Visual Analysis of Perceptual and Cognitive Processes
Michael Raschke
, Tanja Blascheck
, Marianne Richter
, Tanja Agapkin
and Thomas Ertl
Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems, University of Stuttgart, Universit
atsstrasse 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
EXC Simulation Technology, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 5a, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Visual Analysis, Perception Processes, Cognition Processes, Visualization.
The success of visualization techniques depends on their support of perceptual and cognitive processes to
perceive the graphically represented information. Apart from measuring accuracy rates of correctly given
answers and completion times in user studies, eye tracking experiments provide an additional technique to
analyze perceptual and cognitive processes of visual tasks. This paper presents an interdisciplinary approach
for studying structures of scan paths by visual means. We propose to annotate graphical elements with semantic
information. This annotation allows us to analyze the fixation sequences on these annotated graphical elements
with respect to reading processes, visual search strategies, and visual reasoning.
A key factor for the success of a visualization tech-
nique is the efficiency of how users perceive infor-
mation using this visualization technique. Apart
from measuring completion times and recording
accuracy rates of correctly given answers during task
performances, eye tracking experiments provide an
additional technique to analyze how the attention of a
visualization observer is changing on a presented stim-
ulus. Therefore, gazes on the stimulus are recorded
and afterwards aggregated to fixations and saccades
for measuring which areas on the stimulus have been
focused on. These scan paths show fixations dur-
ing a moment-by-moment processing of a visual
task (Koerner, 2011), (Rayner, 1998) and therefore
are most suitable to identify or differentiate between
comprehension processes (Grant and Spivey, 2002).
To better study cognitive and perceptual processes
during a visual task, we propose to annotate task
relevant areas (areas of interest) on the stimulus with
information about the semantic meaning of graphi-
cal elements inside these areas. As an appropriate
visualization technique to study both declarative
and procedural cognitive processes we are using the
parallel scan path visualization technique (Raschke
et al., 2012). By mapping semantic information to
the area of interest axes in the parallel scan path
visualization our approach allows us to study mental
processes such as visual search, visual reasoning as
well as cross-checking behavior.
Eye tracking is used in a wide field of user experi-
ments in psychology, cognitive science, marketing,
visualization, human-computer, and human-machine
interaction. This paper will focus on the analysis of
eye tracking experiments in the visualization research
domain. One example of an eye tracking study in
visualization research is the comparison of different
types of graph layouts such as radial, orthogonal
and traditional conducted by Burch et al. (Burch
et al., 2011). We will later use this eye tracking
experiment for a demonstration of our approach.
Another example is the eye tracking experiment by
Huang et al. Their results show that graphs are read
following a geodesic-path tendency. As a result, links
which go towards the target node are more likely
to be searched first (Huang et al., 2009). Kim et al.
investigate the influence of peripheral vision during
the perception of visualizations (Kim et al., 2012).
Different approaches have been developed to
analyze eye tracking data. One approach is to an-
alyze eye tracking results with statistical methods
to find correlations between different dimensions
in the recorded eye tracking data (Holmqvist et al.,
2011). These correlations can later be identified with
metrics such as cognitive workload. The statistical
analysis can be supported by techniques from visual
analytics as discussed by Andrienko et al. (Andrienko
et al., 2012). If the definition of areas of interest is
possible, string editing algorithms can be used to find
Raschke M., Blascheck T., Richter M., Agapkin T. and Ertl T..
Visual Analysis of Perceptual and Cognitive Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0004687802840291
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP-2014), pages 284-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-005-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
patterns in eye movements between these areas of
interest (Duchowski et al., 2010).
Classical visualization approaches for eye tracking
data are heat map (Wooding, 2002) and scan path visu-
alizations (Spakov and Miniotas, 2007). Different ap-
proaches of eye tracking data visualizations have been
developed to satisfy various kinds of experimental set-
ups and research questions. One implementation of an
eye tracking data visualization is eSeeTrack by Tsang
et al. that combines a time line and a tree-structured
visual representation to extend current eye-tracking vi-
sualizations by extracting patterns of sequential gaze
orderings (Tsang et al., 2010). A method, which can
be classified in-between visual and statistical analysis
techniques, is presented by Ponsoda et al. The authors
use transition matrices for analyzing eye movement
recordings during free viewing (Ponsoda et al., 1995).
Opportunities and challenges for developing new vi-
sualization techniques for eye tracking data analysis
have been discussed by Ramloll et al. (Ramloll et al.,
Although many approaches have been developed
to analyze eye movements, the interpretation of one
or more scan paths with respect to focused areas on
the stimulus and relating cognitive and perceptual
processes is complicated and there is no common way
of interpretation. To fill this gap between statistical
results or visualizations of eye-tracking data and their
interpretation, Conversy et al. present a descriptive
model of visual scanning (Conversy et al., 2011).
The authors have developed a method to describe an
idealized scanning of visual representations. Where
the assumption of an idealized scan path is useful
for designing visualizations or simulation models
of cognition processes, typical scan paths from eye
tracking experiments do not show this ideal behavior.
Therefore, common patterns of eye movements have
to be extracted in order to formulate ideal scan paths.
Additionally, these findings can also be used to set
up models for simulating perceptual and cognitive
processes of visual understanding (Pinker, 1990;
Lohse, 1993; Shah, 1997). In our work we propose
to annotate areas on a visualization with semantic
information to better analyze the scan paths on the
stimulus with respect to procedural and declarative
knowledge processes. Besides using only simple
word lists of identifiers for graphical elements our
approach goes further and allows us to annotate areas
on visualizations with more complex information
from ontological models about graphical knowledge
as presented by Pinker et al. in his visual search
modeling algorithms.
Finally, an adequate visualization technique is
missing, that both graphically shows fixation se-
quences on annotated areas on a stimulus and allows
to study cognitive and perceptual processes. In this
work we will use the parallel scan path visualization
technique that maps gaze durations and fixations
inside areas of interest to vertical axes in one dia-
gram (Raschke et al., 2012). Areas of interest are
defined on the stimulus and are mapped to vertical
coordinate axes in the parallel scan path plot. The
leftmost axis indicates time, starting from the bottom
of the diagram with the start time of the eye tracking
measurement. The orientation of the parallel scan
path visualization is arbitrary. In the following we
use a vertical time axis from bottom (start of the
scan path recording) to top (end of the scan path
recording) as introduced in the original work. The
horizontal axis displays all selected areas of interest
as independent values. Saccades between areas of
interest are indicated with dashed lines. Ascending
lines indicate fixations outside given areas of interest.
Using the parallel scan path visualization for our
approach, areas of interest axes in the parallel scan
path visualization will be identified with semantically
annotated areas on the stimulus.
Our concept is based on three assumptions according
to findings during eye tracking user studies and to the
To perform a given task using a visualization,
task relevant areas on the stimulus are focused
on in serial order. We assume that the sequence
of fixations on these areas represent perceptual
and cognitive processes (Koerner, 2011), (Rayner,
1998), (Grant and Spivey, 2002).
For the analysis of perception and knowledge
processes we are dividing up knowledge into
declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge
according to standard classification of psychology
and cognitive sciences (Anderson et al., 2004a).
Based on this definition we classify an information
seeking method on a stimulus using two kinds
of visual tasks: 1) Visual search and reading
processes without drawing a conclusion - the
semantic meaning of graphical elements and
declarative knowledge is of interest - (cf. Fig-
ure 2a+d) and 2) tasks where the observer of
a visualization has to draw a conclusion - the
syntactical relations of graphical elements are of
additional interest. Declarative knowledge as well
as procedural knowledge play an important role
(cf. Figure 2b+c,e+f).
Figure 1: Graphical elements are annotated with semantic
information either from an ontology or by using identifiers
from word lists. The fixation sequence is analyzed with the
parallel scan path visualization technique.
Based on these three assumptions this paper con-
tributes an analysis concept with three steps (cf. Fig-
ure 1):
Task relevant areas on the stimulus have to be iden-
These areas have to be semantically annotated with
respect to the meaning of graphical elements inside
these areas. This annotation can either be done
classically with identifiers from word lists or with
links to elements from an ontology that describes
graphical elements and their relations for a given
visualization concept.
Finally, saccades between these areas as well as
fixation durations and summarized fixation dura-
tions outside these areas are visually analyzed.
In the following we will describe these three steps
in more detail.
3.1 Identification of Task Relevant
In most cases, areas with a high density of fixations of
one or more participants indicate graphical elements
which are relevant to perform a given task. These ar-
eas can simply be identified with heat maps (cf. Fig-
ure 1, middle). After relevant graphical elements of
the stimulus are identified, areas of interest are defined
which contain these graphical elements.
3.2 Annotation of Task Relevant Areas
Areas of interest are annotated with information about
their semantic meaning (cf. Figure 1, top). The se-
mantic information could be the type of the graphical
element, its name, or a reference to another resource
that contains further information about this graphical
element depending on the research question. An
adequate naming of the graphical elements is crucial
for the syntactic and semantic analysis of the scan
paths (Perini, 2005), (Pinker, 1990). If an ontology
or a model of visualization knowledge is available,
additional information such as the relationship of
focused graphical elements can be used during the
3.3 Visual Analysis
Figures 2a-c show three exemplary parallel scan
path visualizations for a) visual search and reading
processes, b) visual reasoning, and c) mixed pro-
cesses representing different types of perceptual and
cognitive processes.
Figure 2a shows an idealized scan path for reading
the position of a given point in a Cartesian coordinate
system (Figure 2d shows the stimulus). An idealized
fixation sequence could be the following: focus on the
data point (1), on the x-axis to read the corresponding
x-value (2), on the data point again (3), followed by a
reading of the vertical position on the y-axis (4). At
this moment, all task relevant graphical elements have
been focused on at least one time to answer the task.
Figure 2b shows the idealized scan path for the task
“Why is the road wet?” (cf. Figure 2e) that could be to
first focus on the road (1), then on the puddle (2), on
the cloud (3), on the sun (4), and on the fire hydrant
(5). Finally, the attention could move to the puddle
again (6). This fixation sequence shows single steps
of logical reasoning: The solution is to verify, if there
is rain coming from the cloud (false), or if the fire
hydrant is sprinkling (true), or if both is true (false).
Finally, Figure 2c shows an ideal scan path for the task
“Is the lowest temperature of all given temperatures in
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 2: Idealized scan paths which show simple examples of scan paths to illustrate the visual analysis approach presented in
this paper: visual search processes (a+d) and reading of plotted values in a diagram, an exemplary reasoning task (b+e) and an
exemplary visual analysis of a simple mixed task with visual search, reading, and reasoning (c+f).
southern France lower than the given temperature in
northern France?” (cf. Figure 2f). The idealized scan
path shows a first fixation on the
C label in the
south east of France (1), then on the
C label in the
south (2). The next step is to move the attention to the
northern part of France to read the
C label (3). By
memorizing the lower temperature from the south and
comparing it with the one in the north the answer to the
question can be given. This fixation sequence indicates
that declarative knowledge has to be memorized and
processed. Times for reading the temperature values
and memorizing them as well as restoring them again
from memory can be directly seen in the visualization.
In this section we will demonstrate how the presented
approach can be applied to four case studies using
data from real eye tracking experiments. Due to our
work aiming at demonstrating the presented approach,
we will concentrate on showing fixation sequences of
some exemplary stimuli and participants. The first
three case studies are based on a pilot study with ten
participants. With this pilot study we tested the exper-
imental design and set-up for a future eye tracking
experiment with forty participants to study perception
and cognition processes in different visualization
scenarios. For every scenario, we have designed a
separate experiment with a within-subject study de-
sign. At the beginning of every scenario, participants
were given a short tutorial with instructions to the
following task. Afterwards the actual experiment was
started. Before every measurement in a scenario, we
calibrated the eye tracker system Tobii T60 XL with
the calibration algorithm implemented in Tobii Studio
2.7. To further confirm this calibration of all stimuli
during a run of a task, we showed a black cross in the
center of the screen between every stimulus. Subjects
had to focus on this marker. To start a task in a sce-
nario, participants had to press a key on the keyboard.
Then, the stimulus was presented. Subjects had to
press a key on the keyboard again, if they were sure to
answer the given question. The stimulus disappeared
and the black cross was presented again. Then, the
participants had to give their answer. The fourth
case study is based on a an experiment conducted by
Burch et al. Due to space limitation we will refer to
the original work (Burch et al., 2011) for a detailed
description of the experiment.
4.1 Fixation Loops during a Visual Task
Twenty-four different bar charts were used in the
first task block and have synthetically been generated
with randomized values for each category. To study
different visual search strategies we have used four
types of labels of the x-axis: alphabetically, non-
alphabetically, with increasing numbers, and with
randomized numbers. Participants had to perform two
classes of tasks: 1) read the value of a bar for a given
category and 2) compare the values of two bars of two
given categories with each other and state the value
of the higher one. In this sub section, we will show
results of an analysis of one stimulus and recorded
fixations of one participant who has performed a
task of the first task class. A demonstration of an
analysis for a result from the second task class will
be given in the next sub section. Figure 3a shows a
stimulus presenting a bar chart. In this example we
have used a numerical labeling of the bar categories
with continuous, increasing, natural numbers. The
participant had to read the value of the bar with
category “7”. Figure 3b shows a heat map over all
ten participants for this task. The annotated areas on
the stimulus are presented in c). We have defined
four areas of interest: one for the label indicating
bar category “7”, one at the top point of the bar and
one at the corresponding value label on the y-axis.
A fourth area of interest was used to check, if the
participant had focused on the black cross at the
beginning of the task. Figure 3d shows the parallel
scan path visualization of the fixation sequence for
one participant. The completion time for this task
and this participant was approximately 4.5 seconds.
First, the participant focused on the black cross, then
searched for the bar label. Afterwards, his attention
alternately moved from the bar top to the bar value
and back, followed by a short check of the correct
category. At this moment, he has focused on all task
relevant graphical elements on the stimulus and thus
could have answered the task. However, he did not
state the answer, but performed another reading of the
bar value to cross-check his answer. This second loop
of fixations can clearly be seen in the fixation plot
starting at 3 seconds.
4.2 Visual Search
Figure 4a shows one stimulus for the second class of
tasks of the first task block with a heat map of all par-
ticipants (b), the areas of interest with the annotations
(c), and the parallel scan path plot of one participant
from the experiment (d). The task was to compare the
values of the bars of category “H” and category “B”
and to give the value of the higher one. The visualiza-
tion shows, that the participant at first searched for the
labels of category “H” and “B” starting from the label
“I”. This process is shown by an ascending plot line
from left to right in the parallel scan path plot starting
from the bottom with two fixations on label “H”. The
completion time for this visual search process is ap-
proximately 4.5 seconds. Once, the location of the bar
for the categories “H” and “B” were found, the par-
ticipant compared the height of the top points of the
bar. This is graphically represented by an alternating
attention between “top point bar B” and “top point bar
H”. Finally, the participant read the bar value for bar
“H” by moving his attention to the area of interest on
the y-axis with the bar values.
4.3 Visual Analysis of Reasoning
In a second task block we studied reasoning processes
using Venn diagrams. We presented ten Venn dia-
grams with different numbers of elements to study
different levels of logical complexity. One stimulus
is shown in Figure 5a. In this task block partici-
pants had to answer logical questions such as “How
many people have a high school graduation (in Ger-
man Abitur”) or got their dream job (in German
“Traumjob”) solely by absolving an apprenticeship (in
German “Ausbildung”)?”, see Figure 5. These ques-
tions represent logical reasoning processes based on
logical AND, OR, NAND, NOR, and XOR relations.
A heat map over all participants’ fixations is shown in
Figure 5b, annotated areas of interest on the stimulus
are presented in c), and the parallel scan path of one
participant in d). In total, we have defined seven areas
of interest. Three areas of interest represent the three
labels for the plotted categories on the right side of the
stimulus, and four areas of interest show task relevant
information such as the number of people with high
school graduation, dream jobs, and apprenticeship
(numbers inside ellipses).
The parallel scan path visualization shows, that in
the first two seconds of the experiment, the participant
focused on the labels on the right side of the diagram.
Once these three categories were identified and men-
tally memorized the participant alternatively moved
his attention between the areas of interest “Number of
people with high school graduation and dream job”,
“Number of people with a dream job”, and “Number
of people with a dream job and apprenticeships”. This
second phase represents the logical reasoning process.
In the last third of the experiment the participant
checked the category labels again and finally stated
the answer.
4.4 Visual Analysis of Cross-Checking
in a Complex Visualization Scenario
Burch et al. evaluated traditional, orthogonal, and
radial tree diagrams and compared accuracy, com-
pletion times, and exploration behavior to test six
hypotheses for the task: “Find the least common
ancestor from a set of marked leaf nodes. (Burch
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: We have studied how participants read values of a bar of a given category in our pilot study. This example shows
the task “Please, read the value of bar ’7’.”. The stimulus for this task is shown in a), a heat map of all participants in b), the
annotated areas of interest on the stimulus in c), and finally, the parallel scan path visualization of one participant in d). The
analysis shows, that this participant performed one “fixation loop” in the second half of the experiment before stating the
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4: This example shows results of the task “Compare the value of category ’H’ with the value of category ’B’ and state
the value of the higher one.”. In d) the ascending parallel scan path from left to right in the first half of the experiment shows
the fixations of the visual search process for finding the two labels “H” and “B” followed by comparing the bar heights.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5: In a second task block we have studied reasoning processes using Venn diagrams. These figures show results of the
analysis of the task “How many people have a high school graduation (in German “Abitur”) or got their dream job (in German
“Traumjob”) solely by absolving an apprenticeship (in German “Ausbildung”)?”. For a detail description of the analysis we
refer to the text in section “Case Studies”.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6: These four figures show results of the fourth case study where we demonstrate how the presented approach can be
used to analyze processes of cross-checking during performing a given task, as discussed by Burch et al.
et al., 2011). For a demonstration of our approach we
will concentrate on the second part of their fifth hy-
pothesis “[...] cross-checking is used more frequently
in the radial layouts.”. In the case of their experiment
“cross-checking” means, that participants find a so-
lution for the task and verify this solution several
times. In a follow up work Burch et al. proved this
hypothesis using visual analytics techniques (Burch
et al., 2013). We can verify their results using our
approach. Figure 6a shows a radial tree diagram
stimulus from the experiment together with the heat
map of all participants (Figure 6b). Relevant graphical
elements are the solutions (on the left, below the blue
point which indicates the root node of the tree) given
by the participants and three marked leaf nodes 1,
2, and 3 (marked by three red arrows in the original
experiment), see Figure 6c. The parallel scan path
visualization is presented in Figure 6d for the time
interval between
. It shows three selected
participants (blue, red, and green) from the exper-
iment. The fixation sequence of the green subject
shows, that he at first focused on leaf node 3, then on
the solution, and then on leaf node 3 again. Next, his
attention moved to the other two leaf nodes and the
solution. He did not perform a cross-checking and
answered the question after approximately
. At
this moment he has focused on all relevant semantic
graphical elements for this task. This eye movement
pattern can be interpreted as an ideal scan path. The
blue subject performed cross-checking after having
focused on all relevant graphical elements during
approximately the first
of the measurement. The
red participant first shifted his attention between leaf
node 3 and 1, then between leaf node 2 and 1.
()A crucial question for analyzing eye tracking results
is whether the recorded eye movements reflect mental
processes? There has been a long discussion going
on about this question and it is not yet clearly an-
swered. Some works argue that mental processes and
eye movements are not correlating (e.g. (Anderson
et al., 2004b)), others argue that eye movements
reflect mental activities which they call the “Eye-Mind
Hypothesis” (e.g. (Just and Carpenter, 1980) and
(Rayner, 1998)). Results of our eye tracking experi-
ments show that fixations and sequences of fixations
on a stimulus correlate with cognitive processes. We
think, that this question cannot be answered with a
definite “yes” or “no”. It depends on the complexity
of the visualization, the visual task and the required
mental processes. But we believe, that the presented
approach can be helpful for discussing this question.
The second step of our analysis approach is to an-
notate graphical elements with information about their
semantic meaning. In this step an adequate naming
of the graphical elements is extremely important for
a goal oriented analysis and correct interpretation of
the fixation sequences. The question how an adequate
naming can be found is an open question and has
to be investigated in future work. In our work, we
have proposed to either use identifier from word lists
according to standard approaches in eye tracking
research or to link areas of interest to elements of an
ontology. This ontology can then be used during the
eye tracking analysis and for the set-up of a cognitive
model about declarative knowledge of graphical
elements. Another issue about the annotation concept
is, that the parallel scan path visualization technique
only allows non-overlapping areas of interest. Thus,
we cannot annotate graphical elements which are
overlapping. This overlapping of several semantic
annotation areas additionally leads to further questions
about knowledge modeling as in our case it is not
clear which semantic meaning of an area of interest
on the stimulus is relevant.
During the analysis of the pilot study results we
found limitations of the parallel scan path visualiza-
tion technique. The fourth case study shows, that
the higher the number of visualized participants is,
the more difficult it becomes to find common eye
movement patterns due to visual clutter of the parallel
scan path visualization technique. To reduce this
visual clutter, we propose to implement filtering,
aggregation, and contextual focusing algorithms into
the visualization tool. Additional pattern recognition
algorithms such as Levenshtein distance can be used
to pre-process the eye tracking data. Thus, only
fixation sequences will be shown which are relevant
for a certain research question. If two participants
strongly vary in their completion times, their comple-
tion times could be scaled in order to plot them on
the same axis length. This would make it possible to
better compare different fixation time stamps with
each other and thus, compare different visual search
strategies. Another limitation is caused by the limited
number of vertical axes which can be presented in the
visualization. Additionally, an optimal ordering of
these axes can positively influence the analysis. An
automatic ordering could be done using information
from transition matrices.
This paper contributes an approach to visually analyze
eye tracking data with respect to perceptual and cog-
nitive processes based on a semantic annotation of
graphical elements inside the visualization. To be able
to use the concept in practice we have implemented
a prototype and have presented four case studies
covering reading processes, visual search strategies,
visual reasoning and cross-checking. Finally, we have
discussed limitations of this approach and presented
possible improvements for future work. Besides
tackling limitations in future work, we are planning
to use the analysis concept during the development
of cognitive models for visual search and visual
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