We introduced a closed form conditional likelihood
function for errors-in-variables problems. It only de-
pends on the parameters of interest, in contrast to
the equivalent likelihood functions as introduced by
Gleser (Gleser, 1981) containing nuisance parame-
ters. Well known estimation schemes known from
literature (Nagel, 1995; Kanatani, 2008; Leedan and
Meer, 2000; Chojnacki et al., 2001; Matei and Meer,
2006) turned out to be special cases of our condi-
tional ML estimator for mutually independent obser-
vations. Therefore error bounds for these estimators
can be calculated as done here. In addition our ap-
proach covers also the case of arbitrary correlations
between measurements.
A straight forward extension of the algorithm from
(Matei and Meer, 2006) iterating SVDs (i.e. Type I )
turned out to have oscillating convergence behavior
when correlated noise is modeled. We did not ob-
serve such behavior for our novel algorithm (i.e. Type
II ). In addition, we experimentally showed for an op-
tical flow application the benefits of having a likeli-
hood function at hand as the likelihood approach dis-
tinguishes good estimates from less reliable estimates.
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simple local approach even performs better than an
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2010) currently among the better performing ones on
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clude that using a non-regularized estimator can in-
deed be beneficial, when not interested in the whole
image, but the ’good data’ regions. Further we con-
clude that driving regularization by estimated CRLB
may be beneficial and is to be investigated in future
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