(a) Viewpoint 1 @ 0.1m
(b) Viewpoint 1 @ 0.01m
(c) Viewpoint 7 @ 0.1m
Figure 14: Visibility coverage.
mostly due to partial voxel occupancy. Such under-
estimation leads to more overlap between viewpoints
which is a desirable side effect when considering laser
scanning or security applications. Proposed method
of viewpoint position detection in a multi-agent sys-
tem is capable of providing reasonable results. The
current heuristic of detecting an initial set of potential
viewpoints is however computationally expensive and
should be improved. In the future we plan to explore
different approaches for generating the initial set of
potential viewpoints as well as testing out the method
in a wider range of real world environments.
The authors would like to thank Royal Commission
on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
for help in acquiring and understanding of the datasets
used within the project.
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Economy Skills Scholarships (KESS), which is
part-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)
through the European Union’s Convergence Pro-
gramme (West Wales and the Valleys), administered
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