Eye-tracking Investigation During Visual Analysis of Projected
Multidimensional Data with 2D Scatterplots
Ronak Etemadpour, Bettina Olk and Lars Linsen
Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Projections, Dimensionality Reduction, Multidimensional Data, Perception-based Evaluation, Eye Tracking.
A common strategy for visual encoding of multidimensional data for visual analyses is to use dimensionality
reduction. Each multidimensional data point is projected to a 2D point using a certain strategy for the 2D
layout. Many layout strategies have been proposed addressing different objectives and targeted at distinct
domains and applications. The resulting projected information is typically displayed in form of 2D scatterplots.
The user’s perspective such as the role of visual attention and guidance of attention for a respective layout and
task has not been addressed much. It is the goal of this work to investigate, how characteristics in the layout
affect the cognitive process during task completion. Eye trackers are an effective means to capture visual
attention over time. We use eye tracking in a user study, where we ask users to perform typical analysis tasks
for projected multidimensional data such as relation seeking, behavior comparison, and pattern identification.
Those tasks often involve detecting and correlating clusters. To understand the role of point density within
clusters, cluster sizes, and cluster shapes, we first conducted a study with synthetic 2D scatterplots, where
we can set the respective properties manually. We evaluate how changing various parameters affect the visual
attention pattern and correlate it to the correctness of the answer. In a second step, we conducted a study where
the users were asked to complete tasks on real-world data with different characteristics (image collection and
document collection) that are visualized using a selection of different dimensionality reduction algorithms.
We transfer the insight obtained from synthetic data to investigate the decision making with real-world data.
Gestalt laws can be applied to the layout structure. We examine how certain layout techniques produce certain
characteristics that change the visual attention pattern. We draw some conclusions on how different projection
methods support or hinder decision making leading to respective guidelines.
The goal when analyzing multidimensional data is to
identify structures in the data distribution. By multi-
dimensional data we refer to sets of points in a mul-
tidimensional space. Typical analysis tasks for gain-
ing insight into the properties of data distribution in-
clude pattern identification such as detecting clusters,
behavior comparison such as comparing characteris-
tics of subsets, and relation seeking such as corre-
lating subsets to each other, see Section 3. For a
visual analysis of multidimensional data, it is com-
mon to use dimensionality reduction techniques that
project the multidimensional points to points in a
lower-dimensional visual space and typically, the pro-
jected points are displayed in form of 2D scatterplots.
Since one is interested into gaining insight in data
distributions in the multidimensional space, the pro-
jection method shall preserve those distributions as
much as possible. In general, it cannot be avoided
that some information is lost when reducing dimen-
sionality. Therefore, different projection techniques
have been established that focus on preserving cer-
tain properties of the data distribution. Consequently,
they aim at supporting certain analysis tasks where
those properties are crucial. To evaluate the effec-
tiveness of preserving certain properties, various nu-
merical and visual methods have been introduced to
quantify the quality of projections with respect to pre-
serving certain properties, thus, guiding a user to se-
lect the most appropriate projection method for their
task (Sips et al., 2009). Commonly, one consid-
ers cluster preservation or separation, neighborhood
preservation, or distance preservation properties. Per-
ceptional aspects have not been in the focus of at-
tention very much. Although projection techniques
are commonly embedded into user-centric systems
for interactive visual analysis, little is known about
how users perceive the layouts they produce. Typi-
cal perceptional questions would be how point den-
sity within a cluster, cluster size, and cluster shapes
affect the visual attention of an observer during the
Etemadpour R., Olk B. and Linsen L..
Eye-tracking Investigation During Visual Analysis of Projected Multidimensional Data with 2D Scatterplots.
DOI: 10.5220/0004675802330246
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP-2014), pages 233-246
ISBN: 978-989-758-005-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
analysis process and how this guidance of attention
relates to the provided answer. Automatic clustering
algorithms that compute partitions of points into sub-
sets or classes in order to maximize both the similarity
among members of the same subset, and dissimilar-
ity across classes are commonly embedded in a visual
analytics setting. On the other hand, Gestalt psychol-
ogists have studied grouping as part of the general
process of perception (KotBca, 1935) and formulated
a set of laws to explain the perceptual processes of
grouping done by humans. Our goal is to investigate
how perceptual aspects influence visual analyses.
In this paper, we present a study that investigates
visual attention during the analysis of multidimen-
sional data when projected to a two-dimensional vi-
sual space and visually encoded as 2D scatterplots.
Four types of seeing with different levels of attention
have been introduced by Wolfe (Wolfe, 2000). Previ-
ous research has demonstrated a strong link between
attention and eye movements based on the “eye-mind
hypothesis” (Rayner, 1998). Thereby, to assess the
allocation of visual attention, eye movement patterns
were recorded. Visual attention can be influenced by
many factors. Creating multidimensional data pro-
jection outputs where exactly one of these factors
varies is impossible. Thus, in a first step we ana-
lyze eye movements when given typical analysis tasks
for 2D scatterplots that have been generated manually.
Eye movement patterns are analyzed in order to infer
where visual attention was allocated. For such syn-
thetic examples, we can tune respective parameters
such as point density, cluster size, or cluster shapes.
We analyze the impact of such parameters on relation-
seeking tasks, see Section 4.
In a second step, we use actual multidimensional data
sets from two different applications (image collec-
tions and documents collections) and project the data
to two-dimensional visual spaces using different point
placement techniques. Users are asked to perform
typical analysis tasks on the resulting 2D scatterplots
including the relation-finding tasks used for synthetic
data. We investigate the users’ eye movement patterns
recorded with the eye-tracking system, relate those
patterns to the findings with synthetic data, and cor-
relate the patterns to the correctness of the given an-
swers for the questions asked. We draw conclusions
on how the different projection methods influence vi-
sual attention and how this supports or hinders cor-
rect task completion, see Section 5. Our two-step ap-
proach follows the reasoning of Ware (Ware, 2000)
who discusses that the results of low-level processing
and discovering patterns can provide design guide-
lines for display layouts. The results of our first step
can be applied to understand how existing layouts are
processed in our second step.
Many techniques exist to generate 2D similarity-
based layouts from high-dimensional data (projec-
tions). The design goals include maintaining pairwise
distances between points as implemented in multidi-
mensional scaling (MDS) (Borg and Groenen, 2010),
maintaining distances within a cluster, or maintain-
ing distances between clusters (Tenembaum et al.,
2000). Isometric feature mapping (Isomap) (Tenem-
baum et al., 2000) is an MDS approach that has been
introduced as an alternative to classical scaling ca-
pable of handling non-linear data sets. It obtains
a globally optimal solution to the distance preser-
vation problem. Classical dimensionality reduction
algorithms, such as principal component analysis
(PCA) (Jolliffe, 1986), are often employed to gen-
erate similarity layouts by reducing data to lower-
dimensional visual spaces. Least Square Projection
(LSP) (Paulovich et al., 2008) first samples a reduced
sub-set of points representative of the data distribu-
tion in the input space and projects them to the target
space with a precise MDS force placement technique.
It then builds a linear system from information given
by the projected points and their neighborhoods. A
Laplacian operator ensures that data points in a par-
ticular neighborhood remain proximate in the target
space. They are based on first generating a tree that
encodes similarity and then laying out the tree in a
two-dimensional space. The algorithms to generate
similarity layouts (Cuadros et al., 2007) are often
inspired by the neighbor-joining (NJ) heuristic orig-
inally proposed to reconstruct phylogenetic trees.
Several approaches for selecting good layouts have
been proposed. The approaches can be categorized
into numerical approaches that compute quality mea-
sures in form of numbers or visual approaches that
plot quality measures in graphical form. The silhou-
ette coefficient (Tan et al., 2005) and the neighbor-
hood hit (Paulovich et al., 2008) evaluate clustering
capability, while the correlation coefficients (Geng
et al., 2005) evaluate distances. These mathematical
measures do not consider how humans perceive the
User perception by conducting user studies on scat-
terplots is investigated in (Tatu et al., 2010). Users
were asked to sort useful scatterplots among 18 in-
stances. However, they did not look into multi-
dimensional data projection as the ones mentioned
above. A research by (Albuquerque et al., 2011),
is attempted to find a perception-based quality mea-
sure for scatterplots. A ranking function was used
to estimate the value of the projections for a spe-
cific user task in a perceptual sense, based on the
data from a psychophysical study. Recently in (Sedl-
mair et al., 2012), the accuracy of class consistency
measure (CCM) and class density measure (CDM)
are discussed in scatterplots depicting multidimen-
sional projection layouts. Their major contribution
is a detailed taxonomy of factors that affect the hu-
man perception of cluster separation. In their quali-
tative data study, two investigators visually inspected
over 800 plots to determine whether or not the mea-
sures created plausible results. In a study by (Rensink
and Baldridge, 2010), the perception of correlation in
scatterplots has been investigated purely from a psy-
chological perspective developed for simple proper-
ties such as brightness. They generated a set of scat-
terplots with points distributed within a certain range
from the diagonal and tested whether observers could
discriminate pairs and concluded that perception of
correlation in a scatter plot is rapid. None of these ap-
proaches used eye trackers to measure visual attention
and draw conclusion on users’ decisions.
Eye tracking has been a helpful tool to understand the
cognitive processes of users involved in a visual anal-
ysis process. Eye tracking is used in (Burch et al.,
2011), to investigate the visual behavior of partici-
pants of a user study when operating with different
tree visualizations. They examined hierarchical struc-
tures represented by various tree layouts such as tradi-
tional, orthogonal, and radial node-link layouts. They
examined fixation points, fixation duration, and sac-
cades of participants’ gaze trajectories. They also an-
alyzed correctness of answers as well as completion
times in addition to the eye movement data. A similar
eye tracking study in (Goldberg and Helfman, 2011)
is conducted to compare radial and linear graphs to
support lookup tasks for one and two data dimen-
sions. The tasks of both studies, however, are more
concerned with topological distances of nodes (with
respect to the tree topology) than with Euclidean dis-
tances of nodes in the layout. Hence, tasks, data, and
visual encoding are different from our study.
There has also been some fundamental work on the
Gestalt principles within the cognitive psychology
community that relate to our work. The Gestalt prin-
ciples describe psychological phenomena underlying
human perception of given tasks by viewing them as
organized and structured wholes. For the detection
of non-spherical clusters, various researchers sought
more robust ways to identify arbitrarily shaped clus-
ters rather than the sum of their constituent parts
computationally. Ahuja and Tuceryan (Ahuja and
Tuceryan, 1998) studied a computational approach
presented to extracting basic perceptual structures or
the lowest level grouping in dot patterns with the
goal to extract the perceptual segments of dots due
to their relative locations. Dots were assigned percep-
tual roles of interior dots, border dots, curve dots, and
isolated dots. Other studies investigated detection of
dotted lines in a noisy background consisting of dy-
namic patterns of identical dots (Uttal et al., 1970).
We considered in the first part of our study the work
on perceptual organization.
We first identify multidimensional data analysis
tasks for scatterplot visualizations in a projected
2D space. In a framework proposed by Andrienko
and Andrienko (Andrienko and Andrienko, 2005)
synoptic visual analysis tasks have been grouped
into pattern identification, behavior comparison, and
relation seeking. Within this framework, we identify
typical analysis tasks for multidimensional data. A
relation-seeking task is to investigate the similarities
between subgroups (clusters or individual objects).
We hence asked participants to:
Q1 Identify the closest cluster to a given object.
Q2 Identify the closest cluster to a given cluster.
In both tasks we try to determine whether the
green or the blue cluster is closer to the red object(s).
The colors blue and green are assigned randomly to
the clusters to avoid any bias towards a specific color.
In order to assess pattern identification, partici-
pants were asked to:
Q3 Estimate the number of clusters.
Here, all points are colored in the same color
(blue) as shown in the example in Figure 7.
A behavior comparison task is to compare char-
acteristics of subsets (or clusters). In other words, we
try to examine whether the objects within one cluster
are more similar to each other than the objects within
another cluster. Thus, we ask the subjects to compare
the point densities within clusters, where density is
defined as the number of points per area. The task is
defined as:
Q4 Rank clusters by density.
Here, we identify three clusters in the multidimen-
sional data set and color-code the respective projected
points in the 2D scatterplot using red, green, and blue
color, correspondingly. Again, the colors are assigned
In the first part of our study, we want to investigate the
role of certain cluster properties on visual attention
and task completion success. One of the modern psy-
chological rules that was applied to visual and pattern
perception is called Gestalt approaches (Wertheimer,
1923). Our goal is to examine whether it is just (Eu-
clidean) distances that matter when visually analyzing
the scatterplots or whether there are other character-
istics of the clusters that influence the visual analy-
sis from a perceptional view. The characteristics we
investigated were cluster density (i.e., point density
within a cluster as defined above), cluster size (i.e.,
the number of objects or points that belong to a clus-
ter), and cluster shape (e.g., whether a cluster appears
to be round or elongated). The synthetic scatterplots
have been inspired by observations from real scatter-
4.1 Gestalt Laws
We formulate hypotheses based on Gestalt
laws (Wertheimer, 1923) and test the hypothe-
ses within a user study. We want to provide a short
description of the four Gestalt laws that we used.
Gestalt theory is based on the concept that the whole
is greater than the sum of its parts. Broad observation
initially identified about human perception led to a
number of laws about how humans perceive groups
of related information visually: (1) Law of Similarity:
Objects that have similar appearance are perceived
as a group. (2) Law of Proximity: Objects that share
spatial proximity are perceived as a group. (3) Law
of Continuity: Objects that are aligned are perceived
as a group. (4) Law of Closure: Objects that are
perceived to form a closed contour are treated as a
4.2 Hypotheses
Considering Task Q1 that compares distances be-
tween a point and a cluster (set of points), the Law
of Proximity would postulate that the point is percep-
tually grouped with the closer cluster. Here, the clus-
ters have equal size to the point and we consider the
case that one of the cluster is denser than the other.
The Law of Similarity leads to the assumption that the
point would be grouped to the less dense (or sparser)
cluster, as the distance of the point to the clusters is
closer to the distances within the sparser cluster than
those within the denser cluster. We expect that visual
attention is drawn towards the sparse cluster. Hence,
we formulate the hypothesis:
H1. Sparser clusters are looked at for a longer overall
time and are considered closer to the given reference
Similar results we expect for Task Q2. However, here,
the single reference object is replaced by a third ref-
erence cluster, which itself has a certain point density.
Thus, we may assume from the Law of Similarity that
the cluster whose density is more similar to the den-
sity of the reference cluster is more likely to be chosen
as being closer. We phrase the hypothesis:
H2. Visual attention and decision is affected by the
density of the reference cluster.
The influence of cluster shape on the given tasks can
be described with respect to the Law of Continuity. It
can be assumed that a reference point (or cluster) ap-
pears closer to a cluster, if it is located in the contin-
uation of that cluster’s principal direction, i.e., being
aligned with it. On the other hand, if the reference
point (or cluster) is located in a direction orthogonal
to the principal direction, it is expected to appear far-
ther. Consequently, we formulate the hypothesis:
H3. Reference points (or clusters) appear closer to
clusters they are aligned with.
To test for the influence on cluster size, we use two
clusters of same shape and density and varied size
(i.e., the number of points). Based on the Law of Con-
tinuity, we assume that the reference point (in Task
Q1) or cluster (in Task Q2) is more likely to be per-
ceptually merged with the larger cluster. Hence, we
formulate the hypothesis:
H4. Reference points (or clusters) appear closer to
larger clusters.
4.3 Design of User Study
In a study on perception of random dot interference
patterns (Glass et al., 1973) is shown that varying
both the local and global parameters describing the in-
terference patterns, the functional organisation of the
visual system can be probed and new perceptual af-
fects discovered. In a study by (Healey et al., 1996),
is stated that if a visualization tool was being used
to display multiple independent data values, interfer-
ence among features should ideally be eliminated. If
a visualization tool was being used to investigate a
specific relationship, like finding similarity here, the
“strongest” feature should be used to encode that re-
lationship. Secondary features used to encode addi-
tional data values must not interfere with the task-
relevant feature. Thus, we needed examples where
only one of the parameters varies while the others re-
main constant. As it is impossible to obtain projec-
tions of multidimensional data into a 2D visual space,
where exactly one of the parameters cluster density,
cluster size, and cluster shape varies, we manually
generated 2D scatterplots.
We created 20 synthetic images that show scatterplots
with manually defined properties. The images are tar-
geted at the evaluation with respect to Tasks Q1 and
Q2. We define two clusters that are equally far (with
respect to the 2D Euclidean distance) from a reference
point (Q1) or a third reference cluster (Q2). Hence, if
only distances matter, we expect that subjects in about
50% of the cases choose the first cluster and in about
50% of the cases choose the second cluster as being
closer to the reference point (or cluster). However,
we modify the characteristics of the two clusters, i.e.,
they differ in density, in size, or in shape. We also
added a control scatterplot image, where all param-
eters (density, size, and shape) are identical for both
clusters. The scatterplots are generated by defining
shape and number of points per clusters and, then,
randomly placing the points inside the shape.
We conducted a controlled user study involving 20
subjects (12 female and 8 male) with different edu-
cational background and normal vision. We did not
provide any statistical analysis across the gender. The
subjects were not familiar with visual multidimen-
sional data analysis, but received a short introduction.
Based on their assigned study ID, each subject was
presented ten (Task Q1) or twelve (Task Q2) images
with 2D scatterplots. Each task was presented in writ-
ten form on a slide and subjects had the chance to
ask in case of any necessary clarification. The ex-
perimenter was present and manually recorded the
answers, which were given verbally by the subjects.
There was no time limit to fulfill the tasks.
During the experiment, a Tobii T60 eye tracking sys-
tem was used to record eye movements and sequences
of gaze fixations of the subjects on the visuals. The
system consists of a 17-inch computer monitor with
a video camera built in which tracks the user’s eye
movements at 60 Hz. It did not constrain users’ mo-
tion allowing subjects to move freely and naturally
while they looked at the screen and answered ques-
tions. Each subject received a brief description of the
eye-tracking system. The data recording session be-
gan with an eye-tracking calibration, which consisted
of the user looking at the screen and following a mov-
ing dot with their eyes. Questions and scatterplot im-
ages were embedded in a slide show on the Tobii sys-
tem monitor.
4.4 Analysis Methods
To test for statistical significance of deviations from
a theoretically expected distribution of observations
into two categories, two-tailed binomial tests have
been used. ANOVA test was used for computing sta-
tistical significance when comparing more than two
To analyze the visual attention patterns we used
the EyeC software system (Ristovski et al., 2013). It
computes heat maps from fixation durations, which
maps to each pixel a color ranging from blue (no fix-
ation) to red (highest fixation duration), see Figure 1
(mid). Moreover, the user can select AOIs and re-
trieve statistical information about them, see Figure 1
(right). It shows the difference between the accumu-
lated fixation times for the selected areas of interest
(AOIs) and selected participants. The AOI labels in
the heat maps are inserted manually for the images
shown. The shapes are shown by their contours. Fi-
nally, one can also analyze visual attention sequence
encoded over defined AOIs (not shown in the figure).
4.5 Results
Influence of Cluster Density. In our experiments for
Task Q1, we created six different scatterplots. Two
images show scatterplots where both clusters had the
same roundish shape and the same size, while the den-
sity varied, see Figure 1 (left). Since density is related
to size, we also looked into varying size in addition
to density and created two further images where the
denser cluster had more points and another two im-
ages where the denser cluster had less points. To an-
alyze the fixation patterns, we defined five AOIs: The
area around the reference object (AOI 1), the space
between the reference object and the sparser cluster
(AOI 2), the sparser cluster (AOI 3), the denser cluster
(AOI 4), and the space between the reference object
and the denser cluster (AOI 5), cf. Figure 1 (mid). We
selected those five AOIs, as we assumed that the cog-
nitive process includes examining the clusters to find
the point closest to the reference point and examining
the respective distances to the reference point.
The findings showed that in all six scatterplots the
sparse cluster (AOI 3) were significantly looked at
more than all the other AOIs, cf. Figure 1 (right). In
accordance with this finding, in 75.83% the sparser
cluster has been reported as the closer one by the 20
subjects, which is significantly more than the to be
expected 50%. Hence, Hypothesis H1 is confirmed.
At this point, we want to mention that for the control
scatter plot, where both clusters have the same den-
sity, size, and shape, there was no significant differ-
ence in the visual attention and the answers from the
expected 50%.
We can also conclude that density seems to be per-
ceptually more relevant than cluster size, as changing
the cluster size did not change the fact that the sparser
cluster got more attention. Another observation is that
the single point (AOI 1) did not need much attention,
where the fixation durations sometimes were negligi-
ble. Also, AOI 5 was looked at more than AOI 2,
which means that the space between the dense clus-
ter and the single object was more recognizable. The
sequence analysis shows that eyes frequently moved
from AOI 3 to AOI 5, before proceeding to AOI 4.
Figure 1: Task Q1: Finding closest cluster to reference point
for synthetic data with varying cluster density.
The findings for Task Q2 revealed that in five
out of the six scatterplots subjects still looked at the
sparser cluster most, cf. Figure 2(a). Also, in 86.4%
of all cases subjects started their analysis by look-
ing at the sparser cluster, which is statistically sig-
nificant. In some cases the reference cluster was ac-
tually looked at most. A general observation was
that the reference cluster got substantially more atten-
tion when moved to the center between the two other
clusters. Despite these findings, the answers that the
sparser cluster is closer dropped to 56,6%, which is
actually not statistically significant anymore. While
for the example shown in Figures 2(a) the sparser
cluster was generally reported as closer, all subjects
reported the denser cluster to be closer in the exam-
ple shown in Figure 2(b). When looking at the vi-
sual attention, the sparser cluster has still the high-
est mean fixation duration in example (b). However,
as opposed to example (a), in example (b) the space
between the reference cluster and the sparser clus-
ter (AOI 6) is actually looked at more than the space
between the reference cluster and the denser cluster
(AOI 5). (c) AOI 1 got substantially more attention
than AOI 2, i.e., the part closer to the reference cluster
is investigated more. Hence, the subjects recognized
AOI 6 more, which let them decide for the denser
cluster to be closer. Now, when investigating the ref-
erence cluster’s density in the examples, it can be
seen that in example (a) it seems closer to that of the
sparser cluster, while in example (b) it seems closer to
the denser cluster. Investigating all six different scat-
Figure 2: Task Q2: Examples of finding closest cluster to
reference cluster for synthetic data with varying cluster den-
terplots, Hypothesis H2 has been confirmed.
Influence of Cluster Shape. We first considered
Task Q1 and generated eight scatterplots that targeted
two investigations. First, we used two clusters, where
one was more roundish the other more longish, while
density and size were the same. With this set-up, we
placed the reference point in continuation of the more
longish cluster or orthogonal to that direction. Sec-
ond, we looked into two longish clusters, where one
was bent and the other straight. The bending may be
in the direction away or towards the reference point.
For the first case, in 80.7% of the cases the sub-
jects chose the roundish cluster as the closer one,
which is what we expected. However, 75% of the sub-
jects looked at the longish cluster more. In the case
of a roundish and a longish cluster, where the refer-
ence point is in the continuation of the longish clus-
ters (is not shown here), in 100% of the cases the sub-
jects chose the longish cluster as the closer one, which
again is what we expected. Here, 50% of the total
subjects looked at the longish cluster most (among
all AOIs defined as before). One may speculate that
the elongated structure requires more attention than
the more compact, roundish structure to comprehend
the shape. To follow up on this, we investigated two
longish structures with one being bent as shown in
Figure 3(a). Here, the more complicated structure,
i.e., the curved one, is again the one that is looked at
more. However, the straight cluster was the one that
was seen closer by all subjects. This may relate to the
Law of Closure, as the curved cluster seems to define
a closed area, to which the reference point does not
Finally, we investigate the role of orientation of
the bending. We have a similar set-up as in Fig-
ure 3(a), but now the bending is towards the reference
point, cf. Figure 3(b). In this case the reference point
would lie inside the closure of the curved cluster. On
the other hand, the reference point lies in the continu-
ation of the straight cluster. Hence, the Laws of Con-
tinuity and Closure are competing. The findings were
that the straight cluster (AOI2) has the highest fixa-
tion time, but that in 71% of all cases the subjects
chose the curved cluster as the closer one.
Hence, we conclude that Hypothesis H3 was con-
firmed. When considering two longish clusters with
one of them being curved, the Law of Closure seems
to be dominant, i.e., the orientation of the bending is
most relevant for the decision. The visual attention
patterns do not deliver such a consistent view as for
the varying densities, but it seems that more compact
clusters need less attention.
Figure 3: Task Q1: Finding closest cluster to reference point
for synthetic data with varying cluster shape.
For Task Q2, we investigated four scatterplots
with the two set-ups from above. I.e., we consider one
more roundish and one more longish cluster, where
the reference cluster is either located in continuation
of the longish cluster or in an orthogonal direction.
For the case, where the reference cluster is in contin-
uation of the longish cluster, the longish cluster was
chosen as the closer one in 82.35% of all cases (which
is statistically significant). Consistently, the space be-
tween reference cluster and longish cluster had less
attention than the space between reference cluster and
roundish cluster. For the case, where the reference
cluster is in direction orthogonal to the longish cluster,
the roundish cluster was chosen as the closer one in
87.5% of the cases (which is statistically significant).
Consistently, the space between reference cluster and
roundish cluster had less attention than the space be-
tween reference cluster and longish cluster. We can
conclude that these results also approve Hypothesis
Influence of Cluster Size. For Task Q1, in 75% of
the cases the larger cluster is indeed chosen as being
closer to the reference point and the respective AOI
has the highest mean fixation duration (which is sta-
tistically significant). The reference cluster in some
cases actually got most attention. For Task Q2, even in
89% of the cases the larger cluster is chosen as being
closer to the reference cluster (which is statistically
significant). However, we can report that the space to
the smaller cluster is looked at more than the space to
the larger cluster, which is consistent with our earlier
findings. We can conclude that Hypothesis H4 was
In the second part of the study, we investigate ac-
tual multidimensional data. We identified two ap-
plication fields, where the multidimensional data sets
exhibit different characteristics. The first application
is the visual analysis of document collections. Each
document represents an object. The corresponding
multidimensional point is a feature vector that rep-
resents the frequency of occurrences of certain key-
words in the document. The second application is the
visual analysis of image collections. Each image rep-
resents an object and the corresponding multidimen-
sional point is a vector of features that are derived
from the image using image processing steps. Doc-
ument data are typically of very high dimensional-
ity when compared to the number of objects, which
imposes a certain data sparseness. Image data are
typically of significantly lower dimensionality, which
leads to a generally denser distribution.
5.1 Hypotheses
Considering distance-based tasks on real data, we can
formulate the following hypothesis based on the find-
ings of the preceding section:
H5. Cluster density, shape, orientation, and size in-
fluence distance estimation.
Next, we look into how visual attention matches the
analysis tasks. For cluster identification, we formu-
late the hypothesis:
H6. There is a strong correlation between the visual
attention pattern (locations of AOIs) and the provided
answer when trying to identify clusters.
Concerning density-based tasks, we assume that
sparser clusters get more visual attention, based on
the findings of the preceding section. As the densities
of the clusters are examined in 2D scatterplots, the
densities in projected space are the ones that influ-
ence the perception. How well the answers match the
cluster densities computed in high-dimensional space
also depends highly on how well the projection meth-
ods manage to maintain the cluster density properties
during projection. Our hypothesis is the following:
H7. The sparser the clusters in the scatterplot, the
higher the visual attention.
5.2 Design of User Study
We picked four techniques as representatives of mod-
ern and classic strategies for embedding data in two
dimensions. Principal component analysis (PCA) has
been included in the study because it is a classical di-
mension reduction strategy often employed to gen-
erate visual embeddings of data. Isomap is effec-
tive on data that present non-linear relationships, that
both PCA and classical scaling typically fail to de-
tect. LSP is a modern dimension reduction technique
that presents precisely the results achieved with sam-
pling by clustering. Finally, we picked the neighbor-
joining (NJ) tree layout (Paiva et al., 2011) as a tree
layout for point placement to investigate whether their
good grouping and distance properties would be per-
ceived by users in the same way as the projections if
the edges are removed from the layouts (i.e., if visu-
ally encoded as a scatterplot).
We use two document and two image data sets.
The first document data set - referred to as CBR - con-
tains 680 objects with 1,423 dimensions. The docu-
ment information includes title, authors, abstract, and
references from scientific papers in four different sub-
. The second document data set - referred to as
KDViz - contains 1,624 objects with 520 dimensions
and four highly unbalanced labels generated from an
Internet repository
. The first image data set - referred
to as Corel
- contains 1,000 objects with 150 dimen-
sions. The images are photographs on ten different
themes (Li and Wang, 2003). The second image data
set - referred to as Medical - contains 540 objects with
28 dimensions (features) including Fourier descrip-
tors and energies derived from histograms as well as
mean intensity and standard deviation computed from
the images themselves.
We conducted a controlled user study involving
the same subjects as above. Each subject was pre-
sented 56 images with 2D scatterplots of projected
multidimensional data using the four presented pro-
jection methods and asking one of the four identified
tasks. We had to exclude a few cases from our study
such as some tasks when PCA is applied to KDViz be-
cause of severe visual clutter that made it impossible
to identify clusters and AOIs. The set-up of the ex-
periments including eye tracking were as above. Ac-
tually, both parts (synthetic and real data) were exe-
cuted in one session. The entire experiment did not
UCI KDD Archive, http://kdd.ics.uci.edu
take longer than 42 minutes for any of the subjects.
5.3 Analysis Methods
For the analysis of the correctness of the answers
using real data, we computed the ground truth (dis-
tances, densities, and clusters) in the multidimen-
sional space. Pairwise distances (Tasks Q1 and Q2)
are computed using cosine distances for document
data and Euclidean distances for image data to iden-
tify smallest distances. Clusters (Tasks Q1 and Q2)
were computed using an X-means approach (Pelleg
and Moore, 2000) and picking clusters with good
properties that adhere to the given labeling. Densi-
ties (Task Q4) are computed as the inverse of the av-
erage edge length in the minimum spanning tree of
each cluster, which is a simple distance-based mea-
sure that is sufficient for comparative analysis. More-
over, it scales well to high dimensions, is not biased
towards any shape, and insensitive to density changes.
Statistical methods and eye tracking analysis methods
were the same as above.
5.4 Results
Closest Cluster to Reference Point. Task Q1 is
again concerned with the identification of the closest
cluster to a reference point. However, now the refer-
ence point is not equally distant from the cluster. The
correct answer is computed in the high-dimensional
space before projection. Also, the clusters have been
computed before projecting. It is clearly visible from
the examples in Figure 4 that different projection
methods did differently well in preserving and sep-
arating the clusters. Also, there are severe difference
between the results of different data sets for the same
projection method. According to the mean correct-
ness of the given answers for Task Q1 considering
all dataset, LSP got the highest correctness (58.33%),
closely followed by Isomap (53.125%), while PCA
(19.79%) and Tree (9.375%) had lower correctness
and Anova test showed significant difference among
them (P=0.034). We investigated visual attention and
cognitive processes for the individual examples. For
the scatterplots generated using Isomap we observed
a consistent visual attention pattern to our synthetic
data, as the sparser cluster was the most looked at
AOI, while the reference point got almost no atten-
tion. Figure 4(a) shows the example of Isomap ap-
plied to CBR, where we have two conflicting proper-
ties. The green cluster is sparser, but the blue cluster
is larger. According to our findings from synthetic ex-
amples, density was dominant over size. Here, how-
ever, the clusters are not completely separated and
only 37.5% of the subjects reported the green cluster
as closer, although this would have been the correct
For LSP the visual attention patterns when consid-
ering document data are similar to Isomap. However,
we observed interesting cases for the image data sets.
When LSP is applied to Corel, the reference point lies
in the continuation of the blue cluster and subjects fol-
lowed the Law of Continuity and incorrectly chose the
wrong cluster as the closer one. Correctness dropped
to 33.33%. In Figure 4(b), on the other hand, LSP is
applied to Medical, and the reference point is aligned
with the blue cluster. The Law of Continuity made
100% of the subjects choose correctly the blue cluster
as the closer one.
For PCA the clusters were generally not well pre-
served or separated, which led to lower correctness.
In Figure 4(c), for the Medical data set, 62.5% of
the subjects correctly reported the green cluster being
closer and it becomes evident that the green cluster is
the sparser one. Subjects followed our earlier identi-
fied pattern, as the sparser cluster (AOI 2) is the AOI
with most visual attention. We want to note that for
some examples, we could only identify three mean-
ingful AOIs (reference point, cluster 1, cluster 2), as
it is not obvious what the space between the clusters
and the reference point would be.
The Tree layout created the least correct results for
Task Q1 on average. Figure 4(d) shows the worst case
when Tree is applied to Corel leading to 0% correct-
ness. The Tree layouts are, in general, most affected
by the Gestalt laws, as the generated branches - ac-
cording to the Law of Continuity - create the percep-
tion of a whole even when not drawing the edges of
the tree. In Figure 4(d), the reference point happens to
be included in a branch that otherwise contains only
points of the blue cluster. The reference point (AOI 3)
is not looked at explicitly, as it is perceived as being
part of the whole (the branch with the blue cluster).
Consequently, all subjects incorrectly answered that
the reference point is closer to the blue cluster. In
summary, we can conclude that also for real (i.e., pro-
jected multidimensional) data cluster properties influ-
ence the answers of the subjects. Hence, Hypothesis
H5 is approved.
Closest Cluster to Reference Cluster. Task Q2 is
concerned with the identification of the closest clus-
ter to a reference cluster. Again, ground truth is com-
puted in high-dimensional space. An additional as-
pect that comes in here is that the multi-dimensional
reference cluster itself may not be well preserved dur-
ing projection. For this task, we also want to test Hy-
pothesis H5.
(a) Isomap applied to CBR.
(b) LSP applied to Medical: Law of Continuity led to
correct answer.
(c) PCA applied to Medical.
(d) Tree applied to Corel.
Figure 4: Task Q1: Finding closest cluster to reference point
for real data.
Isomap was the projection method that created
best results in terms of correctness of the answers with
82.29% for the whole datasets. Again, the sparser
clusters are the AOIs that are observed most in al-
most all the cases. The only exception is shown in
Figure 5(a) when applied to Corel. Here the refer-
ence cluster is the one with higher mean fixation dura-
tion. As it is shown, the red reference cluster actually
spreads over a large area of the scatterplot. It can fur-
ther be observed that the reference cluster mixes with
the green cluster. Based on the Proximity law, the
red and the green cluster are perceived as a whole and
accordingly 87.5% of the subjects selected the green
cluster as the closer one. Accumulated fixation times
were higher for AOIs 3, 4, and 5 than for AOIs 1 and
LSP also produced good correctness values with
an average of 73.96%. The sparser clusters were
looked at most for all four data sets but the correctness
was lowest for the Medical data set. Investigating the
eye tracking data showed that the denser cluster also
got a large amount of attention for this example. The
reason why this example was often answered incor-
rectly is most likely the fact that the density of the
reference cluster matched the density of denser cluster
and based on the Law of Similarity, subjects reported
the denser cluster as the closer one incorrectly.
PCA had the weakest performance on Task Q2
with a correctness of only 20.83%. Figure 5(b) gives
the example of PCA applied to Corel, which had a
correctness of 33.33%. The green cluster does not ex-
hibit a clear structure but is widely spread. AOI 3,
which represents the much more coherent and denser
blue cluster is examined longer. Although the refer-
ence cluster (AOI 2) is in proximity to both the green
and the blue cluster, its density is similar to the blue
cluster. According to the Law of Similarity this led
to the incorrect conclusion that the reference cluster
belongs to the blue cluster.
Tree layouts were correctly analyzed in 53.125%
of all cases. Least correct (0%) was the example when
Tree is applied to Corel, see Figure 5(d). Subjects
tend to investigate branches of the tree individually.
For example, AOIs 3 and 4 belong to the same cluster
but were not looked at sequentially. The same holds
true for AOIs 2 and 5. AOI 2 got the most visual at-
tention, which is based on the Law of Proximity, as it
is the one closest to the reference cluster. From the se-
quence of fixations, one may even conclude that AOI1
and AOI2 were looked at together. Consequently, all
subjects answered incorrectly that the reference clus-
ter is closer to the blue cluster. In conclusion, Hy-
pothesis H5 was also confirmed for Task Q2.
(a) Isomap applied to Corel.
(b) PCA applied to Corel.
(c) Tree applied to Corel.
Figure 5: Task Q2: Finding closest cluster to reference clus-
ter for real data.
Cluster Identification. Task Q3 is concerned
with identifying the clusters and reporting back the
number of identified clusters. According to the given
application, CBR had 4 labels (or classes), KDViz had
4 classes, Corel had 10 classes, and Medical had 12
classes, as indicated by the color coding in Figure 6.
However, when presenting the scatterplots to the sub-
jects, color coding of classes was removed. In the
following, we investigate how eye movement patterns
relate to the given answers. In particular, we look into
how many AOIs can be seen in the heat maps and
compare that to the answers given.
For Isomap we can state that the subjects’ answers
were close to their eye movement patterns. For CBR,
the subjects reported 3.5 clusters on average and we
could identify four hot spots (AOIs) in the heat map,
where the heat map result contains the eye movements
of all subjects. For KDViz, the heat map shows five
hot spots, while the average answer was four. We
further examine this case in Figure 6(a). In the se-
quence analysis, we observed a large amount of back-
and-forth movement between AOIs 1 and 2. Because
of the Laws of Proximity (AOIs 1 and 2 are close to
each other) and Similarity (AOIs 1 and 2 have sim-
ilar density), we can conclude that they have been
perceived as one cluster, which explains the answer
four instead of five. For Corel, seven hot spots can be
seen in the heat map and subjects reported 7.83 clus-
ters on average. For Medical, nine hot spots can be
seen in the heat map and subjects reported 9.89 clus-
ters on average. We can draw the conclusion that the
hot spots in the visual attention match very well the
answers that were given. However, the reported num-
bers are not necessarily the exact number of classes,
as the projection may fail to keep clusters sufficiently
separated. We observe that the reported numbers for
Isomap are lower or equal than the actual number of
classes. Moreover, the visual attention pattern reveals
that even when the correct answer is given, it may be
that the perceived clusters do not match the projected
classes. For example, in Figure 6(a), the blue and
red classes are highly overlapping and have been per-
ceived as one cluster, while the dark green class has
been split into two clusters. Consequently, the answer
is correct despite the two perceptual mismatches.
For LSP the answers also matched well the number
of hot spots. For CBR four hot spots were observed
and subjects reported 4.85 clusters on average, for
KDViz five hot spots were observed and subjects re-
ported 4.375 clusters on average, for Corel nine hot
spots were observed and subjects reported 11.14 clus-
ters on average, and for Medical eight hot spots were
observed and subjects reported 8.375 clusters on aver-
age. Obviously, for the examples with larger number
of clusters, it gets more difficult to distinguish the hot
spots and identify AOIs. In Figure 6(b), we try to in-
vestigate some AOIs for the example of the Medical
data set. AOI 1 got most attention, as it is a sparser
structure that needs longer investigation to make a de-
cision. On the contrary, the dense cyan cluster in AOI
7 was obvious and did not need to be looked at in-
tensively. We also deduce that AOI 5 (despite being
quite dense) needs quite some attention because of its
complex, non-concave structure.
For PCA we obtained the following results: For
CBR three hot spots were observed and subjects re-
ported 2.67 clusters on average, for KDViz two hot
spots were observed and subjects reported 2.375 clus-
ters on average, for Corel three hot spots were ob-
served and subjects reported 3.0 clusters on average,
and for Medical six hot spots were observed and sub-
jects reported 4.12 clusters on average. Again, there is
a pretty good match between the visual attention pat-
tern and the number of reported clusters. However, it
becomes very obvious that the numbers are generally
lower for PCA. For example, looking at the fixation
sequence when applying PCA to CBR, we can deduce
that overlapping areas were considered as one cluster,
which explains why we only had three hot spots and
on average 2.67 reported clusters. Perceptually merg-
ing these areas is reasonable, as they have similar den-
sity (Law of Similarity) and are well aligned (Law of
Continuity). The general problem of PCA is that it
does not manage very well to keep clusters separated.
The cluttered clusters are, then, perceived as a single
big cluster.
Finally, for Tree, subjects reported 11.64 clusters
for CBR, 13.875 clusters for KDViz, 10.875 clusters
for Corel, and 10.625 clusters for Medical. Obvi-
ously, numbers are generally higher for Tree. The
fixation times reflect that the hot spots match the
branches of the tree layout. Figure 6(d) shows the ex-
ample of applying Tree to CBR. Groups that belong
to one class are perceptually separated when split to
two branches, e.g., AOIs 3 and 7. Hence, the general
problem of Tree is that it does not manage very well
to preserve clusters. Clusters are split over multiple
perceptionally separated groups.
We conclude that the visual attention pattern
matches well the given answers, which confirms Hy-
pothesis H6. Moreover, we have seen that PCA and
Isomap produced better results in form of preserving
and segregating clusters during projection. PCA often
produces scatterplots, where clusters were not sep-
arated well, while Tree produces scatterplots, where
clusters were not well preserved, i.e., split over mul-
tiple clearly separated groups. Cluster separation and
segregation is a highly studied topic when using pro-
jections for multidimensional data visualization. A
commonly used quality measure which measures the
cohesion and separation between groups of objects
on the layout is the silhouette coefficient (Tan et al.,
2005). Given an object p
, its cohesion a
is the av-
erage distance between p
and all other objects be-
longing to the same group as p
. Its separation b
(a) Isomap applied to KDViz.
(b) LSP applied to Medical.
(d) Tree applied to CBR.
Figure 6: Task Q3: Estimate number of clusters for real
the minimum distance between p
and all the other in-
stances belonging to the other groups. The silhouette
coefficient of a projection is obtained by averaging the
silhouette coefficients of its n objects. Resulting val-
ues vary in the range -1 and 1, with 1 meaning that
groups are perfectly separated. When computing the
silhouette coefficients for the four projection methods
when applied to the four data sets, Isomap and LSP in-
deed had on average the best values (0.215). PCA has
the worst average silhouette coefficient (0.145) and
even a negative one for KDViz. Tree’s average sil-
houette coefficient lies in between (0.19). Hence, the
silhouette coefficient results confirm our findings.
Cluster Ranking. For Task Q4, we asked the
subjects to compare the density of clusters in the
scatterplot. We picked three clusters in the multi-
dimensional space and encoded them visually using
red, green, and blue color. The subjects had to rank
them by density. We also assume that the visual at-
tention pattern matches the rankings reported by the
subjects. In general, we observe a visual attention
pattern where sparser clusters in the scatterplot get
looked at more. In 12 out of the 16 scatterplots that
were examined, the subjects started their investiga-
tion by looking at the sparsest cluster and, on average,
also had the longest fixation duration for the spars-
est cluster. Also, the densest clusters were, on aver-
age, looked at least when comparing the fixation dura-
tions of the three highlighted clusters. When trying to
match the answers to the visual attention pattern, we
can report that this worked best for Isomap, where in
33.33% of all cases the reported ranking matches pre-
cisely the ranking of average fixation duration. For
the other methods the respective numbers are 29.16%
for LSP, 24.10% for Tree, and 18.75% for PCA. When
only seeking the densest cluster, the match occurs in
41.67% for Isomap, 39.58% for both LSP and PCA,
and 37.05% for Tree. Considering the correctness of
the answers with respect to densities computed in the
multi-dimensional space, the results are as follows:
Isomap achieved highest correctness (65.62%), fol-
lowed by PCA (47.92%), LSP (46.88%), and finally
Tree (42.85%).
For the PCA projection, the sparser cluster in the
2D scatterplot is the one looked at most and is re-
ported by the subject as sparsest. However, in the
multidimensional space the sparsest cluster is actu-
ally the densest. The comparative density properties
among clusters are not preserved by PCA. For the
Tree layout, the cluster that spreads over the entire
scatterplot got the highest amount of visual attention.
However, since there are densely populated branches
the overall density of the cluster was rated as high.
Consequently, the majority of subjects answered it as
the densest. The outliers that are part of branches (e.g.
AOI 6 in Figure 6(c)) with dominantly yellow points
here are not perceived as outliers, as the respective
branches are seen as a whole.
In summary, we observed that the projection
method may change comparative density properties
of clusters. In the scatterplot, there was a tendency to
have more visual attention for sparser clusters, as it
was postulated in Hypothesis H7. However, this ten-
dency was not as strong as expected, as other factors
like cluster separation, size, and shape also influence
perception here.
We have presented a study on the role of visual atten-
tion when interpreting scatterplots that were obtained
by projecting multidimensional data into 2D visual
spaces. In a first part of our study, we considered
synthetic scatterplots, which allowed us to vary only
one perceptual factor at a time. Our hypotheses made
use of the Gestalt Laws of Proximity, Similarity, Con-
tinuity, and Closure to postulate that cluster proper-
ties such as density, shape (and also orientation), and
size influence perception when interpreting distances
in scatterplot. Density turned out to be more influ-
ential than size. For distance tasks, there was a clear
tendency that the space between the reference and the
perceptually farther cluster was looked at more than
the space between the reference and the perceptually
closer cluster. Our hypotheses were confirmed. There
was a clear correlation between this visual attention
pattern and the given answer.
In a second part of our study, we formulated respec-
tive hypotheses for visual analyses of projected mul-
tidimensional data. Investigating the role of cluster
characteristics in real-world data, we were able to
also confirm those hypotheses and we can conclude
that there are multiple factors that influence percep-
tion (or visual attention) and that perception plays an
important role in interpreting the scatterplots. We
also performed a comparative analysis of four pro-
jection methods on two types of data, which led to
some guidelines for their usage. In particular, conti-
nuity can influence the answers significantly, where
the Tree layout was most affected by this due to the
branching structure. Isomap and LSP, on the other
hand, had a tendency to create more roundish clusters
(of course, with exceptions), which led to less mis-
interpretations. PCA had problems with cluster seg-
regation, while Tree had issues with cluster preserva-
tion. Hence, projection methods should also be inves-
tigated with respect to how well they maintain these
properties. For example, when two clusters are being
projected, where one is denser than the other, the pro-
jected denser cluster should also be denser than the
projected sparser cluster and not vice versa. We also
want to mention that we initially had included a fifth
projection method in our study, namely Glimmer (In-
gram et al., 2009). In Glimmer iterative point place-
ment procedure is highly optimized by clever usage
of GPU hardware combined with a multilevel strat-
egy that operates on a hierarchical model of the un-
derlying particle-spring system. However, as shown
in the example in Figure 7, the projection and the vi-
sual attention pattern was scattered and we have not
been able to identify any meaningful AOIs for Glim-
mer and, therefore, excluded it from our study. The
silhouette coefficients for Glimmer when applied to
our four data sets was negative.
Figure 7: Glimmer applied to CBR, overlaid with eye fixa-
tion pattern for Task Q3 (using a green-to-red color map).
This work was supported by the research center on
Visual Communication and Expertise (VisComX) at
Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany as well as NSF
CCF-0808847. We would like to thank Eric Mon-
son, Rachael Brady, and Stephen Mitroff for their
kind help in conducting this study at Duke University,
Durham, USA.
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