curve for each point detector when averaged across
all datasets:
Dataset / Error Type E
(θ) E
Harris 140 1.63 0.81
SIFT 149 1.70 0.85
Saliency 169 1.72 0.88
Whilst our method worked well on the Stanford
dragon, it was outperformed by the Harris corner de-
tector and SIFT; this may be due to the large amount
of small corners on it, allowing the other methods to
be better suited. In particular, Kadir-Brady saliency
may not work as well for small features since their en-
tropy may not be peaked in scale space (the entropy is
high for the smallest scale and then decreases). Many
of the results could potentially have been localised to
within 1
if a better method had been used in the re-
finement stage. In particular, numerous edges were
extracted from images of the temple, producing a lot
of noise for the refinement. This could be solved by,
for example, using Mutual Information for refinement
as in (Mastin et al., 2009).
In this paper we have presented a generalisation of
Kadir-Brady saliency to an arbitrary number of di-
mensions and provided a novel curvature based ex-
tension to 3D. Further, we have used this as a fil-
ter for the 2D / 3D registration problem and shown
saliency to be a superior filter for point-based regis-
tration, demonstrating its consistency across different
modalities. This is due to its principled information-
theoretic approach, however it is only a proxy for true
saliency and improvements can be made here. Future
work may include line or curve-based saliency, esti-
mating the focal length of the camera as well as its ex-
trinsics and the extension of the principle of saliency-
based filtering to other multi-modal problems.
This research was executed with the financial sup-
port of the EPSRC and EU ICT FP7 project IMPART
(grant agreement No. 316564).
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