from 3361 to 3865 for example. The facial features
cannot be located before image compensation, but
the Viola-Jones like detector can detect the facial
features after image compensation.
Our proposed method using image compensation
has a very high location rate (94.9% on average)
except in the following situations. In frame 281 of
Figure 11, the driver moves his face forward, which
caused the shape distortion of his face and thus we
failed to locate his facial features. They will be
located again when the driver’s face returns to its
original position. When the vehicle moves in the
tunnel, the facial features are not visible in such low
illumination. Frame 2857 is a case where the facial
features are occluded (in this case by the driver’s
hand). Our tracking algorithm can predict the
expected position, but we still consider such a case
as a failed location.
Frame 281 Frame 1360 Frame 2857 Frame 3435
Figure 11: Illustrations of fail detection.
In frame 281, the driver moves his head forward and
outside the monitoring range. There is very
illumination in frame 1360, so we cannot see the
facial features, even after applying image
compensation. The facial features are occluded in
frame 2857. In frame 3435, the facial features
cannot be located due to low illumination and
While there have already been many vision systems
reported for detecting and monitoring driver
drowsiness or fatigue, few systems have utilized
chromatic images for their input data. In this article,
we presented a system for monitoring a driver’s
features using as input data color images acquired by
a video camera. Although colors provide rich
information, they suffer from low intensity and
brightness variation. Particularly in the case of
driving, due to the vehicle’s motion, the
environmental light projecting on the driver may
change rapidly. We introduced a method of image
compensation for handling these variations. This
process can significantly improve the location rate of
the facial features under traditionally poor
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