage is shown in Figure 6.
We used a visual analytics approach to support animal
researchers in analyzing multivariate time-varying
data. The system is designed to address the needs of
the domain experts. By using real-world data from
the dairy industry, we could prove the utility of the
system as a means of identifying anomalies for a data
cleaning phase, and as a tool for hypothesis building.
Besides, an expert user study showed that researchers
without background knowledge of visual analytics
methods are able to adopt the system quickly.
For proper interpretation of lactation curves, milk
production information has to be related to man-
agement practices and environmental conditions that
might affect lactation curves. The individual cow
level data have to be analyzed besides herd level data.
The possibility to handle this kind of data could be
added to our system in future work. Also, differ-
ent case studies could be conducted on datasets from
other domains. The multiple timeline nature of the
data from dairy science might be present in other data
as well, and the system might be applicable there, too.
Finally, the expert user study could be extended by in-
cluding a larger group of domain experts.
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