Table 2: Performance comparison of proposed method and fixed sized windows for three different trackers.
BooostingTracker SemiBooostingTracker BeyondSemiBooostingTracker
Scenario (Grabner and Bischof, 2006) (Grabner et al., 2008) (Stalder et al., 2009)
Sequence Frame Frames Proposed 16x16 32x32 64x64 Proposed 16x16 32x32 64x64 Proposed 16x16 32x32 64x64
1.pktest01 0 450 315 310 307 210 274 314 299 191 157 178 275 241
2.pktest01 1110 350 76 316 0 155 14 74 63 194 80 160 78 344
3.pktest02 0 470 431 434 433 438 213 437 376 197 202 206 231 193
4.pktest02 770 450 0 0 0 388 360 372 275 373 0 192 102 33
5.pktest02 1185 330 32 279 96 103 5 8 52 262 84 148 273 116
6.egtest03 0 300 0 300 267 16 237 300 300 240 29 300 39 72
7.pktest03 290 230 191 190 185 188 196 192 103 184 139 197 139 199
8.egtest01 0 150 0 150 150 0 0 150 150 0 59 150 150 40
9.egtest03 0 150 0 11 137 77 52 57 141 71 47 150 74 38
10.pktest03 0 415 86 86 80 122 83 88 118 210 94 410 88 186
Average number of frames
with track loss 116.11 221.11 175.00 175.00 150.11 211.56 195.44 190.22 88.56 186.78 151.22 141.78
Although a dead zone was introduced in order to
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lection method may not be effective for all elongated
objects. Specifically, when significant amount of the
object pixels flood into the background zone together
with background pixels in foreground zone affect tar-
get initialization adversely and may yield erroneous
target initialization, which may be the case for elon-
gated objects. Even though the experiments are exe-
cuted in thermal data sets in which target objects has
smooth transition due to heat diffusion equation, the
suggested solution may be well generalized to other
imaging devices.
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