both sampling methods, the proposed method en-
hances the visual quality of the reconstructed image
by focusing on sampling in structured regions such as
edges. Therefore, the consequent image reconstructed
from the basic linear bivariate splines has a similar
sharpening effect as images enhanced by kernel re-
gression (Takeda et al., 2007).
More experimental results are provided in Table.1,
showing the ability of the proposed method to capture
the embedded image structure at early stage of sam-
Table 1: Performance comparison in PSNR (dB).
Target Method 0.2 b/p 0.3 b/p 0.5 b/p
Lena AFPS 23.63 24.83 26.63
KbAS 23.72 25.32 27.33
Barbara AFPS 22.36 23.69 25.09
KbAS 22.44 23.98 25.37
Boat AFPS 21.62 22.62 24.14
KbAS 21.95 22.91 24.41
Cameraman AFPS 21.62 23.21 25.46
KbAS 21.98 23.59 25.75
Peppers AFPS 22.16 23.41 25.54
KbAS 22.58 24.17 25.98
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pre-processing or compression of the image. The
proposed method makes use of the prior knowledge
about natural images embedded in the framework of
kernel construction, and is able to identify at early
stages pixel locations that are more significant to im-
prove the reconstruction quality of the image. Recon-
structed images from samples retrieved from the pro-
posed method have higher image quality measured in
PSNR, as well as better visual quality by virtue of the
steerable kernel modeling.
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