Active Learning in Social Context for Image Classification
Elisavet Chatzilari
, Spiros Nikolopoulos
, Yiannis Kompatsiaris
and Josef Kittler
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas - Information Technologies Institute, Thessaloniki, Greece
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, University of Surrey Guildford, U.K.
Selective Sampling, Active Learning, Large Scale, User-generated Content, Social Context, Image Classifica-
tion, Multimodal Fusion.
Motivated by the widespread adoption of social networks and the abundant availability of user-generated mul-
timedia content, our purpose in this work is to investigate how the known principles of active learning for
image classification fit in this newly developed context. The process of active learning can be fully automated
in this social context by replacing the human oracle with the user tagged images obtained from social net-
works. However, the noisy nature of user-contributed tags adds further complexity to the problem of sample
selection since, apart from their informativeness, our confidence about their actual content should be also max-
imized. The contribution of this work is on proposing a probabilistic approach for jointly maximizing the two
aforementioned quantities with a view to automate the process of active learning. Experimental results show
the superiority of the proposed method against various baselines and verify the assumption that significant
performance improvement cannot be achieved unless we jointly consider the samples’ informativeness and
the oracle’s confidence.
The majority of state-of-the-art methods for auto-
matic concept detection rely on the paradigm of pat-
tern recognition through machine learning. Based on
this paradigm, a model is parametrized to recognize
all different attributes of a concepts’ form and appear-
ance using a set of training examples. The efficient es-
timation of model parameters mainly depends on two
factors, the quality and the quantity of the training ex-
amples. High quality is usually accomplished through
manual annotation, which is a laborious and time con-
suming task. This has a direct impact on the second
factor since it inevitably leads into a small number
of training examples and limits the performance of
the generated models. In an effort to minimize the
labelling effort, active learning (Cohn et al., 1994)
trains the initial model with a very small set of la-
belled examples and enhances the training set by se-
lectively sampling new examples from a much larger
set of unlabelled examples (also referred as pool of
candidates). These examples are selected based on
their informativeness, i.e. how much they are ex-
pected to improve the model performance, and they
are labelled by an oracle. They are typically found in
the uncertainty areas of the model and their inclusion
in the training set results in reducing the generaliza-
tion error.
In the typical version of active learning, the pool
of candidates usually consists of unlabelled examples
that are annotated upon request by an errorless oracle.
This requirement, which implies the involvement of
a human annotator, renders active learning impracti-
cal in cases where the initial set needs to be enhanced
with a significantly high number of additional sam-
ples while, at the same time, limits the scalability
of this approach. On the other hand, the widespread
use of Web 2.0 has made available large amounts of
user tagged images that can be obtained at almost no
cost and offer more information than their mere visual
content. Our goal in this paper is to examine active
learning in a rather different context from what has
been considered so far. More specifically, if we could
leverage these tags to become indicators of the im-
ages’ actual content, we could potentially remove the
need for a human annotator and automate the whole
process. This, however, adds a new parameter, the
oracle’s confidence about the image’s actual content,
that should also be considered when actively select-
ing new samples. Additionally, even though in our
case there is no annotation effort, adding informative
instead of random samples is still important to mini-
Chatzilari E., Nikolopoulos S., Kompatsiaris Y. and Kittler J..
Active Learning in Social Context for Image Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004686400760085
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2014), pages 76-85
ISBN: 978-989-758-004-8
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
mize the complexity of the classification models (i.e.
achieve the same robustness with significantly fewer
The novelty of this work, in contrast to what has
been considered so far in active learning, is to pro-
pose a sample selection strategy that maximizes not
only the informativeness of the selected samples but
also the oracle’s confidence about their actual con-
tent. Towards this goal, we quantify the samples’ in-
formativeness by measuring their distance from the
separating hyperplane of the visual model, while the
oracle’s confidence is measured based on the pre-
diction of a textual classifier trained on a set of de-
scriptors extracted using a typical bag of words ap-
proach (Joachims, 1998). Joint maximization is then
accomplished by ranking the samples based on the
probability to select a sample given the two aforemen-
tioned quantities (see Fig. 1). This probability indi-
cates the benefit that our system is expected to have
if the examined sample is selected to enhance the ini-
tial model. The rest of the manuscript is organized
as follows. Section 2 reviews the related literature. In
Section 3 the selective sampling algorithm is analysed
and a theoretical analysis that quantifies the probabil-
ity of selecting a new sample is presented. The exper-
imental results are presented in Section 4 and conclu-
sions are drawn in Section 5.
The examined context of this work combines three
topics; active learning, multimedia domain and noisy
data. During the past decade there have been many
works exploring a subset of these topics, e.g. active
learning in the multimedia domain (Wang and Hua,
2011), (Freytag et al., 2013) or active learning with
noisy data (Settles, 2009), (Yan et al., 2011), (Fang
and Zhu, 2012) or even non-active learning from
noisy data in the multimedia domain (Chatzilari et al.,
2012), (Raykar et al., 2010), (Yan et al., 2010), (Uric-
chio et al., 2013), (Verma and Jawahar, 2012), (Verma
and Jawahar, 2013). However, it has been only re-
cently that the scientific community started to inves-
tigate the implications of substituting the human or-
acle with a less expensive and less reliable source
of annotations in the multimedia domain. There has
been only a few attempts to combine active learning
with user contributed images and most of them rely
on either a human annotator or on the use of active
crowdsourcing (i.e. a service like the MTurk) and
not on passive crowdsourcing (i.e. the user provided
tags that are typically found in social networks like
flickr). In this direction, the authors of (Zhang et al.,
2011) propose to use flickr notes in the typical ac-
tive learning framework with the purpose of obtain-
ing a training dataset for object localization. In a
similar endeavour, the authors of (Vijayanarasimhan
and Grauman, 2011) introduce the concept of live
learning where they attempt to combine active learn-
ing with crowdsourced labelling. More specifically,
rather than filling the pool of candidates with some
canned dataset, the system itself gathers possibly rel-
evant images via keywordsearch on flickr. Then, it re-
peatedly surveys the data to identify the samples that
are most uncertain according to the current model,
and generates tasks on MTurk to get the correspond-
ing annotations.
On the other hand, social networks and user con-
tributed content are leading most of the recent re-
search efforts, mainly because of their ability to offer
more information than the mere image visual content,
coupled with the potential to grow almost unlimitedly.
In this direction, the authors of (Li et al., 2013) pro-
pose a solution for sampling loosely-tagged images to
enrich the negative training set of an object classifier.
The presented approach is based on the assumption
that the tags of such images can reliably determine if
an image does not include a concept, thus making so-
cial sites a reliable pool of negative examples. The se-
lected negative samples are further sampled by a two
stage sampling strategy. First, a subset is randomly
selected and then, the initial classifier is applied on
the remaining negative samples. The examples that
are most misclassified are considered as the most in-
formative negatives and are finally selected to boost
the classifier.
Our aim in this work is to investigate the extent
to which the loosely tagged images that are found in
social networks can be used as a reliable substitute
of the human oracle in the context of active learn-
ing. Given that the oracle is not expected to reply
with 100% correctness to the queries submitted by
the selective sampling mechanism, we expect to face
a number of implications that will question the effec-
tiveness of active learning in noisy context. In this
perspective our work differs from the large body of
works that are found in the literature in the sense that
most of them appear to be sensitive in label noise. In
most of the works that do not use an expert as the or-
acle, MTurk is used instead to annotate the datasets.
However, although active crowdsourcing services like
MTurk are closer to expert’s annotation (Nowak and
R¨uger, 2010) with respect to noise, they cannot be
considered fully automated. In this work we rely on
data originating from passive crowdsourcing (flickr
images and tags) that although noisier, can be used to
support a fully automatic active learning framework.
Visual Analysis
Textual Analysis
Selection Index
Init. Training Set
Selected Samples
Enhanced model
Init. Training Set
Initial model
Figure 1: System Overview.
The work presented in (Li et al., 2013) is examined
under the same context as in this work (i.e. active
learning in the multimedia domain using data from
passive crowdsourcing), which, however, focuses on
enriching the negative training set. Our work, on the
other hand, focuses on enriching the positive training
set that is more complex, since negative training sam-
ples are generally easier to harvest. Moreover,most of
the existing datasets already contain a large number of
negative examples but lack positives, which renders a
positive sample selection strategy more applicable to
a real world scenario.
Let us consider the typical case where, given a con-
cept c
, a base classifier is trained on the initial set
of labelled images using Support Vector Machines
(SVMs). We follow the popular rationale of SVM-
based active learning methods ((Tong and Chang,
2001), (Campbell et al., 2000), (Schohn and Cohn,
2000)), which quantify the informativeness of a sam-
ple based on its distance from the separating hyper-
plane of the visual model (Section 3.1). In the typical
active learning paradigm, a human oracle is employed
to decide which of the selected informative samples
are positive or negative. However, in the proposed
scheme the human oracle is replaced with user con-
tributed tags. Thus, in order to decide about a sam-
ple’s actual label we utilize a typical bag-of-words
classification scheme based on the image tags and the
linguistic description of c
. The outcome of this pro-
cess is a confidence score for each image-concept pair
(i.e. the oracle’s confidence) which we consider as a
strong indicator about the existence or not of c
in the
image content (Section 3.2). Finally, the candidate
samples are ranked based on the probability of select-
ing a new image given the two aforementioned quan-
tities. The samples with the highest probability are
considered the ones that jointly maximize the sam-
ples’ informativeness and oracle’s confidence, and are
selected to enhance the initial training set.
3.1 Measuring Informativeness
As already mentioned the informativeness of an im-
age is measured using the distance of its visual rep-
resentation from the hyperplane of the visual model.
For the visual representation of the images, we have
used the approach that was shown to perform best in
(Chatfield et al., 2011). More specifically gray SIFT
features were extracted at densely selected key-points
at four scales, using the vl-feat library (Vedaldi and
Fulkerson, 2008). Principal component analysis was
applied on the SIFT features, decreasing their dimen-
sionality from 128 to 80. The parameters of a Gaus-
sian mixture model with K = 256 components were
learned by expectation maximization from a set of de-
scriptors, which were randomly selected from the en-
tire set of descriptors extracted by an independent set
of images. The descriptors were encoded in a single
feature vector using the Fisher vector encoding (Per-
ronnin et al., 2010). Moreover, each image was di-
vided in 1× 1, 3× 1, 2× 2 regions, resulting in 8 to-
tal regions. A feature vector was extracted for each
region by the Fisher vector encoding and the feature
vector of the whole image (1× 1) was calculated us-
ing sum pooling (Chatfield et al., 2011). Finally the
feature vectors of all 8 regions were l2 normalized
and concatenated to a single 327680 dimensional
feature vector, which was again power and l2 normal-
For every concept c
, a linear SVM classifier
, b
), where w
is the normal vector to the hyper-
plane and b
the bias term, was trained using the la-
belled training set. The images labelled with c
chosen as positive examples while all the rest were
used as negative examples (One Versus All / OVA ap-
proach). For each candidate image I
represented by
a feature vector x
, the distance from the hyperplane
, c
) is extracted by applying the SVM classifier:
, c
) = w
× x
+ b
Using Eq. 1 we obtain the prediction scores, which
indicate the certainty of the SVM model that the im-
age I
depicts the concept c
. In the typical self-
training paradigm (Ng and Cardie, 2003), this cer-
tainty score is used to rank the samples in the pool of
candidates and the samples with the highest certainty
scores are chosen to enhance the models. However, as
claimed and provenby the active learning theory (Set-
tles, 2009), (Tong and Chang, 2001) these samples do
not provide more information to the classifiers in or-
der to alter significantly the classification boundaries.
Alternatively, as suggested by the active learning
theory (Settles, 2009), the samples for which the ini-
tial classifier is more uncertain are more likely to in-
crease the classifier’s performance if selected. In the
case of an SVM classifier, the margin around the hy-
perplane forms an uncertainty area and the samples
that are closer to the hyperplane are considered to be
the most informative ones (Fig. 2) (Tong and Chang,
2001). Based on the above, the samples that we want
to select (i.e. the most informative) are the ones with
the minimum distance to the hyperplane. Addition-
ally, we only consider samples that lie in the margin
area, since the rest of the samples are not expected to
have any impact on the enhanced classifiers. We de-
note the probability to select an image I
given its dis-
tance to the hyperplane V(I
, c
) as P(S|V). Based on
our previous observations, shown in Fig. 2, this prob-
ability can be formulated as a function of the sample’s
distance to the hyperplane which can be seen in Fig.
Informativeness = 0 ( min)
Informativeness = 0 ( min)
Informativeness = 1 (max)
0 < Informativeness < 1
0 < Informativeness < 1
Figure 2: Informativeness.
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Figure 3: Probability of selecting a sample based on its dis-
tance to the hyperplane.
P(S|V) =
1 |V| if 0 < V < 1
0 else
3.2 Measuring Oracle’s Confidence
In order to measure the oracle’s confidence about the
existence of the concept c
in each tagged image, a
typical bag-of-words scheme is utilized (Joachims,
1998). The vocabulary is extracted from a large in-
dependent image dataset crawled from flickr. Initially
the distinct tags of all the images are gathered. The
tags that are not included in WordNet are removed and
the remaining tags compose the vocabulary. Then, in
order to represent each image with a vector, a his-
togram is calculated by assigning the value 1 at the
bins of the image tags in the vocabulary.
Afterwards, for every concept c
a linear SVM
model (w
, b
) is trained using the tag histograms
as the feature vectors. In order to do this, a training
set of images that contains both tags and ground truth
information is utilized. The tags are required in order
to calculate the feature vectors and the ground truth
information to provide the class labels for training the
model. In the testing procedure, for every tagged im-
age I
the feature vector f
is calculated as above and
the SVM model is applied. This results into a value
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Figure 4: Probability of selecting a sample based on the
oracle’s confidence.
for each tagged image T(I
, c
), which corresponds to
the distance of f
from the hyperplane:
, c
) = w
× f
+ b
This distance indicates the oracle’sconfidence that the
examined image I
depicts the concept c
We denote the probability to select an image I
given the oracle’s confidence T(I
, c
) as P(S|T). In
order to transform the oracle’s confidence T(I
, c
(which corresponds to the distance of I
to the SVM
hyperplane) into a probability we use a modification
of Platt’s algorithm (Platt, 1999) proposed by Lin et
al. (Lin et al., 2007). Thus, the probability P(S|T) can
be formulated as a function of the oracle’s confidence
using the sigmoid function as shown in Fig. 4:
P(S|T) =
if AT + B 0
if AT + B < 0
The parameters A and B are learned on the training set
using cross validation.
3.3 Sample Ranking and Selection
Our aim is to calculate the probability P(S = 1|V, T),
that an image is selected (S = 1) given the distance of
the image to the hyperplane V and the oracle’s confi-
dence T. Considering thatV and T originate from dif-
ferent modalities (i.e. visual and textual respectively)
we regard them as independent. Using the basic rules
of probabilities (e.g. Bayesian rule) and based on our
assumption that V and T are independent we can ex-
press the probability P(S|V, T) as follows:
P(S | V, T)=
P(V, T | S)P(S)
P(V, T)
P(S | V)
P(S | T)
P(V, T)
P(S | V)P(S | T)P(V)P(T)
P(V, T)P(S)
In order to calculate the probability P(S = 1|V, T) and
eliminate the probabilities P(V), P(T) and P(V, T),
we divide the probability of selecting an image with
the probability of not selecting it.
P(S = 1|V, T)
P(S = 0|V, T)
P(S = 1|V, T)
P(S = 0|V, T)
Then we use the basic probabilistic rule that the prob-
ability of an event’s complement equals 1 minus the
probability of the event (P(S = 0|V, T) = 1 P(S =
1|V, T)).
P(S = 1 | V, T)
1 P(S = 1 | V, T)
. . .
P(S = 1|V, T) =
P(S = 1|V)P(S = 1|T)
P(S = 1) P(S = 1)P(S = 1|T)
(1 P(S = 1))
P(S = 1)P(S = 1|V) + P(S = 1|V)P(S = 1|T)
Thus we only need to estimate three probabilities:
P(S = 1), P(S = 1 | V) and P(S = 1 | T). The first
one is set to 0.5 as the probability of selecting an im-
age without any prior knowledge is the same with the
probability of dismissing it. For the estimation of the
other two probabilities we use the equations 2 and 4
(shown in Fig. 3 and 4). Finally, the top N images
with the highest probability P(S = 1|V, T) are selected
to enhance the initial training set.
4.1 Datasets and Implementation
Two datasets were employed for the purpose of our
experiments. The imageCLEF dataset IC (Thomee
and Popescu, 2012) consists of 25000 labelled im-
ages and was split into two parts (15k train and 10k
test images). The ground truth labels were gathered
using Amazon’s crowdsourcing service MTurk. The
dataset was annotated by a vocabulary of 94 concepts
which belong to 19 general categories (age, celes-
tial, combustion, fauna, ora, gender, lighting, qual-
ity, quantity, relation, scape, sentiment, setting, style,
time of day, transport, view, water, weather). On aver-
age there are 934 positive images per concept, while
the minimum and the maximum number of positive
images for a single concept is 16 and 10335 respec-
tively. In our experimental study the 15k training im-
ages were used to train the initial classifiers.
The MIRFLICKR-1M dataset F (Mark J. Huiskes
and Lew, 2010) consists of one million loosely tagged
images harvested from flickr. The images of F were
tagged with 862115 distinct tags of which 46937 were
meaningful (included in WordNet). After the textual
preprocessing, i.e. removing the tags that were not
included in WordNet, 131302 images had no mean-
ingful tags, 825365 images were described by 1 to 16
meaningful tags and 43333 images had more than 16
meaningful tags. Given that the IC dataset is a subset
of F, the images that are included in both sets were
removed from F. In our experiments, this dataset
constitutes the pool of loosely tagged images, out of
which the top N = 500 images ranked by Eq. 5 are se-
lected for each concept (i.e. 94 concepts * 500 images
per concept = 47k images total) to act as the positive
examples enhancing the initial training set. Finally,
mean average precision (MAP) served as the metric
for measuring the models’ classification performance
and evaluating the proposed approach.
4.2 Evaluation of the Proposed Selective
Sampling Approach
The objective of this section is to compare the pro-
posed active sample selection strategy against vari-
ous baselines. The first baseline is the initial models
that were generated using only the ground truth im-
ages from the training set (15k images). Afterwards,
the initial models are enhanced with positive samples
from F using the following sample selection strate-
Self-training (Ng and Cardie, 2003). The images
that maximize the certainty of the SVM model
trained on visual information (i.e. maximize the
visual distance to the hyperplane as measured by
Eq. 1) are chosen.
Textual based The images that maximize the ora-
cle’s confidence are selected (Eq. 4).
Max Informativeness. The images that maximize
the informativeness (i.e. are closer to the hyper-
plane) are chosen (Eq. 2).
Na¨ıve Oracle. The images that maximize the infor-
mativeness (Eq. 2) and explicitly contain the con-
cept of interest in their tag list are chosen (i.e.
plain string matching is used).
Proposed Approach. The images that jointly max-
imize the sample’s informativeness and the ora-
cle’s confidence are chosen (Eq. 5).
The average performance of the enhanced classifiers
using the aforementioned sample selection strategies
is shown in Table 1. We can see that in all cases the
enhanced classifiers outperform the baseline. More-
over, the approaches relying on active learning yield
a higher performance gain compared to the typical
self-training approach, showing that the informative-
ness of the selected samples is a critical factor. The
same conclusion is drawn when comparing the tex-
tual based approach to the proposed method, showing
that informativeness is crucial to optimize the learning
curve, i.e. achieve higher improvement when adding
the same number of images. On the other hand, the
fact that the proposed sample selection strategy and
the string matching variation (i.e. na¨ıve oracle) out-
perform significantly the visual-based variations, ver-
ifies that the oracle’s confidence is a critical factor
when applying active learning in social context and
unless we manage to consider this value jointly with
informativeness, the selected samples are inappropri-
ate for improving the performance of the initial clas-
Additionally, we note that the nıve oracle varia-
tion performs relatively well, which can be attributed
to the high prediction accuracy achieved by string
matching. Nevertheless, the recall of string matching
is expected to be lower than the textual similarity al-
gorithm used in the proposed approach (Section 3.2),
since it does not account for synonyms, plural ver-
sions and the context of the tags. This explains the
superiority of our method compared to the na¨ıve ora-
cle variation. In order to verify that the performance
improvement of the proposed approach compared to
the na¨ıve oracle is statistically significant, we apply
the Student’s t-test to the results, as it was proposed
for significance testing in the information retrieval
field (Smucker et al., 2007). The obtained p-value is
2.58e-5, significantly smaller than 0.05, which is typ-
ically the limit for rejecting the null hypothesis (i.e.
the results are obtained from the same distribution and
thus the improvement is random), in favour of the al-
ternative hypothesis (i.e. that the obtained improve-
ment is statistically significant).
Moreover, a per concept comparison of the en-
hanced models generated by the two best performing
approaches of Table 1 (i.e. the proposed approach and
the na¨ıve oracle variation) to the baseline classifiers
can be seen in the bar diagram shown in Fig. 5. We
can see that the proposed approach outperforms the
Table 1: Performance scores.
Model mAP (%)
Baseline 28.06
Self-training 28.68
Textual based 29.89
Max informativeness 28.73
Na¨ıve oracle 30
Proposed approach 31.22
na¨ıve oracle in 70 concepts out of 94. It is also in-
teresting to note that the na¨ıve oracle outperforms the
proposed approach mostly in concepts that depict ob-
jects such us amphibian-reptile, rodent, baby, coast,
cycle and rail. This can be attributed to the fact that
web users tend to use the same keywords to tag im-
ages with concepts depicting strong visual content,
which are typically the object of interest in an image.
In such cases, the string matching oracle can be rather
accurate, providing valid samples for enhancing the
classifiers. On the other hand, the proposed approach
copes better with more abstract and ambiguous con-
cepts for which the context is a crucial factor (e.g.
flames, smoke, lens effect, small group, co-workers,
strangers, circular wrap and overlay).
A closer look at the obtained results from the pro-
posed approach shows that the concept with the most
notable increase in performance is the spider, ini-
tially trained by 16 positive examples yielding only
5.48% AP. After adding the samples that were in-
dicated by the proposed oracle, the classifier gains
23.31 units of performance, resulting in 28.79% av-
erage precision. Similarly, other concepts yielding a
performance gain in the range of 5 and more units in-
clude stars, rainbow, flames, fireworks, underwater,
horse, insect, baby, rail and air. Most of these con-
cepts’ baseline classifiers yield a low performance.
Another category of concepts are the ones with slight
variations on performance, below 0.1%. This cate-
gory includes the concepts cloudy sky, coast, city, tree,
none, adult, female, no blur and city life whose base-
line classifiers yield a rather high performance and are
trained with 3600 positive images on average. This
shows that the proposed method, as it could be ex-
pected, is more beneficial for difficult concepts, i.e.
whose initial classifiers perform poorly. Finally, there
are also the concepts that either yield minor varia-
tions or even decrease in performance and consist in
melancholic, unpleasant and big group. This can be
attributed to the ambiguous nature of these concepts
which renders the oracle unable to effectively deter-
mine their existence.
4.3 Comparing with State-of-the-Art
In this section the proposed approach is compared to
the methods submitted to the 2012 ImageClef compe-
tition (Thomee and Popescu, 2012) and specifically
in the concept annotation task for visual concept de-
tection, annotation, and retrieval using Flickr pho-
. Since the proposed approach is only using the
visual information of the test images without taking
into account the associated tags, it is only compared
to the visual-based approaches submitted in the com-
petition. The performance scores for the three metrics
utilized by the competition organizers (miAP, GmiAP
and F-ex) are reported in Table 2 for each of the 14
participating teams, along with the baselines of Ta-
ble 1 and the proposed approach. In order to measure
the F-ex score, the threshold for the positive-negative
class separation was set to zero, i.e. images with an
SVM prediction score greater than zero were anno-
tated as positive and negative otherwise. We can see
that our approach is ranked third in terms of miAP,
first in terms of GmiAP and fifth in terms of F-ex.
Additionally, we note that the proposed approach out-
performs the rest in terms of GmiAP, which accord-
ing to (Thomee and Popescu, 2012) is a metric sus-
ceptible to better performances on difficult concepts.
This explains the superiority of our approach and the
higher performance gain compared to our baseline
since it tends to improve the performance of the dif-
ficult concepts, as it was also observed in Section 4.2
(see Fig. 5). Moreover, it is important to note that the
Table 2: Comparison with ImageClef 2012.
Team miAP GmiAP F-ex
LIRIS 34.81% 28.58% 54.37%
NPDILIP6 34.37% 28.15% 41.99%
NII 33.18% 27.03% 55.49%
ISI 32.43% 25.90% 54.51%
MLKD 31.85% 25.67% 55.34%
CERTH 26.28% 19.04% 48.38%
UAIC 23.59% 16.85% 43.59%
BUAA AUDR 14.23% 8.18% 21.67%
UNED 10.20% 5.12% 10.81%
DBRIS 9.76% 4.76% 10.06%
PRA 9.00% 4.37% 25.29%
MSATL 8.68% 4.14% 10.69%
IMU 8.19% 3.87% 4.29%
URJCyUNED 6.22% 2.54% 19.84%
Baseline 30.37% 24.21% 48.6%
Self-training 30.77% 24.41% 49.63%
Textual based 32.48% 26.84% 51.7%
Max informativeness 30.83% 24.48% 52.24%
Na¨ıve oracle 32.18% 26.53% 51.66%
Proposed approach 33.84% 29.17% 52.64%
Naive oracle
Proposed approach
Figure 5: Per concept comparison of the two best performing approaches (i.e. the na¨ıve oracle and the proposed approach) to
the baseline (best viewed in colour).
proposed approach has achieved these very compet-
itive scores by using a single feature space (gray
SIFT features), which was not the case for the other
participants that relied on more than one feature
spaces (Thomee and Popescu, 2012).
In this paper, we propose an automatic variation of
active learning for image classification adjusted in
the context of social media. This adjustment con-
sists in replacing the typical human oracle with user
tagged images obtained from social sites and in us-
ing a probabilistic approach for jointly maximizing
the informativeness of the samples and the oracle’s
confidence. The results show that in this context it
is critical to jointly consider these two quantities for
successfully selecting additional samples to enhance
the initial training set. Additionally, we noticed that
the nıve oracle performs very well on concepts that
depict strong visual content corresponding to typical
foreground visual objects (e.g fish, spider, bird and
baby), while the proposed approach copes better with
more abstract and ambiguous concepts (e.g. flames,
smoke, strangers and circular wrap), since the utilized
textual classifier accounts for the context of the tags
as well.
Finally, an interesting note is that the difficult con-
cepts (i.e. models with low performance) tend to gain
much more in terms of effectiveness from such boot-
strapping methods, as shown in Fig. 5. Similar con-
clusions are drawn when comparing the proposed ap-
proach, which trained a simple SVM classifier using
a single feature space to the more sophisticated ap-
proaches of the ImageCLEF 2012 challenge, which
typically used many feature spaces. Especially in the
case of difficult concepts, as shown by the superiority
of the proposed approach based on the GmiAP metric,
we can also conclude that it is more important to find
more positive samples than more sophisticated algo-
Our plans for future work include the use of flickr
groups as a richer and more large-scale pool of can-
didates for positive samples and the extension of the
proposed approach to an on-line continuous learning
This work was supported by the EU 7th Framework
Programme under grant number IST-FP7-288815 in
project Live+Gov (
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