We presented a new potential field function for over-
lapping point set visualization in the form of Euler di-
agrams. In contrast to the most widely used potential
functions, the proposed function ensures correct point
membership in the set regions. Moreover, it retains all
desired Gaussian-based potential field function prop-
erties, e.g., the set region shapes are smooth and vi-
sually pleasing. Set regions are easily identifiable and
closely match the layout of the points. The smooth-
ness and size of the regions can be also adjusted using
the parameters of our function.
We have applied our function on different real-
world examples and compared the result to the ear-
lier methods. The proposed function is very effective
in cases with no intersecting sets, since then the re-
gions are guaranteed not to overlap. It also works
well with overlapping sets, with regions creating an
easily comprehensible Euler diagram, retaining cor-
rect point membership. We have demonstrated that
our function works well in cases where it is not possi-
ble to obtain a good result using the Gaussian poten-
tial function. We have also illustrated how the overall
approach can be successfully used to visualize over-
lapping graph clustering.
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