Table 2: Mean and standard deviation of the errors for the
3D face localization and the rotation angles. Tracking er-
rors are computed from four sequences recorded in chang-
ing and severe illumination conditions.
Method Rekik et al. IC- Our method
localization (mm) 50.50 (36.11) 59.11 (31.26) 9.50 (3.61)
yaw (
) 6.90 (5.59) 33.87 (15.73) 3.17 (1.83)
pitch (
) 15.78 (12.82) 12.52 (6.42) 3.32 (2.93)
roll (
) 9.91 (7.22) 31.15 (11.85) 4.53 (3.32)
Table 3: Variation of the localization and orientation errors
according to the number of regions of the face.
Region number 3 regions 4 regions 6 regions
localization (mm) 9.50 (3.61) 4.40 (2.40) 3.60 (2.10)
yaw (
) 3.17 (1.83) 2.36 (1.47) 1.18 (0.85)
pitch (
) 3.32 (2.93) 2.87 (2.27) 3.55 (2.94)
roll (
) 4.53 (3.32) 5.86 (3.14) 2.84 ( 1.87)
figure 3). Then, we have applied our method with the
different grouping. Table 3 presents the position and
the orientation errors according to the number of re-
gions of the face.
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and depth data from low-quality RGB-D cameras.
Our approach is based on a minimisation process
where the objective function combines photometric
and geometric energies. We have performed a quanti-
tative evaluation of the proposed method on the Biwi
Kinect Head Pose database, and we have demon-
strated the robustness of our method in case of ar-
bitrary illumination changes. Future work, will try
to ameliorate our tracking speed and will extend our
tracker to handle non-rigid facial motions by integrat-
ing the Candide facial deformation parameters in the
optimization process.
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