quality degradation caused by video compression us-
ing H.264/AVC and High Efficiency Video Coding
(H.265/HEVC) standards. The novelty of this work
is in performance evaluation of these two standards
from the point of view of their application to recog-
nition tasks, comparison of the accuracy of model-
ing the experimental data by logarithmic and logis-
tic functions, and the proposal for usage of the latter
model in real-life applications.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 summarizes related works. Section 3
describes the experiment performed for automatic li-
cense plate recognition. Section 4 presents the analy-
sis of the results and a proposed application, and Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper giving directions for future
The fast growth of video surveillance technologies
and the widespread use of surveillance systems in
transportation, law enforcement, etc. have increased
the attention to the issues of video quality in such sys-
tems. The traditional Quality of Experience (QoE)
concept has to be taken differently in surveillance
perspectives as task-based applications have differ-
ent functions from entertainment video. In task-based
scenarios it is more appropriate to speak about Qual-
ity of Usefulness that defines the potential of the video
to be used for successful achievement of the recogni-
tion task. This is also referred to as visual intelligibil-
ity or acuity (Dumke et al., 2011).
Several works have addressed video quality
frameworks for recognition tasks in surveillance ap-
plications. The Video Quality in Public Safety Work-
ing Group was established in 2009 with the sup-
port of the Office for Interoperability and Compati-
bility within the U.S. Department of Homeland Secu-
rity and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Public
Safety Communications Research Program (PSCR).
This Working Group has developed a guide for public
safety that defines video quality requirements (Video
Quality in Public Safety Working Group, 2010). This
guide includes definition of some fundamental con-
cepts, introducing a generalized use class concept,
recommendations for generalization of use cases into
use classes, overview of core video system compo-
nents, and qualitative guidance for surveillance sys-
tems setup. A short summary of the framework pro-
posed in the guide can be found in (Ford and Stange,
The PSCR project also performed some subjective
experiments in order to examine how lighting, target
size, and motion together with resolution and bit rate
affect the success rate of recognition tasks (Dumke
et al., 2011). They did preliminary studies and ob-
served general trends, suggesting further directions
in exploring the influence of scene characteristics, bit
rates and resolutions on the recognition performance.
Witkowski and Leszczuk (Witkowski and
Leszczuk, 2012) applied the framework for describ-
ing public safety applications presented in (Video
Quality in Public Safety Working Group, 2010)
for automatic classification of input sequences into
generalized use classes. The proposed method was
compared with subjective assessment by humans, and
allowed a 70% classification match with end-users
opinion. Their analysis led to a conclusion that such
automatic classification into use classes has to be
additionally verified by humans.
A summary of definitions, research experiments
and current trends for quality assessment in surveil-
lance applications is presented in (Leszczuk et al.,
2011b). In comparison with other works, this publi-
cation describes in addition some standardization ac-
tivities and discusses general ethical issues.
License plate recognition (LPR) tasks have been
addressed in several works as well. Leszczuk et al.
describe in detail their subjective experiment on the
LPR task (Leszczuk et al., 2011a). The goal of the
experiment was to test human recognition capabilities
by asking non-expert subjects to detect license plates
numbers. This work proposed a simple mathematical
model (it was called logit though the formulas repre-
sent a logistic model, being inverse to logit) showing
the dependency between detection probability and bit
rate for a group of test sequences used in the experi-
ment. The fit of this model became less evident when
all test sequences were combined together.
Another study (Leszczuk, 2011) presented a case
of assessing quality of compressed task-based video
on the examples of surveillance videos (LPR sce-
nario) and medical videos (bronchoscopic diagnosis).
Test data from (Leszczuk et al., 2011a) was used
for analysis for the LPR case and this work sug-
gested modeling of the video quality using a logarith-
mic function. This study stated that 100% success-
ful recognition could be expected for bit rates higher
than 350 kbit/s according to the model, however we
would like to note that this number depends highly on
the original characteristics and resolution of the video
sequences as well as the algorithm used for compres-
Studies (Leszczuk et al., 2011a) and (Leszczuk,
2011) have been further developed in (Leszczuk,
2012). Processed video sequences were grouped