
combined and provide a framework for rapid devel-
opment of rendering applications that minimises the
necessity of writing shader modules.
However, our current treatment of tessellation
modules does not cover all possible composition sce-
narios and only provides for a single tessellation
stage. Thus we cannot handle the sequential com-
position of tessellation modules. We are currently
working on more flexible techniques for specifying
and composing tessellation modules, in order to lift
this restriction on our semantically specified shaders.
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and global illumination, we found that using a pure
expression based language—although possible—can
be somewhat inconvenient, since it requires a com-
plete reformulation of some algorithms that can be
easily expressed in procedural languages. We there-
fore plan to add support for imperative shader frag-
ments while maintaining composability.
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petence center VRVis is funded by BMVIT, BMWFJ,
and City of Vienna (ZIT) within the scope of COMET
Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies. The
program COMET is managed by FFG.
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