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Figure 8: Figure A shows the entire hierarchy of the website based on modularity as successive bubbles. Next, Figure B
shows one of the bubbles focused on, and the names of various other sub-bubbles are also visible which gives an idea of the
prominent tags in those bubbles. Figure C shows the URLs that are visible upon hovering over an individual webpage. These
bubbles also serve as links to move directly to those webpages.
site”. This raises a hypothesis that may be tested to
get more insights from the data. In such an explo-
ration, we found that new visitors spend lesser time
on the website than others. Since all the parameters
are categorical in nature with no inherent ordering,
the actual trend cannot be predicted based just on the
association values.
3.2 Geographic Visualizations
Figure 5 provides views of the Cartogram. In part A,
we see the original map of the USA with no scaling.
In part B, the Cartogram is drawn according to the
metric “new visit” (number of new visitors from each
State). Part C shows the Cartogram “purchases”. An
interesting insight is that the size of Washington DC
inflates considerably when purchases are considered.
We providethe option to visualize various metricslike
these and cross metric comparisons are facilitated by
smooth transitions between Cartograms. Such infor-
mation and comparisons provide actionable insights
for marketers.
While the Cartogram provides an effective tool to
use size as a visual encoding for a metric, there are
important patterns that are not highlighted. For ex-
ample, in all the cartograms we created, we see con-
sistently that California is significantly larger than its
original size, could this be because California has a
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0 5 10 15 2 0 25 30 35
Figure 7: Pages with the highest bounce rates. The length
denotes the proportion of bounce, and the color denotes the
number of visitors. Red signifies the highest traffic pages,
yellow is next, followed by blue and then green.
large share of the internet users of the USA? The Car-
togram fails to answer this question. This led to a
need for visualizations based on normalizations, that
help detect deviations from what is expected.
In the normalized geographic visualization pre-
sented in Figure 6, red implies negative deviation and
green represents positive deviation from expected be-
havior, with light grey being the neutral color. As can
be seen, California is very close to grey implying that
the number of purchases from there are as expected
according to population of internet users in that state.
Alaska on the other hand is bright green, generating
a finding that may warrant further exploration. Simi-
larly, Michigan is deep red, and draws the marketer’s
attention as expected from such a visualization.
3.3 Website Topography
As mentioned earlier, before delving deep into web-
site topography, we first started with some primary
questions that a website owner may have. Figure 7
displays the pages with the highest bounce rates, the
color coding further denoting which of these are the
highest traffic pages.
We next clustered the webpages based on modu-
larity and visualized them using the bubble plot. Fig-
ure 8 shows this visualization. Part A shows the de-
fault view of the visualization, with successive clus-
ters represented as successive bubbles. The size of a
node is proportional to the sum of the in-degree and
out-degree. Part B displays the interactive capabilities
of the visualization, here a particular bubble has been
brought into focus by clicking on it. Bubbles have
been named depending on the major sections of the
website that are a part of the bubble’s nodes. In part
C, a particular webpage node has been highlighted
which displays the URL of the webpage on the bot-
tom of the visualization. The visualization interface
also supports clicks on the node to directly move to