A Complete Framework for Fully-automatic People Indexing
in Generic Videos
Dario Cazzato
, Marco Leo
and Cosimo Distante
Department of Innovation Engineering, University of Salento, Lecce, Italy
National Research Council of Italy - Institute of Optics, Arnesano (Lecce), Italy
Hartigan Index, Silhouette, Face Indexing, People Identification, Clustering.
Face indexing is a very popular research topic and it has been investigated over the last 10 years. It can be
used for a wide range of applications such as automatic video content analysis, data mining, video annotation
and labeling, etc. In this work a fully automated framework that can detect how many people are present in
a generic video (even having low resolution and/or taken from a mobile camera) is presented. It also extracts
the intervals of frames in which each person appears. The main contributions of the proposed work are that
no initializations neither a priory knowledge about the scene contents are required. Moreover, this approach
introduces a generalized version of the k-means method that, through different statistical indices, automatically
determines the number of people in the scene.
Today videos represent one of the most important me-
dia. Every Internet user can upload his own videos
and avail of what others create, and in this way video
sharing has become increasingly habitual among web
users. Since this huge amount of material is grow-
ing, new efficient techniques of automatic video an-
notation had been investigated (Hu et al., 2011). Face
indexing is the technique to automatically label faces
in a scene: this is a very challenging problem, due to
the high variation of the pose, facial expressions and
lighting conditions for a person in the same video, but
it allows a lot of applications like TV shows video
analysis, automatic labeling of characters in a movie
(Delezoide et al., 2011) or to improve image retrieval
process on a huge amount of data (Hao and Kamata,
A first attempt to obtain automatic labeling of
people in a movie using speech and face recogni-
tion techniques was given by (Satoh et al., 1999),
where names and faces in news videos were associ-
ated by using face recognition techniques combined
with methods that extract candidate labels from tran-
scripts. In (Pham et al., 2008) the asymmetry between
visual and textual modalities was exploited, building
a cross-media model for each person in an unsuper-
vised manner, dealing with the fact that the number
of faces can be different from the number of names.
In the work of (Sivic et al., 2009) facial features were
tracked over time and facial descriptors invariant to
pose were defined. This way the authors empowered
the recognition task and created a framework to label
characters in TV series.
Automatically annotation of faces in personal
videos by combining the grouped faces by a clustering
method with a weighted feature fusion was presented
in (Choi et al., 2010). The method dealt also with
color information, but it needed a training set in order
to perform a general-learning (GL) training scheme.
In the context of photo album, (Zhu et al., 2011) used
a Rank-Order distance based clustering algorithm to
groups all faces without knowing the number of clus-
ters. (Foucher and Gagnon, 2007) grouped faces us-
ing a spectral clustering approach. A tracking algo-
rithm was also proposed in order to form trajectories.
However, in this application the choice of the opti-
mal number of clusters was not critical, and the us-
age of spectral clustering implies anyway specifying
the cluster number. (Arandjelovic and Cipolla, 2006)
tried to automatically determine the cast of a feature-
lenght film using facial information and working in a
manifold space. In (Prinosil, 2011) blind separation,
i.e. labeling with lack of any prior knowledge, was
proposed. A face model for each face was created
and compared with a similarity index. The method
worked well only in case of limited number of par-
ticipants, relative stable video scene and face images
Cazzato D., Leo M. and Distante C..
A Complete Framework for Fully-automatic People Indexing in Generic Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0004653502480255
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 248-255
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
captured in frontal-view.
Summing up, from the review of the related
works, it is possible to conclude that some static as-
sumptions are always needed: a prior knowledge of
the scene, a minimum quality concerning the facial
images and the input videos, or a known number of
the total people (often working only with a minimum
number of two people). Furthermore, they don’t re-
construct all the interval of appearance for each dif-
ferent person and their performances suffer from the
variety of lighting conditions, scale and pose.
The goal of this paper is to overcome the limits
of existing approaches presenting a framework to au-
tomatically obtain face indexing in a generic video.
The term ”generic” here means that the number of
people in the scene is not a priori known, each per-
son may appear one or more time, image data can
be both of good or bad quality (i.e. acquired from
high definition device, webcam or smartphone) and
that images can be taken from still or mobile devices.
Given a generic video as input, the outcomes of the
proposed framework are not only the list of the per-
sons in the scene (if any), but also the intervals of
frames (segments) in which each person appears. To
do this, a multistep framework is introduced: all facial
images are, at first, extracted by the Viola-Jones face
detector (Viola and Jones, 2001) and then, each face
patch is vectorized and represented in a new vectorial
space defined by the Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) (Wold et al., 1987) that reduces data dimen-
sionality. Finally, a generalized usage of the well-
known k-means method (MacQueen et al., 1967) is
exploited for face clustering. The most interesting
aspect of this step is that the number k of clusters
is not a priori known (as the classical k-means re-
quires). The idea to find the best value of an unknown
k could be faced by Dirichlet Process Mixture, but in
our context it is difficult to the decide on the base dis-
tribution since the model performance will depend on
its parametric form, even if defined in a hierarchical
manner for robustness (G
ur and Rasmussen, 2010).
When this value is not known, Correlation Clustering
(Bansal et al., 2004) can be used. This method finds
the optimal number of clusters basing on the similar-
ity between the data points. Anyway, this approach
was shown to be NP-Complete, so only approxima-
tion algorithms can be used. Also Hierarchical Clus-
tering (Johnson, 1967) could be used, but it was dis-
carded considering that it is effective only on small
amount of data, i.e. when patterns and relationships
between clusters are easily discernible. In the pro-
posed work, the number of cluster is automatically es-
timated through the computation of several statistical
indices after different run of the k-means algorithm
with different values of k.
Summing up, the main contributions of this paper
are the followings:
1. a framework that works in completely blind sce-
narios, i.e. where no prior knowledge is available
and also in challenging scenarios, i.e. in presence
of very wide range of lighting, scale, pose and fa-
cial expressions is proposed;
2. a considerable indexing precision is guaranteed
even if the framework operates without support-
ing techniques like face tracking;
3. any video quality, taken from both still or mobile
devices, also in presence of fast camera move-
ments and noise due to shaking or facial occlu-
sions, can be handled;
4. a generalized version of the well-known k-means
method that is able to automatically determine the
best configuration of the clusters embedded in the
data is introduced;
5. also videos containing just one or no persons are
In Fig.1 a block diagram of main components of the
proposed framework is shown. Each processing step
is detailed in the following subsections.
2.1 Face Detection
First of all, facial images in the input video are de-
tected and extracted. Face detection is a quite well
handled task: in this paper, the well-known Viola-
Jones object detector is exploited since it provides
competitive face detection rates in real-time. Detected
faces are then scaled to the largest one (to deal with
scale changes) and radiometrically equalized in order
to cope with different lighting conditions.
2.2 Eigenfaces
Face image data are then vectorized. At this point a
new data representation is required in order to em-
phasize intra-person face similarity and to point-out
inter-persons face differences. Moreover, considering
that face data can have a high dimensionality, an effi-
cient data reduction that preserves most of the amount
of the embedded information is desirable. To this
end, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is ap-
plied on face data as suggested in (Turk and Pentland,
Figure 1: A block diagram of the proposed framework.
Figure 2: Plot of the scores related to the first two principal components in terms of Eigenface model.
1991). In this specific application context, PCA gen-
erates a set of eigenfaces, i.e. sets that represent the
basis of a vectorial space where the input data are pro-
jected in order to achieve a better representation in
terms of both inter-class and intra-class variation. The
new representation is given by the weights associated
to each eigenvector in order to get the complete ini-
tial set of data as a sum of (weighted) components.
A score (the eigenvalue) is also associated to each
eigenface and it indicates its importance in the rep-
resentation of the initial data. This way, only the most
relevant eigenfaces can be used for a more compact
data representation. Fig.2 shows the representation of
the first two components (i.e. the projection values of
the initial data on the two most relevant eigenvectors)
generated through the PCA on a set of face vectors
corresponding to six different persons. Each color in-
dicated a different person and it is evident that, even
with only two eigenfaces, data shows a compact struc-
ture that is desirable for an efficient data clustering.
2.3 Face Clustering
From the eigenfaces theory comes that similar faces
(i.e. faces belonging to the same person) have simi-
lar representation, i.e similar weights to the selected
bases. Then a clustering algorithm on all of these
weights can be efficiently performed and similar faces
will belong to the same cluster.
K-means is a clustering technique that partitions
a set of observation into k clusters so that each ob-
servation belongs to the cluster having the nearest
mean. The only input this algorithm requires is the
final number of clusters.
Unfortunately, in the considered application con-
text, not having a prior knowledge implies that no su-
pervisioned clustering is possible and, since the total
number of people appearing in the video is unknown,
a measure of k can not be a priori given. For this rea-
son the well-known k-means algorithm is used in the
following way: iteratively, k-means is run with a value
of k increasing from 2 to a maximum (due only to a
computational purpose, but it can be kept arbitrarily
large), and then the best k is automatically selected.
In the most general case, this maximum value of
k can be in a numerical interval ranging from 0 to
, where N
is the number of frames in the
video under consideration. It is straightforward to de-
rive that this would bring to a huge number of itera-
tions of the algorithm that could cause long delays in
processing. To overcome this problem, the value of
can be defined as a function that depends on
the frame rate. That said, it is suggested to choose
as follows:
where V.F.I. is the Valid Frame Interval, i.e. the min-
imum reasonable lapse of time in which a face should
be present in order to be taken under consideration
and T is the total video length (both measured in
frames). In our test, V.F.I. is defined as four time the
video frame rate (i.e. a consistency of at least four
In particular the best k is chosen by evaluating
several internal statistical indices, i.e. indices that
are computed starting from the observation used to
create clusters. Notice also that external indices can
not be used since no a prior knowledge nor a pre-
specified data structure like a set of true known la-
bels are available. In this paper, the investigated in-
dices are the following: Average Silhouette, Davies-
Bouldin (DB), Calinski-Harabasz (CH), Krzanowski
and Lai (KL), Hartigan Index, weighted inter-intra
(Wint) cluster ratio, Homogeneity-Separation. For
a more comprehensive treatment, refer to (Kaufman
and Rousseeuw, 2009; Davies and Bouldin, 1979;
nski and Harabasz, 1974; Krzanowski and Lai,
1988; Hartigan, 1975). The chosen criterion will be
presented in section 3.
At the end of this step it is possible that the best
number of clusters is not still defined since no satis-
factory values are obtained during the whole iterative
process. In that case, the hypothesis that only one per-
son is present on the scene is made.
2.4 Post-processing
After clustering, each detected facial image is labeled
as belonging to one of the k clusters found. Any-
way some errors can occur: on the one hand the al-
gorithm could create very small clusters, for example
in correspondence of one or more false positive fa-
cial images detected by Viola-Jones algorithm. On
the other hand, some segment could be split in case
of miss-detection of the face detector. To overcome
these problems and then to rightly determine the in-
tervals of frames in which each person appears in the
video a proper post-processing is introduced. It oper-
ates in a twofold manner (at a clustering level and, for
a given cluster, at segment level) as follows:
1. a cluster is considered consistent if it classifies a
person that is present in the scene for at least 4
seconds. All inconsistent clusters are removed;
2. two segments that have a temporal distance lower
than 1.2 seconds are merged;
3. if a segment reveals a duration of less than 1.2
seconds but its neighbors are distant more than a
frame number equal to 1.2 seconds, it is dropped
from the segment list.
The proposed framework has been tested on several
videos. The videos differ for number of people, peo-
ple recurrences, lighting conditions, camera resolu-
tion, camera movements (quasi-static or continuously
moving, like in the case of a mobile phone in the
user’s hand) and acquisition environments (indoor or
outdoor). Each video has been, at first, processed by
the face detector and then facial images are scaled, ra-
diometrically equalized and finally projected, by the
Principal Component Analysis, onto a feature space
so that the element with greatest variance is projected
onto the first axis, the second one onto the second axis
and so on. At this point, for each video the minimum
number of components to be retained for further pro-
cessing has been set as the one able to preserve at least
the 95% of the total variance of data. For example,
for the fourth video, first 100 components overtake
the threshold and are selected, like in Fig. 3. Reduced
data are finally given as input to the generalized ver-
sion of the k-means algorithm that, by the evaluation
of a set of statistical indices, provides expected out-
comes (i.e. the number of people and the intervals of
frames in which each person appears).
In the first experimental phase the ability of
the proposed framework to correctly detect the
number of persons in the videos is tested. Table
1 reports the detailed results obtained for videos
processed in this experimental phase. Each row
lists a short description of the video (environment
conditions i.e. indoor/outdoor, acquisition device i.e.
mobile phone/camera, camera movements, i.e. M
if the camera is in the hands of operator and then
it continuously moves during recording, or S if the
camera is quasi-static), the spatial resolution of the
acquired images, the length of the video (in frames),
the temporal resolution (fps), the total number of
people appearing in the video and, in the last column,
the number of people really detected by the proposed
In the videos in rows 1-3 the proposed approach
correctly detects the number of people that appear
in it. In particular the first one is a video of size
1440 × 1080, with a frame rate of 30 fps and with
3600 frames. There are 8 persons, each one occurring
once in the video. The video was acquired by a cam-
Figure 3: Number of components to be taken in order to preserve 95% of the total variance of data
era phone, in portrait configuration and in the hand of
a walking person, so background totally changes, fast
hand movements produced noise that is bigger due to
the portrait configuration (the face detector will take
a square region, that can include some black strip de-
rived from pixels set black out of the border).
Figure 4: People present in the first test video.
Figure 5: Example of different poses for a person in the
same video.
A snapshot for each person in the first video is
reported in Fig.4. Fig.5 shows instead the great vari-
ability in pose, lighting condition, scale, background
or blur that can occur among the facial images be-
longing to the same person. Finally, Fig.6 shows the
values of the statistical indices for the first video. For
figure clarity, only results until a value of N
to 20 are shown (using equation 1 it should be equal
to 30).
From Fig.6 it is possible to perceive those com-
puted indices that can bring to incoherent estimates
of the best number of clusters. For this reason a good
decision criterion should be defined. The criterion
that best performs on the considered videos selects
the value of k as the one that satisfies the Hartigan
index selection criterion, i.e. to add a cluster while
H(k)>10 and to estimate cluster number as the small-
est k 1 such that H(k) 10, and at the same time
has a corresponding Average Silhouette value greater
than 0.45. For example, in the first video, the usage of
the Hartigan index provides a wrong k value, but the
corresponding Silhouette index reports a value that is
lower than the threshold. The proposed decision cri-
terion has avoided a wrong detection.
For videos reported in rows 1-3 of table 1 the
detection of the right number of people fails. In
fact, for the video in the fourth row, six persons
are detected instead of four. In this case the system
is not able to handle all the differences in pose,
illumination and expression that strongly modify the
face appearance of the facial images. In Fig.7 two
persons that are erroneously split in four clusters
instead of two are reported whereas in Fig.8 two
persons with different appearances that are correctly
classified into their respective cluster are shown.
In the second experimental phase the accuracy of
the approach to determine the intervals of frames in
which each detected person appears is tested. The
accuracy of a segment is measured as the difference,
in seconds, between ground truth start and end, com-
pared with the computed ones. To this end, tables 2
and 3 report the accuracy of the segments extracted
for the videos in the rows 3 (acquired in indoor) and
4 (acquired in outdoor) in table 1. The accuracy is
very high for the indoor video (just two segments are
slightly moved away from the corresponding ground
truth data) and, as expected, decreases for the out-
door video where surrounding conditions are less con-
strained. Anyway the error, in most of cases, is below
the second (often almost zero).
Figure 6: The investigated indices for the first test video.
Finally, in table 4, one example of how the post-
processing works is reported. The considered video
is the one reported in the second row in 1. In this
video only one person is always present in the scene
but he is not always detected by Viola-Jones algo-
rithm. For this reason, before post-processing, more
than one segment are created as reported (left part of
table 4) and only post-processing application allows
to get a unique segment that match the ground truth
data (right part of table 4).
Summing up, the above tests show that the frame-
work can effectively deal with pose, lighting condi-
tion, scale and blur variations. In most of the sit-
uations, the correct number of people was detected.
Concerning the appearance interval for each person,
the achieved accuracy is very high. The framework
works better in indoor environments due to the ex-
treme variation of images in outdoor. If these varia-
tions are high, a division of a cluster can sometimes
Table 1: Experiments with 6 videos.
Video description Resolution Tot. Frames FPS Tot. People Detected
Indoor, cellular, M 1080×1440 3600 30 8 8
Indoor, fixed camera, S 160×120 228 20 1 1
Indoor, cellular, M 1920×1080 4734 30 7 7
Outdoor, cellular, high reapp., M 640×352 3930 30 4 6
Indoor, cellular, high reapp., M 320×240 1913 29 5 6
Outdoor, cellular, high reapp., M 1080×1920 3219 29 4 5
Table 2: Indoor video.
Ground Truth Detected Error (sec)
Start End Start End Start End
4473 4610 4473 4610 0.00 0.00
3323 3611 3323 3611 0.00 0.00
3980 4070 3980 4070 0.00 0.00
66 429 88 392 0.73 1.23
4023 4136 4028 4136 0.17 0.00
4200 4418 4200 4418 0.00 0.00
3254 3419 3254 3419 0.00 0.00
916 977 916 977 0.00 0.00
1300 1396 1327 1396 0.90 0.00
1454 1576 1454 1576 0.00 0.00
Table 3: Outdoor video.
Ground Truth Detected Error (sec)
Start End Start End Start End
343 782 353 784 0.33 0.07
1089 1715 1128 1712 1.3 0.10
1805 2315 1892 2314 2.90 0.03
3682 3920 3682 3920 0.00 0.00
2465 3104 2471 3104 0.20 0.00
Figure 7: The two people divided into four clusters in the
fourth test video.
Figure 8: Two people with different appearance but cor-
rectly classified into their respective clusters.
With this work a fully automated face indexing frame-
work that works with home or camera phone videos
Table 4: Unfiltered (left) vs. filtered (right) segments for
one face.
Start End
0 18
31 44
54 130
136 173
193 199
212 227
Start End
0 227
was proposed. It automatically determines the num-
ber of people in the scene through different statisti-
cal indices and it also accurately reconstruct the in-
tervals of frames in which each person appears. No
initialization neither a priory knowledge about the
scene contents are required. It has been experimen-
tally proved that the proposed solution provides sat-
isfactory results in different surrounding situations,
even under a great variety of environments, poses and
movements. Moreover, also low resolution videos,
even taken from a mobile camera, can be successfully
In order to further increase accuracy of the frame-
work, several improvements can be made. For ex-
ample, in order to cope with the the case in which
a high variability in the facial pose originates more
clusters on the same person, an head pose estimation
technique and/or a face tracker based on appearance
features could be added in order to lead the cluster
Finally, our framework will be tested with pub-
licly available databases.
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