an existing syntactic diff-merge tool.
Semantic merging takes into consideration the
semantics of the merged result. Examples of
semantic merging include: merging that results in an
undeclared variable (static conflict), or merging that
results in an inconsistent behavior (behavioral
conflict) like (Berzins, 1994) and (Binkley et al,
Umple merging and versioning tools can be
improved by adopting such enhanced textual
merging techniques. However, there is an inherent
conflict between maintaining language
independence with the merging and versioning tools,
and introducing syntactic and semantic merging.
There are a few approaches that attempt to support
semantic merging without compromising their
language independence, like (Westfechtel, 1991) and
(Edwards, 1997).
We have shown how Umple, a textual notation that
combines modeling elements with traditional
algorithmic code, can facilitate merging and
versioning of both models and code.
We highlighted our view of the problems of
model merging and versioning and how Umple can
help solve them. We have reliably used the Umple
platform, along with merging and versioning using
SVN, to develop Umple itself and other applications.
Key items of future work include exploring the
benefits of intelligent merging, as discussed in the
last section, and conducting additional empirical
evaluation, such as formal usability studies.
Using Umple does not preclude the use of other
modeling tools. For example, we have integrated
Umple with IBM Rational tools and are working on
doing this with open source tools like Papyrus. Such
integration enables modellers to use the visual
editing capabilities in these tools, and still benefit
from the added benefits provided by Umple.
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