Table 1: Rank of the subjective visual performance.
C = Contrast, D = Details, N = Naturalness
Rank C D C/N D/N C/D/N
1 d k d f f
2 j f f b d
3 c g h e h
4 h b e h e
5 i e a d b
6 a h c g g
7 e d i a a
8 f a b i i
9 g i g c c
10 b c j k k
11 k j k j j
f is clearly worse but still within the upper range con-
cerning the original 12bit RMS values. Therefore, we
can recommend algorithm d as a tone mapper in in-
dustrial image processing applications where fast ac-
quisition times and high-contrast images are needed.
We have presented a unified framework and modi-
fied tone mapping operators for the purpose of single-
shot HDR imaging. The goal was to enhance the vi-
sually perceived contrast of tone mapped LDR im-
ages, thereby preserving most textural detail of the
original HDR images in both bright and shadowed
regions. The qualitative evaluation shows that this
was successfully achieved with our newly introduced
dynamic scene key approach. It has been shown
that the implementation of tonal normalization after
tonal compression should be taken care of because
the clamping strategy for out of range intensities has
a measurable effect on the subjective perception of
the mapping result. Finally, we introduced a region-
based noise reduction and selective sharpening ap-
proach that can be added to the general tone mapping
framework in order to enhance the performance of al-
ready existing mapping operators. In our evaluation
section we have outlined general criteria for subjec-
tive evaluation of tone mapping results.
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