terface is evolved by moving a set of cage points.
In the two dimensional problem the cage is a closed
polygon whereas in the three dimensional problem
the cage is a closed surface (made up of triangles).
Mean value coordinates are used to parametrize the
points of the space, inside or outside the cage. Other
parametrization possibilities exist (such as harmonic
coordinates or Green coordinades), but we have se-
lected mean value coordinates since they are simple
to compute compared to other methods. Note that
the parametrization has an intuitive interpretation. By
moving a cage point, the associated points are moved
correspondingly. This allows to introduce into the
segmentation process the user interactivity: the user
may, for instance, manually move the control points
to the correct position so that the system automati-
cally learns from them.
In addition, within our framework, the regulariza-
tion of the evolving interface can be controlled via the
cage itself: the larger the distance of the cage to the
evolving contour, the higher the contour regulariza-
tion. Thus, there is really no need to include regular-
ization terms within the energy.
Our framework is suitable for the implementa-
tion of discrete energies, both region-based and edge-
based terms, although we have shown here only the
application to a region-based energy, namely the clas-
sical Chan and Vese one.
Morover, we think that our method can be easily
embedded in a shape-constrained approach, that is, an
approach in which the movement of the cage is con-
strained so as to ensure certain shapes for the evolving
contour. Our future work is to apply our method for
3D medical image segmentation problems and paral-
lelize the method to improve its speed.
Q. Xue would like to acknowledge support from Eras-
mus Mundus BioHealth Computing, L. Igual and L.
Garrido by MICINN projects, reference TIN2012-
38187-C03-01 and MTM2012-30772 respectively.
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