Extending Space Colonization Tree Modeling for Artistic Control and
Environmental Interactions
Owen Patrick
, Manjeet Rege
and Reynold Bailey
Department of Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, U.S.A.
Department of Graduate Programs in Software, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tree Modeling, Space Colonization.
There are a growing number of modeling techniques and algorithms for creating and modifying tree structures,
both quickly and realistically. Many of these tools are part of larger software packages used for architecture
or landscaping designs. In these tools the tree models are static and come from a library selection. In other
areas, such as 3D modeling and design in film and animation, the tree creation tools are more open for artistic
creativity and freedom of control. Much research has also been done on growing trees that are sensitive to some
environment. That is, growing tree models where genus type, and natural and artificial environment factors
are taken into heavy consideration. In this paper, we present an approach that facilitates user creativity while
still providing a realistic response to environment factors. Our system adapts the Space Colonization Tree
Modeling approach to allow for continued branch addition as well as environmental interaction. Feedback
from experienced modelers who participated in a user study revealed that our approach generated the tree
skeleton structures they intended and also provided realistic interaction with the environment.
Though often overlooked by consumers of most
forms of computer generated imagery, botanical tree
models are used in many different applications in-
cluding gaming, movies, urban modeling, and land-
scape and architecture design. Tree modeling is there-
fore well-researched in different areas of computer
graphics as their creation is not a trivial task in most
respects. There are many variations of tree shapes,
structures and canopies all of which are controlled or
modified by both endogenous information (individual
plants genetics) and by exogenous influences (the sur-
rounding environment) (Pirk et al., 2012). These fac-
tors must be kept in mind by artists and modelers as
different tree systems and algorithms may have limi-
tations on the types of trees and branches that can be
simulated. Also the context of the application must
be considered as not all instances require a highly de-
tailed or interactive model.
Many existing tree modeling systems have either
focused on providing artistic control or on generating
realistic response to natural and artificial environment
factors. However there has been very little work to
bridge the gap between these two approaches. In this
paper, we present an approach that facilitates user cre-
Figure 1: Tree modeled using our modified space coloniza-
tion technique adapts to the addition of an obstacle to the
ativity while still providing a realistic response to en-
vironment factors. Our system adapts the Space Col-
onization Tree Modeling technique (Runions et al.,
2007) to allow for continued branch addition as well
as environmental interaction. We invited modeling
students to use our system and they reported that our
approach generated the tree skeleton structures they
intended and also provided realistic interaction with
the environment.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
Patrick O., Rege M. and Bailey R..
Extending Space Colonization Tree Modeling for Artistic Control and Environmental Interactions.
DOI: 10.5220/0004690501280135
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2014), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-002-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 2: Space Colonization. Initial point cloud in a defined volume (left). Resulting tree model using standard Space
Colonization technique (middle). Tree modeled using our modified space colonization technique adapts to the addition of
obstacles to the environment (right).
lows: background and related work is presented in
section 2, implementation details are presented in sec-
tion 3, the results of a user study involving experi-
enced modelers is presented in section 4, and the pa-
per concludes in section 5 with a summary of the con-
tributions and potential avenues of future research.
Direct modeling of trees using NURBS or other para-
metric techniques allow the user to manually create
and position branches until the desired tree structure
is attained. Although such approaches offer a high
level of artistic control, they are too time consum-
ing to be practical for most applications. To over-
come this problem, procedural techniques arose to au-
tomatically create less artistically dependent models
quickly based on the traversal and application of spe-
cific rules that were created and modified by the mod-
eler. These rules controlled things such as branching
behavior, branch length, and branch angles (Smith,
1984). Various biological studies of tree structure
helped to lay the foundation for these rule-based sys-
tems (Lindenmayer, 1968; Honda, 1971; Kawaguchi,
1982; Bloomenthal, 1985; de Reffye et al., 1988).
Several user assisted systems have emerged that
attempt to balance the procedural approaches with
that of direct modeling. Many of these systems of-
fer the modeler an extensive array of parameters to
finely control the characteristics of the tree structure.
Weber and Penn (Weber and Penn, 1995), and more
recently Deussen and Lintermann (Deussen and Lin-
termann, 2010), present user assisted tree modeling
systems that rely on basic geometric principles rather
than trying to adhere to botanical rules. We adopt a
similar approach in this work.
To achieve visually accurate models, some re-
searchers have designed techniques that utilize im-
ages of trees and tree branch structures. The images
can be either registered (Reche-Martinez et al., 2004)
or unregistered (Neubert et al., 2007). In both cases,
the modeler still has to specify certain parameters for
the branches. Other systems combine image-based
approaches with rule-based techniques or directly use
sketch-based techniques to provide additional con-
trol (Chen et al., 2008; Longay et al., 2012).
Researchers have also studied physically-based
approaches for tree modeling. Various systems have
attempted to simulate the effect of either endogenous
influences, exogenous influences, or both. Some of
the factors considered in these systems include inter-
nal water flow of the plant, the tendency for climb-
ing plants to latch on to structures, the effect of grav-
ity, competition for resources, phototropism, and the
presence of obstacles in the environment (M
ech and
Prusinkiewicz, 1996; Hart and Baker, 1996; Bene
and Mill
an, 2002; Bene
s et al., 2009; Pirk et al.,
2012). While these physically-based systems typi-
cally produce visually pleasing results and allow for
realistic (and in some cases computationally efficient)
response to changing environmental factors, they of-
fer limited creative control. In this paper, we adapt the
Space Colonization Tree Modeling approach to facil-
itate user creativity while still providing a realistic re-
sponse to environment factors
2.1 Space Colonization
The Space Colonization Algorithm for modeling
trees (Runions et al., 2007) is a procedural tech-
nique that serves as the backbone for our approach.
The method itself is much like other procedural al-
gorithms. It uses a simple rule-based approach and
mimics the fight for resources that trees and other
plants engage in for growth. A volume is first defined
in space with a specified number of randomly placed
points (see Figure 2). This represents an initial point
cloud structure that is placed around a set of starting
branch nodes. Each point in the cloud has two pri-
mary values; an influence radius i
and a kill radius k
The influence radius defines the effect a given point
Figure 3: Screenshot of user interface showing two overlapping initial point clouds.
may have on branches nearby. This represents the re-
source that branches in the system would be attracted
to. The kill radius is an area that removes the point
from the system once a branch has overlapped with
it - representing both the depletion of resources for
branch growth and the algorithm’s terminating case.
Branches in the system are all of unit length and
each has a general grow direction. The algorithm cy-
cles through all branches and computes a direction
vector to all points whose influence radii it may fall
in. When finished it adds a new branch to the sys-
tem in that direction. It then checks all new branches
against the kill radii of points still in the system. Once
a branch enters the kill radius of a point, that point
is removed from the point cloud. This process is re-
peated until there are no more points in the cloud. The
technique produces attractive and, in general, physi-
cally plausible results.
Pirk et. al. (Pirk et al., 2012) noted that one of
the drawbacks of the Space Colonization technique is
the need to regrow the entire tree structure to adapt
to changing external factors. In their approach, they
instead take a fully formed tree skeleton as the base
model and compute its method of growth. In do-
ing this they have the total span of branches that
could possibly be created and so can adapt the tree to
varying surroundings. Their system provides visually
pleasing results, however their system is still locked
into the set of branches that are initially provided and
adding more is not possible. Furthermore, the pre-
computation required for their models is quite expen-
sive. In our approach we augment the space coloniza-
tion technique by way of parametrization and present
it in context for user assisted modeling. This enables a
greater amount of artistic freedom while still provid-
ing realistic response to the surrounding environment.
We implemented our system in two different environ-
ments to allow usability testing on both a portable lap-
top and a stand-alone desktop. The specification of
each system is shown in the table below:
Laptop Desktop
OS Ubuntu 12.04 Windows 8
CPU Intel Core i5
(2.50 GHz)
Intel Core i5
GPU Nvidia GeForce
GT 540M
Nvidia GeForce
GTX 660 Ti
To ensure cross-platform capabilities, we use Qt
IDE - Qt Creator for user-interface development. Our
software is written in C++ and utilizes OpenGL as the
rendering agent.
3.1 Approach
Our approach can be split into three main processes:
1. Growing the tree model using the space col-
onization approach proposed by Runions et
al. (Runions et al., 2007).
2. Ensuring the model conforms to external physical
factors. To accomplish this we emulate the ap-
proach proposed by Pirk et al. (Pirk et al., 2012).
3. Providing a mechanism for continuing tree growth
based on user input. The additional growth also
conforms to the external physical factors.
The user interface provides the modeler with sev-
eral options to create point clouds of varying sizes
based on four basic shapes; sphere, ellipse, cone, and
cube. The modeler can create any number of starting
point clouds and position them in the scene as needed
(see Figure 3). Each cloud will have its own influence
and kill radius applied if needed. These point clouds
are placed around an initial set of branches that rep-
resent the starting trunk (or root) of the branch sys-
tem. For this project, we have implemented an initial
trunk that grows perpendicular to the ground-plane.
The user has the ability to modify the width and num-
ber of starting branches (recall that all branches are
unit length). An initial point cloud and starting trunk
setup is shown in Figure 2 on the left and the result-
ing tree structure is shown in the middle. The user can
then specify different obstacles in the scene or chose
to add on to current set of branches by specifying ad-
ditional point clouds. This process can be repeated
until the user is satisfied with the result.
The space colonization growth process is compu-
tationally intensive and even with preprocessing to
speed this up, the modeler has no way of predict-
ing what the final tree structure will be beyond the
general space the branches will occupy (based on the
point cloud they specify). To overcome this prob-
lem and provide finer artistic control, we extend the
basic space colonization technique by providing a
parameter called step size which allows the user to
specify how many nodes should be processed before
pausing the growth algorithm. The modeler can set
small step sizes to periodically pause and preview the
tree’s growth. They can also modify, remove, or add
new point cloud information or change kill radius or
influence radius parameters to affect the subsequent
growth of the branches. Note that since we maintain
age information of the branches that the modeler can
also reverse branch-growth to return to an earlier stage
of the tree where they can also make changes.
For every iteration of growth (i.e. whenever new
branches are added to the existing tree) we cycle
Figure 4: Octree spatial data structure used to speed up col-
lision testing between branches and obstacles in the envi-
through the tree, starting from the branch tips (any
branches without children) and add girth going to-
wards the root node. This girth is changed at each
age step and also when the user dynamically alters
the tree’s age, environment, or the girth value itself.
At any step of the growth process, the modeler can
add obstacles to the scene. The addition (or modifi-
cation) of obstacles triggers an intersection test that
checks each branch in the tree against each obstacle
in the scene. Furthermore, once the obstacle is in
place, the test must be conducted for each subsequent
iteration. To speed up this process, we use an octree
spatial data structure to store and retrieve branch po-
sition information as shown in Figure 4. If a branch is
found to be in a space occupied by an obstacle, an iter-
ative function is called which systematically disables
that branch and all children it may have, the results of
which can be seen in Figure 2 (right).
3.2 Gravitropism
In our system, we have implemented an option for a
loose variation of gravitropism where the gravity in-
fluences the direction of branch growth. Unlike the
work in TreeSketch (Longay et al., 2012), our im-
plementation does not modify existing branches as
this requires that the complete tree be regrown. Of
course we can go back in time and modify an earlier
stage of the growth process if that is the effect de-
sired by the artist. Our gravitropism effect is accom-
plished by further modifying the basic space coloniza-
tion method to grow new branches by taking in an ad-
ditional weighted direction vector to account for the
addition of gravity. The weight applied to each branch
is scaled by the distance from the current branch node
to the center of the branch system. This means that
the further a branch is from the tree center, the more
it will bend towards the ground plane. A more elab-
Figure 5: Trees modeled with different amounts of gravitropism weights. As seen on the right, large weights can result in
unnatural looking tree structures.
Figure 6: Examples illustrating the level of control available to the artist with our system.
orate method could also be implemented to take into
account the summed weight of the children branches
supported by the current branch node. Figure 5 shows
some results using different amounts of gravitropism
weights. Note that large weights can result in unre-
alistic results however this is completely within the
artist’s control.
3.3 Artist control
As described above, the artist has the ability to pause
growth at any time and to modify the point cloud and
other parameters to influence the future growth of the
tree. With this level of control, the artist can of course
create unnatural looking trees. However, regardless
of how extreme the resulting models are, they will
still react in an appropriate manner to obstacles in the
environment. Figure 6 shows some examples which
illustrate the level of control that is available to the
Figure 7 shows how our tool can be used to gen-
erate tree structures that are visually similar to real
world scenes. The photographs on the left show the
front and side view of a tree between two bike sta-
tions. We did a rough mockup of the bike stations in
Maya and left space for the tree in the middle. The
Maya scene was imported into our tool which was
then used to generate the tree model to fill the space.
We conducted a user study in order to assess the use-
fulness of our tool in the workflow of experienced
modelers. Six modelers (4 males, 2 females) with at
least one year experience with packages such as Maya
and Maxon Cinema 4D volunteered to participate in
our study.
For each participant, the first 10 minutes of the
study were for an introduction and tutorial about our
system. They then spent 20 minutes using the tool and
5 minutes completing a survey. During the 20-minute
session, they were tasked with setting up a scene with
a tree and one or more obstacles. We instructed the
subjects to only consider tree structure and to disre-
gard lighting/shading and other visual effects as that
was not the focus of our work.
The survey consisted of four statements and the
responses were based on a Likert scale ranging from
1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree):
S1. The structure of botanical trees affects the visual
Figure 7: Using our tool to generate trees that have the same structure and response to the environment as real-world trees.
Photographs on left show front and side view of tree between two bike stations. Images on the right show corresponding
rendered views.
Figure 8: Results of survey completed by six experienced modelers.
appeal of digital imagery.
S2. When obstacles are present, the resulting tree
shape appears realistic.
S3. The controls provided allow you to create the tree
structure you intended.
S4. I would like to see this tree modeling approach
become part of the modeler’s work flow.
The results of the questionnaire are shown in Figure 8.
Note that none of the subjects disagreed or strongly
disagreed with any of the statements. A notable ob-
servation from the survey results is that 67% strongly
agreed that our approach to tree modeling should be
part of the modeler’s workflow.
In this paper we presented a system that adapts the
Space Colonization Tree Modeling approach to allow
for continued branch addition as well as environmen-
tal interaction. Our approach facilitates user creativ-
ity while still providing physically plausible models.
The results of a user study with experienced modelers
demonstrates the usefulness of our system.
Our system does have several limitations which
we hope to address as part of our future work.
Our gravitropism implementation, for example, only
works well if the initial point cloud is roughly cen-
tered above the starting trunk. Unrealistically leaning
trees can result if this is not the case as our gravit-
ropism computation for each branch is based on dis-
tance from the trunk. Additional limitations include
the fact that our system does not yet consider light-
ing (phototropism) or curved trunks. We also plan
to further develop our data-structures for branch con-
trol. A branch container would allow us the ability to
implement our own branch clustering algorithms for
interactivity and subsequent balancing strategies. Fi-
nally, we would like to expand this tool to operate on
the GPU to give faster responses and open more doors
for real-time computation.
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