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1. Acceleo template for ATL code generation from a
DSTL model.
[ t e m p l a t e p r i v ate gRule ( rule : Rule ) ]
rule [ r u l e . a u i t y pe . c o n c at ( ’To ’ ) . con c a t ( nameS t r ing
,→ ( rule . uiel e m ent ) ) / ] {
in_ts k : TDA ! Task ( [ i f ( r u l e . aui t y p e .
,→e q ua l s Ig n o reC a se ( ’ Root ’ ) ) ]
( maintsk . s u per O per a t or . o c lIs U nde f i ned
,→ ( ) ) [ e l s e ]
in_ts k . au i T y pe = #”[ rule . auit y p e / ] ”
[ i f ( r u l e . i n te r a ct i v el y V al i d .
,→e q ua l s Ig n o reC a se ( ’ int e ract i v e ’ ) )
,→ ]
and i n_tsk . i s In t e ra c t iv e lyV a lid ( )
[ / i f ]
[ i f ( r u l e . i n te r a ct i v el y V al i d .
,→e q ua l s Ig n o reC a se ( ’ no t i nte r act i v e
,→’ ) ) ]
and i n_tsk . t y p e =#” a b strac t ” and i n_tsk .
,→i s No t L ea f N orR o ot ( )
[ / i f ]
[ / i f ] )
[ r u l e . u i e leme n t . c O utP a t ter n ( ) / ]
[ / t e m p l a t e ]
2. Excerpt of the DSTL Xtext grammar.
Rule :
’ r u l e
from ’ a u i t ype = Type ( ’ and ’
,→i n te r a ct i v el y Val i d =Valid ) ? ’ to ’
,→u i e leme n t =UIEl e m ent ’; ’ ;
Type :
’ C hoice n /n ’ | ’ Choic e 1/ n ’ | ’ Co n t a ine r ’ | ’
,→Inpu t ’ | ’ Output ’ | ’ C o m mand ’ | ’
,→N a viga t i on ’ | ’ R o o t ’ ;
UIE l e ment :
Windo w | L ist E lem e nt S e le c t or | Bu t t o n | P a n e l
,→ | Dat a F ield | I m ageF i e ld | Te x t Fiel d |
,→T e x tArea ;
Windo w :
’ W indow ’ l a b e l+=Label ? ’ with ’
,→c o nt a i ne d E le m e nt s += Co n c e pt ;
Panel :
’ P a nel ’ labe l += Label ? ’ with ’ c ont a ine d Ele m ent s
,→+=C o n c ept ;
Li s tEl e men t Se l e ct o r :
’ Li s t El e m en t S el e cto r ’ label = Label ? ( ’ with ’
,→c o nt a i ne d E le m e nt s += Co n c e pt ) ? ;
Conc e p t :
’ A ll Co n c e pts ’ | ’ No C oncep t s ’ | s elec t i on +=
,→S e lec t edC o nce p t ∗ ;