left side, which might explain low detection quality.
Nevertheless, Figure 12 shows that stagnancy in those
unusual zones mostly occurs outside of peak hours.
During peak hours, there are too many people for a
group to comfortably stagnate in one of those transit
Figure 12 also shows other trajectories taken
by groups but the occurrence rate of these tra-
jectories is lower than those in Figure 10. We
have detected a few groups passing through the
station without entering the turnstiles (17 occur-
rences of “Group Passing Through Left Right” and
1 of “Group Passing Through Right Left”), 2 occur-
rences of groups waiting in the hall and then leaving
the station. Finally, we have detected 8 occurrences of
groups waiting in the hall before entering the station
and taking the stairs. The rarity of these detections
might be explained by the difficulty to detect such
events, especially during peak hours.
We have presented an approach for group tracking
and behavior recognition. Our approach works in real
time and in long surveillance videos (1 month per
view). In the experiment section, we have shown that
our method is capable of recognizing multiple and
different events at the same time. This demonstrates
the robustness of our approach to processing videos
regardless of their length. Thanks to the simplicity of
using the event recognition language (ScReK), it was
possible to model complex scenarios for the Tornelli
scene as shown in Figure 8.
On the other hand, the amount of videos processed
allows us to analyze the results, obtaining the different
comparisons presented in the graphs of the previous
We consider for future work the addition of prob-
abilities to the event recognition phase, which could
help to predict dangerous and criminal events. The
results obtained here show us a big challenge for pre-
diction of such events because there are not many ex-
amples with this kind of behaviors.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Communitys Seventh
Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 - Challenge
2- Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics - under
grant agreement n 248907-VANAHEIM.
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