In this paper, we proposed a new, global, and non-
redundant (i.e. minimal) parameterization of a per-
spective camera for the Bundle Adjustment. We
discussed the advantages of this parameterization in
comparison to other commonly used parameteriza-
tions. Experiments evaluating the performance in
terms of reducing the reprojection error were con-
ducted on real datasets. The results showed that the
proposed parameterization is achieving the same per-
formance as the other investigated parameterizations
and therefore we conclude that the new parameteriza-
tion is a viable and practical option in BA.
The work was supported by the EC project FP7-
SME-2011-285839 De-Montes, Technology Agency
of the Czech Republic project TA2011275 ATOM
and Grant Agency of the CTU Prague project
SGS12/191/OHK3/3T/13. Any opinions expressed in
this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the
European Community. The Community is not liable
for any use that may be made of the information con-
tained herein.
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