In this work we studied how to combine person detec-
tors and re-identification algorithms towards the de-
velopment of fully automated surveillance systems.
Whereas current work on re-identification focuses on
matching “clean data”, we analyse the effect of the
unavoidable “noise” produced by automatic detec-
tions methods and devise ways to deal with it. In
particular, a correct treatment of false positives and
occlusions can recover performance levels that are
lost if the modules are naively combined. This re-
quires some additional characterisation of the acqui-
sition process, in terms of collecting false positives
in the environment where the system is deployed and
performing a geometrical analysis to define the over-
lap filter criteria. This effort is largely compensated
by the obtained improvements. In future work we aim
at extending our methodology and evaluation criteria
to drop the closed-space assumption and address the
effect of missed detections in the quality and usability
of fully automatic re-identification systems.
This work was partially supported by the FCT
project [PEst-OE/EEI/LA0009/2013], the European
Commission project POETICON++ (FP7-ICT-
288382), the FCT project VISTA [PTDC/EIA-
EIA/105062/2008] and the project High Definition
Analytics (HDA), QREN - I&D em Co-Promoc¸
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