The comparison result is shown in Table 3. As can
be seen, our approach shows improvement in min-
imising the discrepancy over the Hough Transform
method. Figure 6 shows a sample image where the
optic disc is successfully segmented by all three meth-
ods (Row 1) and an image where our approach shows
a better segmentation result compared to the Hough
Transform (Row 2). In this particular case, the Hough
Transform is trapped by the strong optic cup bound-
Table 3: Average Discrepancy (D) by the three methods.
FCM Naive Bayes Hough Transform
Normal 0.06 0.06 0.10
Glaucoma 0.09 0.09 0.13
All 0.08 0.08 0.12
Figure 6: Comparisons of disc outlines determine by the
three method. From left to right: Optic disc boundary ap-
proximation based on clustering result by FCM clustering
and optic disc boundary approximation based on classifica-
tion result by Naive Bayes and optic disc approximation by
the Hough Transform. The dotted line is the ground truth
and the green line is the approximated boundary.
A method for optic disc segmentation is presented in
this paper. We demonstrate that the proposed method
is at least as reliable as other algorithms for the op-
tic disc segmentation with the advantages of com-
putational simplicity. An interesting property of our
method is the use of an illumination invariant texture
measurement to address the illumination issue of the
retina images. Furthermore, by making use of ma-
chine learning techniques in our approach, we can ex-
ploit the knowledge of the characteristics of the optic
disc in the segmentation process.
Nonetheless, the method has several limitations
which we aim to address in future research. We used
training data to model the optic disc characteristic
with the hope of better discrimination between optic
disc and background pixels (including vessels and at-
rophy pixels). However, some miss classification be-
tween pixels on the vessel boundaries, atrophy and
optic disc boundary do occur in some of the images.
Thus in future we intend to (1) implement a rotation
invariant version of BRIEF as an attempt to reduce
miss classification of vessels and (2) ensure that data
used for training the Naive Bayes includes sufficient
number of atrophy pixels so that the result may im-
prove. At the moment the pixels used in the training
data were randomly selected.
Another problem is the use of circular/elliptical
template matching. Quite often, this approach fails to
get good segmentation in cases where the optic disc
is not of ’standard’ shape. Therefore we are currently
looking at ways to trace the boundary from the classi-
fication image guided by the obtained circumference
given by the template matching approach.
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