Figure 9: Performance of the boosting door detector built
with the Haar-like features: (blue) Performance of on all
doors; (red) Performance of on opened doors; (left) ROC
curves; (right) Precision-recall curves.
the desired corners among a few to limit the number
of tests required to meet real-time conditions; (ii) re-
view the hypotheses to restrict the variability of the
category defining cabinet doors.
To help rollator users to avoid common dangers with a
computer vision-based device, we introduced two de-
tectors depending on features including 3D and stereo
data: one for general obstacles located at waist-level
and above, and a second one for specific objects. Both
detectors are based on boosting classification. The
obstacle detector mixes three kinds of features among
which two require stereo information: 2D Haar fil-
ters, 3D boxes and luminance comparison between
the stereo pictures. The experiments show promis-
ing results that can be improved by the future work
mentioned in Section 4.4. The deformable 3D object
detector, mainly composed of Haar-like features, re-
mains an interesting strategy, despite the evaluation
results, the actual pose estimator having to be thought
over to make the binary classifier more robust and
This project is supported by the Swiss Hasler Foun-
dation Smartworld Program, grant Nr. 11083. We
thank our end-user partners: the FSASD, Fondation
des Services d’Aide et de Soins Domicile, Geneva,
Switzerland; EMS-Charmilles, Geneva, Switzerland;
and Foundation “Tulita”, Bogot´a, Colombia. The cab-
inet door database was made in Schaer Cuisines SA,
Neuchˆatel, Switzerland.
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